1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

@hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form v1.0.1

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3 years ago

React Bootstrap Form

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Powerful but easy-to-use form builder for React Bootstrap.


  • Minimalistic API to create reusable Bootstrap forms within minutes.
  • Customize the layout and style of the forms with the familiar Bootstrap API.
  • Has all the basic HTML and Bootstrap input types available.
  • Advanced Select Fields that can also do asynchronous filtering with react-select.
  • Advanced Datetime Fields with moment and react-datetime.
  • Array Fields that can add and remove rows of Fields.
  • Render Fields dynamically by changing their props.
  • Extensible form validation with yup.
  • Callback for server-side error handling.
  • Automatic ARIA attribute handling.
  • Support to integrate custom Fields.


npm install @hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form



Optional Dependencies

If you want to use the advanced Select Fields, please install the following:


If you want to use the advanced Datetime Fields, please install the following:


Getting Started

Here is an example of how to setup a basic form with a text input:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import RBForm, { Field } from '@hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form';

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import '@hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form/dist/css/react-bootstrap-form.min.css';

const initialValues = {
  example: 'Hello World!',

export default function App() {
  const [values, setValues] = useState(initialValues);

  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  return (
    <RBForm initialValues={values} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <Field name="example" type="text" label="Example"></Field>


This section only gives details for common use cases. Please see the 'API' section for the complete overview of all the options.


The <Form> component will contsruct a form based on its child components. The initialValues prop can be used to pass values to associated <Field> components at first render. Please see the 'Field' section for more details about this. The onSubmit prop accepts a function that will be called after the component has been successfully submitted. When using the onSubmit prop, make sure to use the appropriate callback function to update the state of the component correctly. Please see 'Server-side Form Validation' section for more details about the onSubmit prop. If you are rendering a custom submit implementation with the customSubmit prop, make sure to initialize an element with the type prop set to 'submit'.

Basic props:

  • initialValues: object
  • validationErrorText: string = 'Error'
  • onSubmit: (values, success, failure) => {}
  • customSubmit: string | (isWaiting, success, error) => (JSX)


import RBForm from '@hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form';

Initial values:

<RBForm initialValues={{name: 'Hello'}}>
  <Field name="name" label="Name" />

Statefull initial values:

const [values, setValues] = useState({name: 'Hello'});

return (
  <RBForm initialValues={values}>
    <Field name="name" label="Name" />

On submit:

const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  setTimeout(() => {
    if (values.name === '') {
        server: 'Oops',
        field: {name: 'Can\'t be empty'},

    } else {
  }, 500);

return (
  <RBForm onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <Field name="name" label="Name" />

Render custom submit:

const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  setTimeout(() => {
    if (values.name === '') {
        server: 'Oops',
        field: {name: 'Can\'t be empty'},

    } else {
  }, 500);

const customSubmit = (isWaiting, success, error) => (
    <Button disabled={isWaiting} variant="primary" type="submit">Send</Button>
    <div>Success: <span className="rbf-text-green">{success}</span></div>
    <div>Error: <span className="rbf-text-red">{error}</span></div>

return (
  <RBForm onSubmit={handleSubmit} customSubmit={customSubmit}>
    <Field name="name" label="Name" />


The <FieldGroup> component is a wrapper to group multiple <Field> components together. It handles styling and semantics. Mainly used for checkbox and switch <Field> components. The id prop must be unique.

Basic props:

  • id: string (required)
  • label: string (required)
  • hiddenLabel: boolean = 'false'


import { FieldGroup } from '@hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form';

Grouping checkboxes:

<FieldGroup id="todo" label="To do list">
  <Field name="has_read" type="checkbox" label="Read book" />
  <Field name="has_cleaned" type="checkbox" label="Clean workplace" />
  <Field name="has_visited" type="checkbox" label="Visit parents" />


The <Field> component will construct all the necessary elements for its given type. Generally these elements includes a label and a input element. The name prop is required to construct a identifier and must be unique. If the initialValues prop of the <Form> component is initialized, all the keys should match the name prop of a <Field> components. The order of precedence of the value at first render is: value, initialValues of the <Form> component, defaultValue. Please see the other sections for details about a specific type.

Basic props:

  • name: string (required)
  • type: string = 'input'
  • label: string (required)
  • hiddenLabel: boolean = 'false'
  • placeholder: string
  • help: JSX
  • disabled: boolean = 'false'
  • required: boolean = 'false'
  • defaultValue: any
  • value: any


import { Field } from '@hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form';

Default input field:

<Field name="example" label="Example" />


Basic props:

  • type: 'input' | 'text' | 'search' | 'password' | 'email' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'color'

Text field:

<Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" />

Password field:

<Field name="password" type="password" label="Password" />


Basic props:

  • type: 'textarea'
  • rows: number

Textarea field:

<Field name="description" type="textarea" rows={4} />

Number and Range

Basic props:

  • type: 'number' | 'range'
  • max: number
  • min: number
  • step: number | 'any'

Number field:

<Field name="number" type="number" label="Number" />
<Field name="age" type="number" label="Age" min={0} />
<Field name="amount" type="number" label="Amount" max={99} />
<Field name="price" type="number" label="Price" step="any" />
<Field name="participants" type="number" label="Participants" max={10} min={0} step={2} />

Range field:

<Field name="speed" type="range" label="Speed" max={200} />
<Field name="rating" type="range" label="Rating" max={5} min={1} step={0.1} defaultValue={1} />

Checkbox and Switch

Use the single prop if the <Field> component is independent from its siblings. This will make sure that spacing is handled correctly. The default behavior is that immediate siblings will be stacked. Another option is to make them render inline with the inline prop. If the components are stacked or inline, these components should be wraped inside a <FieldGroup> component to automatically take care of styling and semantics. If the required prop is set to true, the component must be checked to be valid.

