0.11.0 • Published 2 years ago

@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance v0.11.0

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Last release
2 years ago



To build the client you have to pass an object that will provide the API URL, API key and secret key. This allows maximum flexibility.

import { Client } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const client = new Client({
  apiInfoProvider: {
    getApiUrl: async (): Promise<string> => 'binance-api-url',
    getApiKey: async (): Promise<string> => 'binance-api-key',
    getSecretKey: async (): Promise<string> => 'binance-secret-key',

For example, you can build a client using the API testnet URL or a client that will fetch and cache the API key and secret.

import { ApiInfoProvider, Client } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

class BinanceSecretsProvider implements ApiInfoProvider {
  private secrets?: MySecretsWrapper;

  async getApiUrl(): Promise<string> {
    return (await this.#getSecrets()).apiUrl;

  async getApiKey(): Promise<string> {
    return (await this.#getSecrets()).apiKey;

  async getSecretKey(): Promise<string> {
    return (await this.#getSecrets()).secretKey;

  async #getSecrets(): Promise<MySecretsWrapper> {
    if (!this.secrets) {
      // fetch your secrets here
    return this.secrets;

const apiInfoProvider = new BinanceSecretsProvider();
const client = new Client(apiInfoProvider);

Additional options

Additional options can be set to the client.

import { Client } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const client = new Client({
  apiInfoProvider: { ... },
  httpOptions: {
    timeout: 2_000      // timeout for HTTP calls to Binance API

Event emitters for HTTP requests/responses

You can subscribe to events linked to the HTTP requests and responses sent to Binance API.

This can be useful if you need for example to log those requests.

import { Client } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const client = new Client({ ... });

// log HTTP request (api, endpoint, method and params)
client.onHttpRequest((httpRequest: HttpRequest) => console.log(httpRequest));

// log HTTP response (api, endpoint, method, params and status)
client.onHttpResponse((httpRequest: HttpRequest, httpResponse?: HttpResponse) => console.log(httpRequest, htppResponse));



Get account information

import { GetAccountInfoCommand, GetAccountInfoCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const output: GetAccountInfoCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetAccountInfoCommand());


Test connectivity

import { TestConnectivityCommand, EmptyCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const output: EmptyCommandOutput = await client.send(new TestConnectivityCommand());

Get server time

import { GetServerTimeCommand, GetServerTimeCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const output: GetServerTimeCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetServerTimeCommand());

Get exchange information

import { GetExchangeInfoCommand, GetExchangeInfoCommandInput, GetExchangeInfoCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetExchangeInfoCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetExchangeInfoCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetExchangeInfoCommand(input));


Get candlestick data

import { GetCandlestickDataCommand, GetCandlestickDataCommandInput, GetCandlestickDataCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetCandlestickDataCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
  interval: '1m',

const output: GetCandlestickDataCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetCandlestickDataCommand(input));

Get average price

import { GetAveragePriceCommand, GetAveragePriceCommandInput, GetAveragePriceCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetAveragePriceCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetAveragePriceCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetAveragePriceCommand(input));

Get price change

import { GetPriceChangeCommand, GetPriceChangeCommandInput, GetPriceChangeCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetPriceChangeCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetPriceChangeCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetPriceChangeCommand(input));

Get current price

import { GetCurrentPriceCommand, GetCurrentPriceCommandInput, GetCurrentPriceCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetCurrentPriceCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetCurrentPriceCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetCurrentPriceCommand(input));

Get order book price

import { GetOrderBookPriceCommand, GetOrderBookPriceCommandInput, GetOrderBookPriceCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetOrderBookPriceCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetOrderBookPriceCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetOrderBookPriceCommand(input));


Send order

import { SendOrderCommand, SendOrderCommandInput, SendOrderCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: SendOrderCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
  side: 'BUY',
  type: 'MARKET',
  quoteOrderQty: 100,

const output: SendOrderCommandOutput = await client.send(new SendOrderCommand(input));

Get order

import { GetOrderCommand, GetOrderCommandInput, GetOrderCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetOrderCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
  orderId: 123456789,

const output: GetOrderCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetOrderCommand(input));

Get open orders list

import { GetOpenOrdersListCommand, GetOpenOrdersListCommandInput, GetOpenOrdersListCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetOpenOrdersListCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetOpenOrdersListCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetOpenOrdersListCommand(input));

Get all orders list

import { GetAllOrdersListCommand, GetAllOrdersListCommandInput, GetAllOrdersListCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetAllOrdersListCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetAllOrdersListCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetAllOrdersListCommand(input));

Cancel order

import { CancelOrderCommand, CancelOrderCommandInput, CancelOrderCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: CancelOrderCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
  orderId: 123456789,

const output: CancelOrderCommandOutput = await client.send(new CancelOrderCommand(input));

Get order count usage

import { GetOrderCountUsageCommand, GetOrderCountUsageCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const output: GetOrderCountUsageCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetOrderCountUsageCommand());


Get account trades list

import { GetAccountTradesListCommand, GetAccountTradesListCommandInput, GetAccountTradesListCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetAccountTradesListCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetAccountTradesListCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetAccountTradesListCommand(input));

Get recent trades list

import { GetRecentTradesListCommand, GetRecentTradesListCommandInput, GetRecentTradesListCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetRecentTradesListCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetRecentTradesListCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetRecentTradesListCommand(input));

Get old trades list

import { GetOldTradesListCommand, GetOldTradesListCommandInput, GetOldTradesListCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetOldTradesListCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetOldTradesListCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetOldTradesListCommand(input));

Get aggregate trades list

import { GetAggregateTradesListCommand, GetAggregateTradesListCommandInput, GetAggregateTradesListCommandOutput } from '@hastobegood/crypto-clients-binance';

const input: GetAggregateTradesListCommandInput = {
  symbol: 'BTCUSDT',

const output: GetAggregateTradesListCommandOutput = await client.send(new GetAggregateTradesListCommand(input));