0.2.1 • Published 3 years ago

@halqor/makedist v0.2.1

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Last release
3 years ago


Makedist helps developers and administrators prepare a package containing their source code or distributable binary.

It's written in JavaScript but is intended for (eventually) helping to package anything.

Currently on JavaScript projects with package.json are supported.


To install Makedist:

npm install -g @halqor/makedist


To package a NodeJS project with only production dependencies:

cd project_dir

When successful, the output is a single line with the path to the output file. For example:


Change source directory

Instead of looking for package.json in the current directory, you can look in another directory:

makedist --src /path/to/project_dir

Change output directory

Instead of creating an output directory ./makedist, you can choose any other location instead:

makedist --out /tmp/makedist

Change package file name

Instead of creating an output file package.tgz in the output directory, you can name it whatever you like:

makedist --name example.tgz

Select preset

The files and packageInfo options aren't available directly via the command line, but there are a few presets you can select for these.

For example:

makedist --preset script
makedist --preset library
makedist --preset website


Sets the dependencies option to true (unless you override it with --no-dependencies).

Includes dependencies, type, main, and engines top-level properties from package.json.


Sets the dependencies option to true (unless you override it with --no-dependencies).

Includes dependencies, type, bin, and engines top-level properties from package.json.


Sets the dependencies option to false (unless you override it with --dependencies).

Does not include additional top-level properties from package.json.

Show verbose messages

If you need to see more details about what is happening, use the verbose flag:

makedist --verbose
makedist -v


When an option can be defined in multiple places, the following priority order is used:

  1. Command line arguments (override configuration)
  2. Export from makedist.config.mjs or makedist.config.cjs (can actually read makedist from package.json and then override it)
  3. Content of package.json in the 'makedist' section
  4. Built-in defaults (package name is 'package', output directory is 'makedist')

However, not all settings can be defined in all these places.

The following options can ONLY be set via the command line:

  • --src
  • --verbose or -v

The following options can ONLY be set via the configuration file:

  • files (which files to copy into the package; overrides the top-level files section from package.json)
  • packageInfo (which top-level attributes of package.json to copy into the package)


Makedist looks for a file named makedist.config.mjs or makedist.config.cjs or makedist.config.js in the source directory, in that order. Only the first one found is imported.

If you use makedist.config.js, the content can be ESM or CommonJS, and MUST match your project settings in package.json (default is CommonJS if not specified).

The file should export the configuration settings that should be set.

You can export static values, or you can run some JavaScript code before exporting.

Here is an example makedist.config.mjs that sets a static package name:

const name = 'makedist';
export { name };

Here is the same functionality but in 'makedist.config.cjs`:

const name = 'makedist';
module.exports = { name };

Here is an example makedist.config.mjs that sets a dynamic package name based on the name and version fields in package.json:

import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';

const thisFilePath = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const packageJsonFile = path.resolve(path.dirname(thisFilePath), 'package.json');
const packageJsonFileContent = fs.readFileSync(packageJsonFile, 'utf-8');
const pkg = JSON.parse(packageJsonFileContent);

let packageName = pkg.name ?? 'unknown';
if (pkg.name.indexOf('/') > -1) {
    [, packageName] = pkg.name.split('/');
let packageVersion = pkg.version ?? '0.0.0';

const name = `${packageName}-${packageVersion}`;

export { name };

Here is the same functionality but in makedist.config.cjs:

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const packageJsonFile = path.resolve(path.dirname(__filename), 'package.json');
const packageJsonFileContent = fs.readFileSync(packageJsonFile, 'utf-8');
const pkg = JSON.parse(packageJsonFileContent);

let packageName = pkg.name ?? 'unknown';
if (pkg.name.indexOf('/') > -1) {
    [, packageName] = pkg.name.split('/');
let packageVersion = pkg.version ?? '0.0.0';

const name = `${packageName}-${packageVersion}`;

module.exports = { name };


Here is an example package.json that sets a static package name:

    "name": "@halqor/makedist",
    "version": "0.1.2",
    "makedist": {
        "name": "makedist-0.1.2"

Project types


By default, makedist will create a makedist/package directory containing a copy of each file and directory mentioned in the files section of package.json, and also a makedist/package/node_modules directory containing only the packages mentioned in the dependencies section of package.json (and not in the devDependencies), then it will create an output file makedist/package.tgz with the content of the makedist/package directory.


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago