1.1.4 • Published 9 years ago

@hatchpad/restmon v1.1.4

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9 years ago


A package that implements common desired functionality of RESTful designs.

For use with Mongoose and MongoDB.

  1. Pagination using cursors that does not rely on page numbers or single field sorting
  2. Automatically duplicating String values to a lower case field for sorting
  3. Automatically updating an "updated" field


npm install @hatchpad/restmon --save


Schema & Model Definition

// Person.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Restmon = require('@hatchpad/restmon')(mongoose, 'a_secret_key');

var schema = {
  firstName:{type:String, sortable:true},   // notice sortable property
  lastName:{type:String, sortable:true},
  dob:{type:Date, sortable: true}

var Person = new Restmon('Person', schema);
module.exports = Person;


Let's assume the database has the following person objects:
{firstName: 'Bill', lastName: 'Doe',    dob:'Dec 10, 1990'},
{firstName: 'Bob',  lastName: 'Smith',  dob:'Oct 03, 1980'},
{firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe',    dob:'Jun 10, 1990'},
{firstName: 'Doug', lastName: 'Dooley', dob:'Mar 12, 1960'},
{firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith',  dob:'Jul 20, 1990'}

Explanation of cursors

Cursors are a String token representing all the sortable fields of an object. Using the metadata returned in a restmon query, we can easily set up pagination or polling without trusting that the data objects will not change or be removed from the database.

Pagination Example

First Page
// include the model object
var Person = require('./person.js');

var query = {};
.sort({lastName:1, firstName:-1})  // sort by lastName asc then firstName desc
.exec(function(err, response) {
  var personArr = response.data;   // ['John Doe', 'Bill Doe']
  var lastPersonCursor = response._meta.last; // see Find Response for details about the response
Second Page

Assume we have retained lastPersonCursor from the previous code block

var query = {};
.sort({'lastName,-firstName'})    // String representation of sort
.after(lastPersonCursor)          // use of "after"
.exec(function(err, response) {
  var personArr = response.data;  // ['Doug Dooley', 'John Smith']

Polling Example

First Query
// include the model object
var Person = require('./person.js');

var asOf = new Date();             // keep track of the asOf date

var query = {};
.sort({lastName:1, firstName:-1})  // sort by lastName asc then firstName desc
.exec(function(err, response) {
  var personArr = response.data;   // ['John Doe', 'Bill Doe']
  var lastPersonCursor = response._meta.last;

Assume we have retained lastPersonCursor and asOf from the previous code block

var query = {};
.sort({'lastName,-firstName'})    // String representation of sort
.before(lastPersonCursor)         // use of "before"
.exec(function(err, response) {
  // will only return objects that are new or have been updated
  var personArr = response.data;


Example showing automatic update tracking date and sortable String duplication

var person = new Person.model({
  firstName: 'Rick',
  lastName: 'Peoples'
Person.save(person, function(err, savedPerson) {

In this example, savedPerson will be this

  _firstName: 'rick',
  firstName: 'Rick',
  _lastName: 'peoples',
  lastName: 'Peoples',
  updated: "the current date/time"

Config Options

Config Options Example

var options = {ignoreCase: false};
var Restmon = require('@hatchpad/restmon')(mongoose, 'a_secret_token', options);
  • ignoreCase
    • Boolean - whether to ignore case for Strings when sorting
      • This can be overridden in the schema
    • default true
  • updated
    • String - name of the field for tracking the data
    • default 'updated'
  • id
    • String - name of the id field
    • default '_id'

Defining Restmon & Schema

A restmon schema is defined exactly the same way as a normal Mongoose schema. The only exceptions are that fields that are sortable (that need to be included in cursors) need to be marked with the sortable property and you can configure each sortable String field with ignoreCase. If a field is marked as sortable, it will be indexed, so you can exclude the index property.

var ObjectId = ...;
var schema = {
  firstName:{type:String, sortable:true},   // notice sortable property
  lastName:{type:String, sortable:true},    // sortable fields are also indexed
  nickname:{type:String, sortable:true, ignoreCase:false},    // will sort uppercase letters first
  dob:{type:Date, sortable: true},
  companyId:{type:ObjectId, index: true}     // this field is indexed but not sortable

var Person = new Restmon('Person', schema);
module.exports = Person;


  • save(doc, callback)
    • Saves the doc using Mongoose.save
  • update(conditions, doc, options, callback)
    • Updates the doc using Mongoose.update
  • create(docs, callback)
    • Creates multiple docs using Mongoose.create
  • find(criteria, callback)
    • Returns a RestmonQuery object
  • findOne(criteria, callback)
    • Returns a RestmonQuery object

Remember to use the Restmon modification functions for updating and creating documents so that it will automatically track the updated date.


  • sort(sortBy)
    • sortBy can be an Ojbect like this: {firstName:1,lastName:-1,dob:1}
    • sortBy can be a String like this: 'firstName,-lastName,+dob'
    • returns RestmonQuery (this)
  • limit(limit)
    • limit - Max Number of documents to retreive
    • returns RestmonQuery (this)
  • populate(populate, select, model, match, options)
    • See Mongoose documentation
    • returns RestmonQuery (this)
  • select(select)
    • See Mongoose documentation
    • returns RestmonQuery (this)
  • after(cursor)
    • cursor - Encoded String of RestmonCursor or RestmonCursor object
    • Tells Restmon to only return documents after the cursor given the particular sort
    • return RestmonQuery (this)
  • before(cursor)
    • cursor - Encoded String of RestmonCursor or RestmonCursor object
    • Tells Restmon to only return documents before the cursor given the particular sort
    • return RestmonQuery (this)
  • since(timestamp)
    • timestamp - Date object
    • Tells Restmon to only return objects that where updated after the timestamp
    • return RestmonQuery (this)
  • until(timestamp)
    • timestamp - Date object
    • Tells Restmon to only return objects that where updated before the timestamp
    • return RestmonQuery (this)
  • exec(callback)
    • callback signature
      • function(err, result) {}
    • executes the Mongoose query

Find Response

A response for a restmon find query will have metadata plus the array of objects so it's important to document what you should expect.

Given the following code block:

.exec(function(err, response) {

response will be similar to this:

  _meta: {
    first: <*cursor* of the first object in the sorted array>,
    last: <*cursor* of the last object in the sorted array>,
    freshest: <updated *Date* of the most recently updated object in the array>,
    stalest: <updated *Date* of the least recently updated object in the array>
  data: [{firstName:'...', ...}, ...]

9 years ago


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