1.1.1 • Published 6 years ago
@hattmo/tryagain v1.1.1
Retrys code that can throw an exception N number of times.
How to
import tryagain from "../src/index";
// Returns a promise that resolves to the return from the body function.
// Will reject when the body function fails N times and throw the most recent error.
// Calling exit will escape the attemps early and throw the most recent error
// If a promise is returned in either the body or the error handler, it will wait until the Promise is resolved before continuing.
tryagain(5, (attempt) => {
// Will run 5 times before actually throwing
potentialThrowingFunction("Bad Input");
if (attempt > 2) { // Contains the current attempt number
trysomethingelse("Good Input");
}, (error, attempt, exit) => {
console.log(`Attempt number ${attempt} had the following error: ${error}`);
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