1.0.5-0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@helm-charts/banzaicloud-stable-istio v1.0.5-0.1.0

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5 years ago


Helm chart for all istio components

Repository Namebanzaicloud-stable
Chart Nameistio
Chart Version1.0.5
NPM Package Version0.1.0
# Common settings.
  # Default hub for Istio images.
  # Releases are published to docker hub under 'istio' project.
  # Daily builds from prow are on gcr.io, and nightly builds from circle on docker.io/istionightly
  hub: docker.io/istio

  # Default tag for Istio images.
  tag: 1.0.5

  # Gateway used for legacy k8s Ingress resources. By default it is
  # using 'istio:ingress', to match 0.8 config. It requires that
  # ingress.enabled is set to true. You can also set it
  # to ingressgateway, or any other gateway you define in the 'gateway'
  # section.
  k8sIngressSelector: ingress

  # k8sIngressHttps will add port 443 on the ingress and ingressgateway.
  # It REQUIRES that the certificates are installed  in the
  # expected secrets - enabling this option without certificates
  # will result in LDS rejection and the ingress will not work.
  k8sIngressHttps: false

    image: proxyv2

    # Resources for the sidecar.
        cpu: 10m
      #  memory: 128Mi
      # limits:
      #   cpu: 100m
      #   memory: 128Mi

    # Controls number of Proxy worker threads.
    # If set to 0 (default), then start worker thread for each CPU thread/core.
    concurrency: 0

    # Configures the access log for each sidecar. Setting it to an empty string will
    # disable access log for sidecar.
    accessLogFile: '/dev/stdout'

    #If set to true, istio-proxy container will have privileged securityContext
    privileged: false

    # If set, newly injected sidecars will have core dumps enabled. Core dumps will always be written to the same
    # file to prevent storage filling up indefinitely. Add a timestamp option to core_pattern to keep all cores:
    # e.g. sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/var/lib/istio/core.%e.%p.%t
    enableCoreDump: false

    # Default port for Pilot agent health checks. A value of 0 will disable health checking.
    # statusPort: 15020
    statusPort: 0

    # The initial delay for readiness probes in seconds.
    readinessInitialDelaySeconds: 1

    # The period between readiness probes.
    readinessPeriodSeconds: 2

    # The number of successive failed probes before indicating readiness failure.
    readinessFailureThreshold: 30

    # istio egress capture whitelist
    # https://istio.io/docs/tasks/traffic-management/egress.html#calling-external-services-directly
    # example: includeIPRanges: ","
    # would only capture egress traffic on those two IP Ranges, all other outbound traffic would
    # be allowed by the sidecar
    includeIPRanges: '*'
    excludeIPRanges: ''

    # istio ingress capture whitelist
    # examples:
    #     Redirect no inbound traffic to Envoy:    --includeInboundPorts=""
    #     Redirect all inbound traffic to Envoy:   --includeInboundPorts="*"
    #     Redirect only selected ports:            --includeInboundPorts="80,8080"
    includeInboundPorts: '*'
    excludeInboundPorts: ''

    # This controls the 'policy' in the sidecar injector.
    autoInject: enabled

    # Sets the destination Statsd in envoy (the value of the "--statsdUdpAddress" proxy argument
    # would be <host>:<port>).
    # Disabled by default.
    # The istio-statsd-prom-bridge is deprecated and should not be used moving forward.
      # If enabled is set to true, host and port must also be provided. Istio no longer provides a statsd collector.
      enabled: false
      host: # example: statsd-svc
      port: # example: 9125

    # This controls the stats collection for proxies. To disable stats
    # collection, set the prometheusPort to 0.
      prometheusPort: 15090

    # Base name for the proxy_init container, used to configure iptables.
    image: proxy_init

  # imagePullPolicy is applied to istio control plane components.
  # local tests require IfNotPresent, to avoid uploading to dockerhub.
  # TODO: Switch to Always as default, and override in the local tests.
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  # controlPlaneMtls enabled. Will result in delays starting the pods while secrets are
  # propagated, not recommended for tests.
  controlPlaneSecurityEnabled: false

  # disablePolicyChecks disables mixer policy checks.
  # Will set the value with same name in istio config map - pilot needs to be restarted to take effect.
  disablePolicyChecks: false

  # policyCheckFailOpen allows traffic in cases when the mixer policy service cannot be reached.
  # Default is false which means the traffic is denied when the client is unable to connect to Mixer.
  policyCheckFailOpen: false

  # EnableTracing sets the value with same name in istio config map, requires pilot restart to take effect.
  enableTracing: true

  # Default mtls policy. If true, mtls between services will be enabled by default.
    # Default setting for service-to-service mtls. Can be set explicitly using
    # destination rules or service annotations.
    enabled: false

