0.0.3 • Published 10 months ago
@hvehealth/hve-tailwind-config v0.0.3
To update the tailwind preset
Edit the Tailwind config in /src/lib/tailwind.config.cjs See this link for details on how to use this preset: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/presets#how-configurations-are-merged
package and publish to npm
First, update the package.json - increase the version number.
# create the npm package
npm run package
# publish to npm
cd package
npm publish --access public
# commit and push your changes to github
How to use this package
In the project where you're using tailwind
# install the package
npm install @hvehealth/hve-tailwind-config
Then edit the tailwind.config.cjs and add the presets option at the top of the object.
module.exports = {
presets: [