1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
@humodz/hellolib v1.0.0
Sample Library
on the commons repository:
- work on task
- create branch, commit and push
- publish a testing version, using one of:
- npm run pub:major:testing
- npm run pub:minor:testing
- npm run pub:patch:testing
- note the version number that is printed at the end
- for example: 1.1.0-rc.0
on the project repository:
- install testing version, using one of:
- npm install @engineering_3pl/commons@testing
- npm install @engineering_3pl/commons@1.1.0-rc.0
- (the version printed after publishing)
- confirm what version was installed:
- npm why @engineering_3pl/commons
- validate that changes on commons work as expected
- install testing version, using one of:
back to commons:
- open merge request, get it approved and merge
- checkout master
- run one of the following:
- npm run pub:major
- npm run pub:minor
- npm run pub:patch
3 years ago
3 years ago