6.1.1-0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@helm-charts/bitnami-mean v6.1.1-0.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web sites and web applications. The MEAN stack is MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. Because all components of the MEAN stack support programs written in JavaScript, MEAN applications can be written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution environments.

Repository Namebitnami
Chart Namemean
Chart Version6.1.1
NPM Package Version0.1.0
## Global Docker image parameters
## Please, note that this will override the image parameters, including dependencies, configured to use the global value
## Current available global Docker image parameters: imageRegistry and imagePullSecrets
# global:
#   imageRegistry: myRegistryName
#   imagePullSecrets:
#     - myRegistryKeySecretName

## Bitnami node image version
## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/node/tags/
  registry: docker.io
  repository: bitnami/node
  tag: 8.12.0-prod
  ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
  ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
  ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
  # pullSecrets:
  #   - myRegistryKeySecretName

  registry: docker.io
  repository: bitnami/git
  tag: latest
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
  ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
  # pullSecrets:
  #   - myRegistryKeySecretName

## Pod Security Context
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/
  enabled: true
  fsGroup: 1001
  runAsUser: 1001

## Git repository http/https
repository: https://github.com/bitnami/sample-mean.git

## Git repository revision to checkout
revision: master

## Specify the number of replicas for the application
replicas: 1

## Specify the port where your application will be running
applicationPort: 3000

## Kubernetes configuration
## For minikube, set this to NodePort, elsewhere use LoadBalancer
  type: ClusterIP
  port: 80
  ## Specify the nodePort value for the LoadBalancer and NodePort service types.
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#type-nodeport
  # nodePort:

  ## Provide any additional annotations which may be required. This can be used to
  ## set the LoadBalancer service type to internal only.
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#internal-load-balancer
  annotations: {}
  # loadBalancerIP:

## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/
  enabled: false
  path: /app/data
  ## If defined, volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: <storageClass>
  ## Default: volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/storage-class: default
  # storageClass:
  accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  size: 1Gi

## Configure resource requests and limits
## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  # limits:
  #   cpu: 500m
  #   memory: 512Mi
  # requests:
  #   cpu: 500m
  #   memory: 512Mi

## MongoDB chart configuration
## https://github.com/helm/charts/blob/master/stable/mongodb/values.yaml
  ## MongoDB admin password
  ## ref: https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-MongoDB/blob/master/README.md#setting-the-root-password-on-first-run
  # mongodbRootPassword:

  ## Whether to deploy a mongodb server to satisfy the applications database requirements.
  ## To use an external database set this to false and configure the externaldb parameters
  install: true # Check mongodb chart for configuration values
  ## MongoDB custom user and database
  ## ref: https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-mongodb/blob/master/README.md#creating-a-user-and-database-on-first-run
  mongodbUsername: user
  mongodbDatabase: test_db
  mongodbPassword: secret_password

  ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
  ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/
    enabled: true
    ## If defined, volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: <storageClass>
    ## Default: volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/storage-class: default
    # storageClass:
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
    size: 8Gi

## Provision an external database (Only if mongodb.install is false)
## You can:
##    1) Pass an already existing Secret with your database credentials
##    2) Pass an already existing ServiceInstance name and specify the service catalog broker to automatically create a ServiceBinding for your application.
  # Set to true if your external database has ssl enabled
  ssl: false
  # You can use an existing secret containing your database credentials
  # Please refer to the respective section in the README to know the details about this secret.
  # Only if using Kubernetes Service Catalog you can specify the kind of broker used. Available options are osba|gce|aws
  type: osba
  # If you provide the serviceInstanceName, the chart will create a ServiceBinding for that ServiceInstance

## Configure the ingress resource that allows you to access your
## MEAN appliation. Set up the URL
## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/ingress/
  ## Set to true to enable ingress record generation
  enabled: false

  ## The list of hostnames to be covered with this ingress record.
  ## Most likely this will be just one host, but in the event more hosts are needed, this is an array
    - name: mean.local

      ## Set this to true in order to enable TLS on the ingress record
      tls: false

      ## Set this to true in order to add the corresponding annotations for cert-manager
      certManager: false

      ## If TLS is set to true, you must declare what secret will store the key/certificate for TLS
      tlsSecret: mean.local-tls