  # ImagePullSecrets for all ServiceAccount, list of secrets in the same namespace
  # to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this ServiceAccount.
  # Must be set for any clustser configured with privte docker registry.
    # - private-registry-key

  # Specify pod scheduling arch(amd64, ppc64le, s390x) and weight as follows:
  #   0 - Never scheduled
  #   1 - Least preferred
  #   2 - No preference
  #   3 - Most preferred
    amd64: 2
    s390x: 2
    ppc64le: 2

  # Whether to restrict the applications namespace the controller manages;
  # If not set, controller watches all namespaces
  oneNamespace: false

  # Whether to perform server-side validation of configuration.
  configValidation: true

  # If set to true, the pilot and citadel mtls will be exposed on the
  # ingress gateway
  meshExpansion: false

  # If set to true, the pilot and citadel mtls and the plain text pilot ports
  # will be exposed on an internal gateway
  meshExpansionILB: false

  # A minimal set of requested resources to applied to all deployments so that
  # Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be able to function (if set).
  # Each component can overwrite these default values by adding its own resources
  # block in the relevant section below and setting the desired resources values.
      cpu: 10m
    #   memory: 128Mi
    # limits:
    #   cpu: 100m
    #   memory: 128Mi

  # Not recommended for user to configure this. Hyperkube image to use when creating custom resources
    hub: quay.io/coreos
    tag: v1.7.6_coreos.0

  # Kubernetes >=v1.11.0 will create two PriorityClass, including system-cluster-critical and
  # system-node-critical, it is better to configure this in order to make sure your Istio pods
  # will not be killed because of low prioroty class.
  # Refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#priorityclass
  # for more detail.
  priorityClassName: ''

  # Include the crd definition when generating the template.
  # For 'helm template' and helm install > 2.10 it should be true.
  # For helm < 2.9, crds must be installed ahead of time with
  # 'kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml
  # and this options must be set off.
  crds: true

# ingress configuration
  enabled: false
  replicaCount: 1
  autoscaleMin: 1
  autoscaleMax: 5
    annotations: {}
    loadBalancerIP: ''
    type: LoadBalancer #change to NodePort, ClusterIP or LoadBalancer if need be
    # Uncomment the following line to preserve client source ip.
    # externalTrafficPolicy: Local
      - port: 80
        name: http
        nodePort: 32000
      - port: 443
        name: https
      istio: ingress

# Gateways Configuration
# By default (if enabled) a pair of Ingress and Egress Gateways will be created for the mesh.
# You can add more gateways in addition to the defaults but make sure those are uniquely named
# and that NodePorts are not conflicting.
# Disable specifc gateway by setting the `enabled` to false.
  enabled: true

    enabled: true
      app: istio-ingressgateway
      istio: ingressgateway
    replicaCount: 1
    autoscaleMin: 1
    autoscaleMax: 5
      # limits:
      #  cpu: 100m
      #  memory: 128Mi
      #  cpu: 1800m
      #  memory: 256Mi
      targetAverageUtilization: 80
    loadBalancerIP: ''
    serviceAnnotations: {}
    type: LoadBalancer #change to NodePort, ClusterIP or LoadBalancer if need be
    # Uncomment the following line to preserve client source ip.
    # externalTrafficPolicy: Local

      ## You can add custom gateway ports
      - port: 80
        targetPort: 80
        name: http2
        nodePort: 31380
      - port: 443
        name: https
        nodePort: 31390
      - port: 31400
        name: tcp
        nodePort: 31400
      # Pilot and Citadel MTLS ports are enabled in gateway - but will only redirect
      # to pilot/citadel if global.meshExpansion settings are enabled.
      - port: 15011
        targetPort: 15011
        name: tcp-pilot-grpc-tls
      - port: 8060
        targetPort: 8060
        name: tcp-citadel-grpc-tls
      - port: 853
        targetPort: 853
        name: tcp-dns-tls
      - port: 15030
        targetPort: 15030
        name: http2-prometheus
      - port: 15031
        targetPort: 15031
        name: http2-grafana
      - name: ingressgateway-certs
        secretName: istio-ingressgateway-certs
        mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs
      - name: ingressgateway-ca-certs
        secretName: istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs
        mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs

    enabled: true
      app: istio-egressgateway
      istio: egressgateway
    replicaCount: 1
    autoscaleMin: 1
    autoscaleMax: 5
      targetAverageUtilization: 80
    serviceAnnotations: {}
    type: ClusterIP #change to NodePort or LoadBalancer if need be
      - port: 80
        name: http2
      - port: 443
        name: https
      - name: egressgateway-certs
        secretName: istio-egressgateway-certs
        mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-certs
      - name: egressgateway-ca-certs
        secretName: istio-egressgateway-ca-certs
        mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs

  # Mesh ILB gateway creates a gateway of type InternalLoadBalancer,
  # for mesh expansion. It exposes the mtls ports for Pilot,CA as well
  # as non-mtls ports to support upgrades and gradual transition.
    enabled: false
      app: istio-ilbgateway
      istio: ilbgateway
    replicaCount: 1
    autoscaleMin: 1
    autoscaleMax: 5
        cpu: 800m
        memory: 512Mi
      #  cpu: 1800m
      #  memory: 256Mi
      targetAverageUtilization: 80
    loadBalancerIP: ''
      cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type: 'internal'
    type: LoadBalancer
      ## You can add custom gateway ports - google ILB default quota is 5 ports,
      - port: 15011
        name: grpc-pilot-mtls
      # Insecure port - only for migration from 0.8. Will be removed in 1.1
      - port: 15010
        name: grpc-pilot
      - port: 8060
        targetPort: 8060
        name: tcp-citadel-grpc-tls
      # Port 853 is reserved for the kube-dns gateway
      - port: 853
        name: tcp-dns
      - name: ilbgateway-certs
        secretName: istio-ilbgateway-certs
        mountPath: /etc/istio/ilbgateway-certs
      - name: ilbgateway-ca-certs
        secretName: istio-ilbgateway-ca-certs
        mountPath: /etc/istio/ilbgateway-ca-certs

# sidecar-injector webhook configuration
  enabled: true
  replicaCount: 1
  image: sidecar_injector
  enableNamespacesByDefault: false

# galley configuration
  enabled: true
  replicaCount: 1
  image: galley

# mixer configuration
  enabled: true
  replicaCount: 1
  autoscaleMin: 1
  autoscaleMax: 5
  image: mixer

    GODEBUG: gctrace=2

    autoscaleEnabled: true
    autoscaleMin: 1
    autoscaleMax: 5
      targetAverageUtilization: 80

    autoscaleEnabled: true
    autoscaleMin: 1
    autoscaleMax: 5
      targetAverageUtilization: 80

    hub: docker.io/prom
    tag: v0.6.0

# pilot configuration
  enabled: true
  replicaCount: 1
  autoscaleMin: 1
  autoscaleMax: 5
  image: pilot
  sidecar: true
  traceSampling: 1.0
  # Resources for a small pilot install
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 2048Mi
    GODEBUG: gctrace=2
    targetAverageUtilization: 80

# security configuration
  replicaCount: 1
  image: citadel
  selfSigned: true # indicate if self-signed CA is used.

# addons configuration
  gatewayName: ingressgateway
  grafanaEnabled: false
  prometheusEnabled: false

  enabled: false
  replicaCount: 1
    repository: grafana/grafana
    tag: 5.2.3
  persist: false
  storageClassName: ''
  accessMode: ReadWriteMany
    enabled: false
    adminUser: admin
    adminPassword: admin
    annotations: {}
    name: http
    type: ClusterIP
    externalPort: 3000
    internalPort: 3000

  enabled: false
  replicaCount: 1
  hub: docker.io/prom
  tag: v2.3.1

    annotations: {}
      enabled: false
      port: 32090

  enabled: false
  replicaCount: 1
  image: servicegraph
    annotations: {}
    name: http
    type: ClusterIP
    externalPort: 8088
    internalPort: 8088
    enabled: false
    # Used to create an Ingress record.
      - servicegraph.local
      # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
      # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
      # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
      # - secretName: servicegraph-tls
      #   hosts:
      #     - servicegraph.local
  # prometheus addres
  prometheusAddr: http://prometheus:9090

  enabled: false
  provider: jaeger
    hub: docker.io/jaegertracing
    tag: 1.5
      max_traces: 50000
      port: 16686
      enabled: false
      # Used to create an Ingress record.
        - jaeger.local
        # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
        # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
        # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
        # - secretName: jaeger-tls
        #   hosts:
        #     - jaeger.local
  replicaCount: 1
    annotations: {}
    name: http
    type: ClusterIP
    externalPort: 9411
    internalPort: 9411
    enabled: false
    # Used to create an Ingress record.
      - tracing.local
      # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
      # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
      # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
      # - secretName: tracing-tls
      #   hosts:
      #     - tracing.local

  enabled: false
  replicaCount: 1
  hub: docker.io/kiali
  tag: v0.10
    enabled: false
    ## Used to create an Ingress record.
    # hosts:
    #  - kiali.local
      # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
      # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
      # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
      # - secretName: kiali-tls
      #   hosts:
      #     - kiali.local
    username: admin
    # Default admin passphrase for kiali. Must be set during setup, and
    # changed by overriding the secret
    passphrase: admin

    # Override the automatically detected Grafana URL, usefull when Grafana service has no ExternalIPs
    # grafanaURL:
    # Override the automatically detected Jaeger URL, usefull when Jaeger service has no ExternalIPs
    # jaegerURL:

# Certmanager uses ACME to sign certificates. Since Istio gateways are
# mounting the TLS secrets the Certificate CRDs must be created in the
# istio-system namespace. Once the certificate has been created, the
# gateway must be updated by adding 'secretVolumes'. After the gateway
# restart, DestinationRules can be created using the ACME-signed certificates.
  enabled: false
  hub: quay.io/jetstack
  tag: v0.3.1
  resources: {}


Istio is an open platform for providing a uniform way to integrate microservices, manage traffic flow across microservices, enforce policies and aggregate telemetry data.


