1.0.3-beta.1 • Published 5 years ago

@hnct/ngutils v1.0.3-beta.1

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5 years ago

Form Utils

Form Creator

Form Creator allows fast creation of form object from javascript object.

var data = {
    name : "John Doe",
    phone : "8777484",
    addresses : [
        { id : "addr01", state: "New York", city: "New York"  },
        { id : "addr02", state: "New York", city: "Boston" }

// fb is an injected angular form builder
var form : FormGroup = new FormCreator(fb, data).build()

The form created will have structure similar to above data structure.


You can add validation that resemble the data structure

var validation : ValDef = {
    name : [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(5)],
    phone : [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(/[6|8|9]\d{7}|\+65[6|8|9]\d{7}|\+65\s[6|8|9]\d{7}/)],
    addresses : []

// since addresses is an array, you have to add validation for each individual address
for (var i = 0; i < data.addresses.length; i++) 
        id : [Validators.required]
        // if a field, e.g. city doesn't need validation, you can omit it.

// fb is an injected angular form builder
var form : FormGroup = new FormCreator(fb, data).

In some cases, you might want to validate a whole form group or whole form array. For example, in the above example, you want to validate that:

  • The person has at least 2 addresses
  • For each address, the city must be a valid city of the state
var validation : ValDef = {
    name : [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(5)],
    phone : [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(/[6|8|9]\d{7}|\+65[6|8|9]\d{7}|\+65\s[6|8|9]\d{7}/)],

    // important, the validation of the addresses array is now 
    // an object
    addresses : {}      

var addrVal = {}
addrVal[SELF_KEY] = [ minArrayLength(5) ]   // validation for the whole array

// For each address, we can use the same validation, so just create it once!
var singleAddrVal = {}
singleAddrVal[SELF_KEY] =  [ /*... some validators to validate the city is a valid city of the state... */ ]
singleAddrVal[FIELD_KEY] = {
    id : [Validators.required]
    // if a field, e.g. city & state, doesn't need validation, you can omit.

// the array of validator to validate individual element
addrVal[FIELD_KEY] = []
for (var i = 0; i < data.addresses.length; i++)

// fb is an injected angular form builder
var form : FormGroup = new FormCreator(fb, data).

If you want to have async validators

// fb is an injected angular form builder
var form : FormGroup = new FormCreator(fb, data).

For the minArrayLength custom validation function, it needs to return an error of the specific format so that we can use it to retrieve the validation error messages later on.

function minArrayLength(length : number) : ValidatorFn {
    return (arr : FormArray) => {
        if (arr.length < length) 
            return { minArrayLength : true }    // return an object saying that there is an error for minArrayLength

        return null // no error

Form error messages

There are simple directives to support displaying error messages easier. Let's say you have the above created form and want to add some validation messages and display it on the template.

    // declare error model inside the component
    nameError : ErrorModel
    phoneError : ErrorModel
    addressArrayError : ErrorModel  // error of the WHOLE address array

    addressErrors : { [key : string] : ErrorModel } = {}    // a map, containing error for each individual address of the addresses array
<!-- This example uses angular material + bootstrap for form display, you can use other library too -->
<div class="row" [formGroup]="form" [fcoord]="form"> <!-- fcoord directive is important if you might change the binding of form in future -->
    <div class="col-md-2">
        <mat-form-field class="w-100">	
            <input matInput placeholder="Name" formControlName="name" [(ferror)]="nameError" />
            <mat-error *ngIf="nameError">{{nameError.msg}}</mat-error>
    <div class="col-md-2">
        <mat-form-field class="w-100">	
            <input matInput placeholder="Phone" formControlName="phone" [(ferror)]="phoneError" />
            <mat-error *ngIf="phoneError">{{phoneError.msg}}</mat-error>

    <div class="col-md-6" formArrayName="addresses" [(ferror)]="addressArrayError">

        <!-- since we have validation for the whole addresses array, we want to display it here-->
        <mat-error *ngIf="addressArrayError">{{addressArrayError.msg}}</mat-error>

        <div class="row" *ngFor="let c of form.get('addresses').controls; let i=index" [formGroup]="c" [(ferror)]="addressErrors[i]"> 
            <div class="col-12">
                <h6>Address {{i}}</h6>
                <mat-error *ngIf="addressErrors[i]">{{addressErrors[i].msg}}</mat-error>
            <div class="col-md-3">
                <mat-form-field class="w-100">	
                    <input matInput placeholder="Id" formControlName="id" [(ferror)]="idErrors[i]" />
                    <mat-error *ngIf="idErrors[i]">{{idErrors[i].msg}}</mat-error>
            <div class="col-md-3">
                <mat-form-field class="w-100">	
                    <input matInput placeholder="State" formControlName="state" />
            <div class="col-md-3">
                <mat-form-field class="w-100">	
                    <input matInput placeholder="City" formControlName="city" />