Basic props:

  • type: 'checkbox' | 'switch'
  • single: boolean = false
  • inline: boolean = false


{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <div key={type}>
    <Field name={`${type}_single`} type={type} label="Single" single />


{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <div key={type}>
    <FieldGroup id={`${type}_stacked`} label="Stacked">
      <Field name={`${type}_stacked_1`} type={type} label="Stacked 1" />
      <Field name={`${type}_stacked_2`} type={type} label="Stacked 2" />


{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <div key={type}>
    <FieldGroup id={`${type}_inline`} label="Inline">
      <Field name={`${type}_inline_1`} type={type} label="Inline 1" inline />
      <Field name={`${type}_inline_2`} type={type} label="Inline 2" inline />

No Label:

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <div key={type}>
    <Field name={`${type}_no_label`} type={type} label="No label" hiddenLabel single />


{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <div key={type}>
    <Field name={`${type}_required`} type={type} label="Required" single required />

Initially checked):

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <div key={type}>
    <Field name={`${type}_checked`} type={type} label="Checked" single defaultValue={true} />


The radio inputs can be added through the options prop. The value must be an array of objects, where every object has a value and label key. The value of the value key will be added to the form data.

Basic props:

  • type: 'radio'
  • options: array (required)
  • inline: boolean = false


<Field name="status" type="radio" label="Status" options={[
  {value: 'online', label: 'Online'},
  {value: 'away', label: 'Away'},
  {value: 'offline', label: 'Offline'},
]} required defaultValue={'online'} />


<Field name="is_teacher" type="radio" label="Role" options={[
  {value: true, label: 'Teacher'},
  {value: false, label: 'Student'},
]} inline required />

Select (HTML)

The select <Field> component expects option elements as its direct children.

Basic props:

  • type: 'select'
  • multiple: boolean = false
  • htmlSize: number

Single select:

<Field name="status" type="select" label="Status">
  <option disabled value="">Select...</option>

Multi select:

<Field name="emotions" type="select" label="Emotions" multiple htmlSize={3} defaultValue={['Angry', 'Sad']}>

Select (React Select)

By setting the options prop on a select <Field> component, the component will behave like the input of react-select. The react-select package must be installed for this component to work. The options prop must be an array of objects, where every object has a value and label key. If the async prop is used, the options prop should be a function to retrieve the data and then return a promise with an array. Please see the 'API' section and the official documentation for more info about the usage.

Basic props:

  • type: 'select'
  • placeholder: string = 'Select...'
  • options: array | (inputValue) => (Promise) (required)
  • isSearchable: boolean = true
  • isClearable: boolean = false
  • isCreatable: boolean = false
  • isMulti: boolean = false
  • noOptionsMessage: ({inputValue}) => (JSX) = ({inputValue}) => ('No options')
  • async: boolean = false
  • defaultOptions: [{value: string, label: string}] | boolean
  • cacheOptions: boolean = false

Normal select:

<Field name="color" type="select" label="Color" options={[
  {value: 'red', label: 'Red'},
  {value: 'green', label: 'Green'},
  {value: 'blue', label: 'Blue'},
]} defaultValue={{value: 'red', label: 'Red'}} />

Async select field:

<Field name="car" type="select" label="Car" options={(inputValue) => (
  new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        {value: 'volvo', label: 'Volvo'},
        {value: 'saab', label: 'Saab'},
        {value: 'mercedes', label: 'Mercedes'},
        {value: 'audi', label: 'Audi'},
    }, 500);
)} async cacheOptions />

Creatable multi select:

<Field name="color" type="select" label="Color" options={[]} isCreatable isMulti />

Date (HTML)

Please note that the results are browser dependant.

Basic props:

  • type: 'date' | 'month' | 'week' | 'datetime-local' | 'time'
  • max: string
  • min: string
  • step: number | 'any'

Date fields:

<Field name="datetime_local" type="datetime-local" label="Datetime" />
<Field name="date" type="date" label="Date" />
<Field name="month" type="month" label="Month" />
<Field name="week" type="week" label="Week" />
<Field name="time" type="time" label="Time" />

Datetime (React Datetime)

The moment and react-datetime packages must be installed to use this <Field> component. Please see the official documentations for the details, formats and locales.