This chart bootstraps all istio components deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

Chart Details

This chart can install multiple istio components as subcharts:

  • ingress
  • ingressgateway
  • egressgateway
  • sidecarInjectorWebhook
  • galley
  • mixer
  • pilot
  • security(citadel)
  • grafana
  • prometheus
  • servicegraph
  • tracing(jaeger)
  • kiali

To enable or disable each component, change the corresponding enabled flag.


  • Kubernetes 1.9 or newer cluster with RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) enabled is required
  • Helm 2.7.2 or newer or alternately the ability to modify RBAC rules is also required
  • If you want to enable automatic sidecar injection, Kubernetes 1.9+ with admissionregistration API is required, and kube-apiserver process must have the admission-control flag set with the MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook admission controllers added and listed in the correct order.

Resources Required

The chart deploys pods that consume minimum resources as specified in the resources configuration parameter.

Installing the Chart

Use the banzaicloud-stable repo:

$ helm repo add banzaicloud-stable http://kubernetes-charts.banzaicloud.com/branch/master
$ helm repo update

Install the chart:

helm install --name istio --namespace istio-system banzaicloud-stable/istio


The Helm chart ships with reasonable defaults. There may be circumstances in which defaults require overrides. To override Helm values, use --set key=value argument during the helm install command. Multiple --set operations may be used in the same Helm operation.

Helm charts expose configuration options which are currently in alpha. The currently exposed options are explained in the following table:

global.hubSpecifies the HUB for most images used by Istioregistry/namespacedocker.io/istio
global.tagSpecifies the TAG for most images used by Istiovalid image tag0.8.latest
global.proxy.imageSpecifies the proxy image namevalid proxy nameproxyv2
global.proxy.concurrencySpecifies the number of proxy worker threadsnumber, 0 = auto0
global.imagePullPolicySpecifies the image pull policyvalid image pull policyIfNotPresent
global.controlPlaneSecurityEnabledSpecifies whether control plane mTLS is enabledtrue/falsefalse
global.mtls.enabledSpecifies whether mTLS is enabled by default between servicestrue/falsefalse
global.rbacEnabledSpecifies whether to create Istio RBAC rules or nottrue/falsetrue
global.refreshIntervalSpecifies the mesh discovery refresh intervalinteger followed by s10s
global.arch.amd64Specifies the scheduling policy for amd64 architectures0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred2
global.arch.s390xSpecifies the scheduling policy for s390x architectures0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred2
global.arch.ppc64leSpecifies the scheduling policy for ppc64le architectures0 = never, 1 = least preferred, 2 = no preference, 3 = most preferred2
ingress.enabledSpecifies whether Ingress should be installedtrue/falsetrue
gateways.istio-ingressgateway.enabledSpecifies whether Ingress gateway should be installedtrue/falsetrue
gateways.istio-egressgateway.enabledSpecifies whether Egress gateway should be installedtrue/falsetrue
sidecarInjectorWebhook.enabledSpecifies whether automatic sidecar-injector should be installedtrue
galley.enabledSpecifies whether Galley should be installed for server-side config validationtrue/falsetrue
mixer.enabledSpecifies whether Mixer should be installedtrue/falsetrue
pilot.enabledSpecifies whether Pilot should be installedtrue/falsetrue
grafana.enabledSpecifies whether Grafana addon should be installedtrue/falsefalse
grafana.persistSpecifies whether Grafana addon should persist config datatrue/falsefalse
grafana.storageClassNameIf grafana.persist is true, specifies the StorageClass to use for the PersistentVolumeClaimStorageClass""
grafana.accessModeIf grafana.persist is true, specifies the Access Mode to use for the PersistentVolumeClaimRWO/ROX/RWXReadWriteMany
prometheus.enabledSpecifies whether Prometheus addon should be installedtrue/falsefalse
servicegraph.enabledSpecifies whether Servicegraph addon should be installedtrue/falsefalse
tracing.enabledSpecifies whether Tracing(jaeger) addon should be installedtrue/falsefalse
kiali.enabledSpecifies whether Kiali addon should be installedtrue/falsefalse

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the istio release:

$ helm delete istio

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

To uninstall/delete the istio release completely and make its name free for later use:

$ helm delete istio --purge