0.0.12 • Published 3 years ago

@huobiwallet-js/contract v0.0.12

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3 years ago


This package provides a collection of apis to create, deploy, and interact with smart contracts. In Huobiwallet, smart contracts all fully EVM compatible and the formats and terminologies match 1-to-1 with EVM smart contracts.


npm install @huobiwallet-js/contract


Estimate gas for contract methods

const options1 = { gasPrice: '0x3B9ACA00' }; // gas price in hex corresponds to 1 Gwei or 1000000000

contract.methods.getCount().estimateGas(options1).then(gas => {
  console.log('gas required for getCount is ' + hexToNumber(gas));

Call contract read-only methods. Huobiwallet uses 1 Gwei gas price and gas limit of 21000 by default. Use the estimate gas api to correctly set the gas limit.

const options1 = { gasPrice: '0x3B9ACA00' }; // gas price in hex corresponds to 1 Gwei or 1000000000
let options2 = { gasPrice: 1000000000, gasLimit: 21000 }; // setting the default gas limit, but changing later based on estimate gas

contract.methods.getCount().estimateGas(options1).then(gas => {
  options2 = {...options2, gasLimit: hexToNumber(gas)};
  contract.methods.getCount().call(options2).then(count => {
    console.log('counter value: ' + count);

Invoking contract modification methods using send api. Need to add a signing account to the contract wallet, otherwise send api will not work.

const options1 = { gasPrice: '0x3B9ACA00' }; // gas price in hex corresponds to 1 Gwei or 1000000000
let options2 = { gasPrice: 1000000000, gasLimit: 21000 }; // setting the default gas limit, but changing later based on estimate gas


contract.methods.incrementCounter().estimateGas(options1).then(gas => {
  options2 = {...options2, gasLimit: hexToNumber(gas)};
  contract.methods.incrementCounter().send(options2).then(response => {

All the above apis can also be asynchronously executed using async and await.