      ## Ingress annotations done as key:value pairs
      ## For a full list of possible ingress annotations, please see
      ## ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/master/docs/annotations.md
      ## If certManager is set to true, annotation kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" will automatically be set
      #  kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx

  ## If you're providing your own certificates, please use this to add the certificates as secrets
  ## key and certificate should start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or
  ## -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  ## name should line up with a tlsSecret set further up
  ## If you're using cert-manager, this is unneeded, as it will create the secret for you if it is not set
  ## It is also possible to create and manage the certificates outside of this helm chart
  ## Please see README.md for more information
  # - name: mean.local-tls
  #   key:
  #   certificate:


The MEAN stack is MongoDB, Express.js, Angular and Node.js. Because all components of the MEAN stack support programs written in JavaScript, MEAN applications can be written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution environments.


$ helm install bitnami/mean


This chart bootstraps a NodeJS and a MongoDB deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

It clones and deploys a Node.js application from a git repository. Defaults to a demo MEAN application: https://github.com/bitnami/sample-mean.git

Bitnami charts can be used with Kubeapps for deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters. This Helm chart has been tested on top of Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR). Deploy BKPR to get automated TLS certificates, logging and monitoring for your applications.


  • Kubernetes 1.4+ with Beta APIs enabled
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install --name my-release bitnami/mean

The command deploys Node.js on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. Also includes support for MongoDB chart out of the box.

Due that the Helm Chart clones the application on the /app volume while the container is initializing, a persistent volume is not required.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the MEAN chart and their default values.

global.imageRegistryGlobal Docker image registrynil
global.imagePullSecretsGlobal Docker registry secret names as an array[] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
image.registryNodeJS image registrydocker.io
image.repositoryNodeJS image namebitnami/node
image.tagNodeJS image tag{VERSION}
image.pullPolicyNodeJS image pull policyIfNotPresent
image.pullSecretsSpecify docker-registry secret names as an array[] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
git.registryGit image registrydocker.io
git.repositoryGit image namebitnami/git
git.tagGit image taglatest
git.pullPolicyGit image pull policyIfNotPresent`
repositoryRepo of the applicationhttps://github.com/bitnami/sample-mean.git
revisionRevision to checkoutmaster
replicasNumber of replicas for the application1
applicationPortPort where the application will be running3000
service.typeKubernetes Service typeClusterIP
service.portKubernetes Service port80
service.annotationsAnnotations for the Service{}
service.loadBalancerIPLoadBalancer IP if Service type is LoadBalancernil
service.nodePortNodePort if Service type is LoadBalancer or NodePortnil
persistence.enabledEnable persistence using PVCfalse
persistence.pathPath to persisted directory/app/data
persistence.accessModePVC Access ModeReadWriteOnce
persistence.sizePVC Storage Request1Gi
mongodb.installWheter to install or not the MongoDB charttrue
mongodb.mongodbUsernameMongoDB usernameuser
mongodb.mongodbDatabaseMongoDB databasetest_db
mongodb.mongodbPasswordMongoDB passwordsecret_password
mongodb.persistence.enabledMongoDB Persistent Volume enabled?true
mongodb.persistence.accessModeType of access mode for PVCReadWriteOnce
mongodb.persistence.sizeDisk size8Gi
externaldb.sslTrue if your external database has ssl enabledfalse
externaldb.secretNameSecret containing existing database credentialsnil
externaldb.typeType of database that defines the database secret mappingosba
externaldb.broker.serviceInstanceNameThe existing ServiceInstance to be usednil
securityContext.enabledEnable security contexttrue
securityContext.fsGroupGroup ID for the container1001
securityContext.runAsUserUser ID for the container1001
ingress.enabledEnable ingress controller resourcefalse
ingress.hosts[0].nameHostname to your MEAN installationmean.local
ingress.hosts[0].pathPath within the url structure/
ingress.hosts[0].tlsUtilize TLS backend in ingressfalse
ingress.hosts[0].certManagerAdd annotations for cert-managerfalse
ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecretTLS Secret (certificates)mean.local-tls-secret
ingress.hosts[0].annotationsAnnotations for this host's ingress record[]
ingress.secrets[0].nameTLS Secret Namenil
ingress.secrets[0].certificateTLS Secret Certificatenil
ingress.secrets[0].keyTLS Secret Keynil

The above parameters map to the env variables defined in bitnami/node. For more information please refer to the bitnami/node image documentation.

