0.0.45 • Published 1 month ago

@hattip/adapter-aws-lambda v0.0.45

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1 month ago


Hattip adapter for AWS Lambda.


Assuming you have your Hattip handler defined in handler.js, create an entry file like the following and use @hattip/bundler-aws-lambda or another tool to bundle it:

import awsLambdaAdapter from "@hattip/adapter-aws-lambda";
// or import from "@hattip/adapter-aws-lambda/streaming" for streaming responses
import hattipHandler from "./handler.js";

export const handler = awsLambdaAdapter(hattipHandler);

If you want to use streaming responses, you should set the InvokeMode of your Lambda function to RESPONSE_STREAM.

Serving static files

For simple use cases, you can use the @hattip/static package along with @hattip/walk to serve static files. Alternatively, you can use @hattip/walk at build time to generate a list of files to be served to reduce cold start times.

import awsLambdaAdapter from "@hattip/adapter-aws-lambda/streaming";
import hattipHandler from "./handler.js";
import { walk } from "@hattip/walk";
import { createStaticMiddleware } from "@hattip/static";
import { createFileReader } from "@hattip/static/fs";

const root = new URL("./public", import.meta.url);
const files = walk(root);
const staticMiddleware = createStaticMiddleware(files, createFileReader(root), {
  gzip: true,

export const handler = awsLambdaAdapter((ctx) => {
  return staticMiddleware(ctx) || hattipHandler(ctx);

Note that in this setup, static files are served from the lambda function itself. For serious production use cases, you might want to consider using a CDN like CloudFront instead.

Another option is to use an edge runtime like Cloudflare Workers or Deno Deploy in front of your Lambda function. This will give you a multicloud setup similar to Vercel's and Netlify's respectively.


You can use the AWS Console, the AWS CLI, infrastructure-as-code tools like AWS CDK, Terraform, or Pulumi to deploy your Lambda function. A very simple example using the AWS SDK v3 is shown below.

Assuming your AWS CLI is configured correctly and you saved this file as aws.js, you can run node aws.js deploy to deploy the function and node deploy.js destroy to destroy it.

It bundles the app starting from entry-aws.js into dist/aws-lambda.zip and deploys it as a Lambda function and prints the function URL that you can use to invoke it. Make sure to change InvokeMode to RESPONSE_STREAM if you want to use streaming responses.

Note that this example is for demonstration purposes only. A full devops solution is beyond the scope of this readme.

// @ts-check
import { IAM, NoSuchEntityException } from "@aws-sdk/client-iam";
import {
} from "@aws-sdk/client-lambda";
import {
  ResourceNotFoundException as LogsResourceNotFoundException,
  ResourceAlreadyExistsException as LogsResourceAlreadyExistsException,
} from "@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs";
import fs from "node:fs";
import { bundle } from "@hattip/bundler-aws-lambda";

const PREFIX = "hattip";
const LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME = `${PREFIX}-lambda-execution-role`;
const FUNCTION_NAME = `${PREFIX}-function`;

async function deploy() {
  await bundle({
    input: "entry-aws.js",
    output: "dist/aws-lambda.zip",
    copy: ["public"],
    zip: true,

  const iam = new IAM();

  let role = await iam
    .getRole({ RoleName: LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME })
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof NoSuchEntityException) {
        return null;
      throw error;

  if (!role) {
    console.log("Creating Lambda Execution Role", LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME);
    role = await iam.createRole({
      AssumeRolePolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({
        Version: "2012-10-17",
        Statement: [
            Effect: "Allow",
            Principal: {
              Service: "lambda.amazonaws.com",
            Action: "sts:AssumeRole",

  await iam.attachRolePolicy({

  if (!role.Role) {
    throw new Error("Role not found");

  const lambda = new Lambda();

  let fn = await lambda
    .getFunction({ FunctionName: FUNCTION_NAME })
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) {
        return null;
      throw error;

  const zipFile = fs.readFileSync("dist/aws-lambda.zip");

  if (fn) {
    console.log("Updating Lambda Function", FUNCTION_NAME);
    await lambda.updateFunctionCode({
      FunctionName: FUNCTION_NAME,
      ZipFile: zipFile,
  } else {
    console.log("Creating Lambda Function", FUNCTION_NAME);

    while (!fn) {
      fn = await lambda
          FunctionName: FUNCTION_NAME,
          Role: role.Role.Arn,
          Runtime: "nodejs20.x",
          Handler: "index.handler",
          Code: { ZipFile: zipFile },
          LoggingConfig: {},
        .catch((error) => {
          if (
            error instanceof InvalidParameterValueException &&
            error.message ===
              "The role defined for the function cannot be assumed by Lambda."
          ) {
            // Ignore this error until the role propagates
            return null;
          throw error;

  /** @type import("@aws-sdk/client-lambda").CreateFunctionUrlConfigCommandOutput | import("@aws-sdk/client-lambda").GetFunctionUrlConfigCommandOutput | null */
  let url = await lambda
    .getFunctionUrlConfig({ FunctionName: FUNCTION_NAME })
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) {
        return null;
      throw error;

  if (!url) {
    console.log("Creating Lambda Function URL", FUNCTION_NAME);
    url = await lambda.createFunctionUrlConfig({
      FunctionName: FUNCTION_NAME,
      InvokeMode: "BUFFERED",
      AuthType: "NONE",

  await lambda
      FunctionName: FUNCTION_NAME,
      Action: "lambda:InvokeFunctionUrl",
      Principal: "*",
      StatementId: PREFIX + "-permission-statement",
      FunctionUrlAuthType: "NONE",
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof ResourceConflictException) {
        return null;

      throw error;

  const cloudwatch = new CloudWatchLogs();

  await cloudwatch
      logGroupName: `/aws/lambda/${FUNCTION_NAME}`,
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof LogsResourceAlreadyExistsException) {
        return null;

      throw error;

  await cloudwatch.putRetentionPolicy({
    logGroupName: `/aws/lambda/${FUNCTION_NAME}`,
    retentionInDays: 7,


async function destroy() {
  const lambda = new Lambda();

  const lambdaResult = await lambda
    .deleteFunction({ FunctionName: FUNCTION_NAME })
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) {
        return null;
      throw error;

  if (lambdaResult) {
    console.log("Deleted Lambda Function", FUNCTION_NAME);

  const cloudwatch = new CloudWatchLogs();
  const logResult = await cloudwatch
      logGroupName: `/aws/lambda/${FUNCTION_NAME}`,
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof LogsResourceNotFoundException) {
        return null;
      throw error;

  if (logResult) {
    console.log("Deleted CloudWatch Log Group", `/aws/lambda/${FUNCTION_NAME}`);

  const iam = new IAM();

  await iam
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof NoSuchEntityException) {
        return null;
      throw error;

  const iamResult = await iam
    .deleteRole({ RoleName: LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME })
    .catch((error) => {
      if (error instanceof NoSuchEntityException) {
        return null;
      throw error;

  if (iamResult) {
    console.log("Deleted Lambda Execution Role", LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME);

if (process.argv[2] === "destroy") {
  destroy().catch((error) => {
} else if (process.argv[2] === "deploy") {
  deploy().catch((error) => {
} else {
  console.error("Must specify deploy or destroy");

1 month ago


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