Validation messages are attached to the form during form creation:

var validationMsgs = {
    name : {
        required: "Name is required",
        minlength : "Minimum length of name is 5 characters"
    phone : {
        required: "Phone number is required",
        pattern: "Invalid phone number pattern"

    // important, the validation messages of the addresses array is an object
    addresses : {}      

var addrValMsgs = {}
addrValMsgs[SELF_KEY] = { minArrayLength : "You need at least 5 addresses" }    // the field name minArrayLength must match the field name of the error returned by validation function

// For each address, we can use the same validation, so just create it once!
var singleAddrValMsgs = {}
singleAddrValMsgs[SELF_KEY] =  { /* the validation messages for each individual address object as a whole */ }
singleAddrValMsgs[FIELD_KEY] = {
    id : {
        required: "Address id is required"
    // other fields don't have any validation, so there is no validation messages for it too

// the array of validator messages for individual element
addrValMsgs[FIELD_KEY] = []
for (var i = 0; i < data.addresses.length; i++)

// Now you create the form with the validation and validation messages
var form : FormGroup = new FormCreator(fb, data).

Form Flow

In some situations, you might want to create a uri that contains your form data, and upon visiting that uri, the form is automatically filled. For example, you are implementing a search form, and it would be nice if you have a uri corresponding to the search criteria, which you can then copy and pass it to others.

The fflow structural directive support this use case. It generally works as following:

  1. Check the activated route for any form data
  2. If form data exists, it deserializes and use it to create the form through invoking a configured builder with the data
    1. It invoke the configured submit function once.
  3. If form data doesn't exist, it invoke the configured builder with no data

The fflow works with form-flow-submit directive, which listen for click event on an element and invoke fflow navigation process.

  1. form-flow-submit is clicked
  2. fflow serializes the form using to JWT format
  3. fflow invokes a configured navigation method with a navigation event
  4. The configured navigation method should perform some custom logic and eventually, invoke the router to navigate to a route with the parameters containing the serialized search data
  5. fflow upon detecting the new route activated, it will perform the above flow


The fflow and form-flow-submit can be used in your template as following:

<div *fflow="let form by buildForm; fflow as f; nav : navigate; submit : search"  [formGroup]="form" [fcoord]="form" >

    <!-- display the form fields here -->

        <button [disabled]="!f.canSubmit()" [form-flow-submit]="f">Submit</button>
        <button [disabled]="!f.dirty()" (click)="f.reset()">Reset</button>


FFlow API and configuration

$implicityesExpose the form group for usage in the enclosed template. e.g let formyesFormGroup
fflowByyesConfigure the builder that build the form group from the data objectyes(data : any) => FormGroup
fflowyesExpose the directive instance to be used in the enclosed template. e.g. fflow as f or let f=fflownoFormFlow
fflowNavyesConfigure the navigation function, which will be invoked upon form-flow-submit is clickedyes if noNavigation is false(data : FormFlowNavigationData) => void
fflowSubmityesConfigure the submit function, which will be invoked upon detecting a navigation with form data on the uriyes(data : FormFlowSubmitEvent) => void
fflowIgnoreInityesWhether or not to ignore the first navigation if there is no form data detected on the activated route. Sometimes you might want to set this to false, for example you want to do a default search with default parameters for search formno, default to trueBoolean
noNavigationnoWhether to do navigation on clicking form-flow-submitno, default falseBoolean
paramKeynoThe name of the parameter used on the urino, default = searchDatastring
jwtKeynoThe key used for JWT encodingno, default = fflowkeystring

There are some methods

Method / PropertyUsage
canSubmit()Check if this form can be submit. It is equivalent to checking if form exists, it is dirty and it is valid
dirty()Check if this form is dirty
reset(data? : any)Reset the form with an optional data. If no data is specified, the data used for created the form the first time will be used.
formThe property for getting the form created

De-sugar syntax

In the above example, we use the sugarized syntax (microsyntax) to configure fflow. However, using this syntax, you are not able to extract the fflow instance to use outside of its own enclosed template, e.g. in the case you want to put the form-flow-submit button outside of the fflow's template. In this scenario, you can use de-sugar syntax instead

    <ng-template fflow let-form [fflowBy]="buildForm" [fflowNav]="navigate" [fflowSubmit]="search" ref-fi="fflow">
        <div [formGroup]='form' [fcoord]='form'>
        <!-- display the form fields here -->

    <!-- The buttons are outside of the fflow's template but wants to access the fflow instance-->
        <button [disabled]="!fi.canSubmit()" [form-flow-submit]="fi">Submit</button>
        <button [disabled]="!fi.dirty()" (click)="fi.reset()">Reset</button>

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