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release \
  --set repository=https://github.com/bitnami/sample-mean.git,replicas=2 \

The above command clones the remote git repository to the /app/ directory of the container. Additionally it sets the number of replicas to 2.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml bitnami/mean

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml


The Bitnami Node image stores the Node application and configurations at the /app path of the container.

Persistent Volume Claims are used to keep the data across deployments. This is known to work in GCE, AWS, and minikube. See the Configuration section to configure the PVC or to disable persistence.

Set up an Ingress controller

First install the nginx-ingress controller via helm:

$ helm install stable/nginx-ingress

Now deploy the mean helm chart:

$ helm install --name my-release bitnami/mean --set ingress.enabled=true,ingress.host=example.com,service.type=ClusterIP

Configure TLS termination for your ingress controller

You must manually create a secret containing the certificate and key for your domain. You can do it with this command:

$ kubectl create secret tls my-tls-secret --cert=path/to/file.cert --key=path/to/file.key

Then ensure you deploy the Helm chart with the following ingress configuration:

  enabled: false
  path: /
  host: example.com
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
        - example.com

Connect your application to an already existing database

  1. Create a secret containing your database credentials:
$ kubectl create secret generic my-database-secret --from-literal=host=YOUR_DATABASE_HOST --from-literal=port=YOUR_DATABASE_PORT --from-literal=username=YOUR_DATABASE_USER  --from-literal=password=YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD --from-literal=database=YOUR_DATABASE_NAME


  1. Deploy the mean chart specifying the secret name
$ helm install --name node-app --set mongodb.install=false,externaldb.secretName=my-database-secret bitnami/mean

Provision a database using the Open Service Broker for Azure

  1. Install Service Catalog in your Kubernetes cluster following this instructions
  2. Install the Open Service Broker for Azure in your Kubernetes cluster following this instructions

TIP: you may want to install the osba chart setting the modules.minStability=EXPERIMENTAL to see all the available services.

$ helm install azure/open-service-broker-azure --name osba --namespace osba \
       --set azure.subscriptionId=$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
       --set azure.tenantId=$AZURE_TENANT_ID \
       --set azure.clientId=$AZURE_CLIENT_ID \
       --set azure.clientSecret=$AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET \
       --set modules.minStability=EXPERIMENTAL
  1. Create and deploy a ServiceInstance to provision a database server in Azure cloud.
apiVersion: servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ServiceInstance
  name: azure-mongodb-instance
    app: mongodb
  clusterServiceClassExternalName: azure-cosmosdb-mongo-account
  clusterServicePlanExternalName: account
    resourceGroup: mongodb-k8s-service-catalog
      -  ""

Please update the YOUR_AZURE_LOCATION placeholder in the above example.

$ kubectl create -f mongodb-service-instance.yml
  1. Deploy the helm chart:

    $ helm install --name node-app --set mongodb.install=false,externaldb.broker.serviceInstanceName=azure-mongodb-instance,externaldb.ssl=true bitnami/mean

Once the instance has been provisioned in Azure, a new secret should have been automatically created with the connection parameters for your application.

Deploying the helm chart enabling the Azure external database makes the following assumptions:

  • You would want an Azure CosmosDB MongoDB database
  • Your application uses DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_PORT, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, and DATABASE_NAME environment variables to connect to the database.

You can read more about the kubernetes service catalog at https://github.com/kubernetes-bitnami/service-catalog

Notable changes


This release includes security contexts, so the containers in the chart are run as non-root. More information in this link.


To 4.0.0

Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed unless you modify the labels used on the chart's deployments. Use the workaround below to upgrade from versions previous to 4.0.0. The following example assumes that the release name is mean:

$ kubectl patch deployment mean --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/selector/matchLabels/chart"}]'
$ kubectl patch deployment mean-mongodb --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/selector/matchLabels/chart"}]'

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