Basic props:

  • type: 'datetime'
  • dateFormat: string | boolean
  • timeFormat: string | boolean
  • locale: string


import moment from 'moment';
import 'react-datetime/css/react-datetime.css';


<Field name="datetime" type="datetime" label="Datetime" />
<Field name="date" type="datetime" label="Date" timeFormat={false} />
<Field name="month" type="datetime" label="Month" dateFormat="YYYY-MM" timeFormat={false} />
<Field name="week" type="datetime" label="Week" dateFormat="GGGG-[W]WW" timeFormat={false} />
<Field name="time" type="datetime" label="Time" dateFormat={false} />
<Field name="seconds" type="datetime" label="Seconds" dateFormat={false} timeFormat="HH:mm:ss" />

Value types:

<Field name="datetime_string" type="datetime" label="String" defaultValue="01/01/2021 12:00 PM" />
<Field name="datetime_number" type="datetime" label="Number" defaultValue={Date.now()} /> {/* number in milliseconds */}
<Field name="datetime_date_today" type="datetime" label="Date today" defaultValue={new Date()} />
<Field name="datetime_date" type="datetime" label="Date" defaultValue={new Date(2021, 0, 1)} />
<Field name="datetime_moment_today" type="datetime" label="Moment today" defaultValue={moment()} />
<Field name="datetime_moment" type="datetime" label="Moment" defaultValue={moment({year: 2021, month: 0, day: 1})} />
<Field name="datetime_format" type="datetime" label="Moment format" defaultValue={moment().format('L LT')} /> {/* string */}

Import moment locale:

import 'moment/locale/nl';

Set locale:

<Field name="datetime_nl" type="datetime" label="Datetime nl" locale="nl" defaultValue={moment()} />


Basic props:

  • type: 'file'
  • data-browse: string = 'Browse'
  • accept: string
  • multiple: boolean = false

Multiple image files:

<Field name="images" type="file" label="Upload images" accept="image/*" multiple />

Required single pdf file:

<Field name="document" type="file" label="Upload document" help="Please select a pdf file." accept=".pdf" required />


The hidden <Field> component can be used to add data to the form that the user can't edit through the component itself. This component won't render anything in the DOM. The data can be provide through the value prop, the initialValues prop of the <Form> component or the defaultValue prop, in that order of precedence. Unlike other <Field> components, initializing the label prop won't do anything and is therefore not required.

Basic props:

  • type: 'hidden'

Hidden field to add the uid to the form data:

<Field name="uid" type="hidden" value={1} />


The <FieldArray> component allows the user to fill in data that is structured as an array. The component will generate a row of its children that can be added or removed by the user. The name prop is required and must be unique. When using the initialValues prop of the <Form> component, the name prop of the <FieldArray> components must have an associated key in the object. The value of these keys must be an array of objects, where every key should then match the name prop of a <Field> component that is living under that <FieldArray> component. Please see the 'Initial values' snippet for an example. An element with the array-remove prop should be added manually inside the <FieldArray> component to allow the user to remove a row. By default a <Button> component will be rendered at the end of the <FieldArray> component to allow the user to add a new row. This behavior can be change with the addButton prop.

Basic props:

  • name: string (required)
  • label: string
  • initialSize: number = 1
  • addButton: boolean | (addFunction) => (JSX) = true
  • noRowsMessage: JSX


import { FieldArray } from '@hyperbit/react-bootstrap-form';

Basic array field:

<FieldArray name="peoples">
    <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" as={Col} />
    <Field name="age" label="number" label="Age" as={Col} />
    <Col xs="auto" className="d-flex">
      <Button className="align-self-start" style={{marginTop: 'calc(1.5rem + 8px)'}} variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>X</Button>

Button in front by using breakpoint prop:

<FieldArray name="peoples">
    <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" as={Col}/>
    <Field name="age" label="number" label="Age" as={Col} />
    <Col xs={{span: 'auto', order: 'first'}} className="d-flex">
      <Button className="align-self-start" style={{marginTop: 'calc(1.5rem  + 8px)'}} variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>X</Button>

Custom add button:

<FieldArray name="peoples" addButton={(addFunction) => (
  <div className="mb-3">
    Create another person:
    <Button className="ml-2" variant="primary" type="button" onClick={addFunction}>Add</Button>
    <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" as={Col} />
    <Field name="age" label="number" label="Age" as={Col} />

Locked rows:

<FieldArray name="peoples" initialSize={2} addButton={false}>
    <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" as={Col} />
    <Field name="age" label="number" label="Age" as={Col} />

Initial values:

<RBForm initialValues={{
  peoples: [
    {name: 'Bob', age: 18},
    {name: 'Alice'},
  <FieldArray name="peoples" initialSize={3}>
      <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" as={Col}/>
      <Field name="age" label="number" label="Age" as={Col} />
      <Col xs="auto" className="d-flex">
        <Button className="align-self-start" style={{marginTop: 'calc(1.5rem  + 8px)'}} variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>X</Button>

Label text:

<FieldArray name="peoples" label="People" />

Nested array field:

<RBForm initialValues={{
  companies: [
      name: 'Apple',
      products: [
        {name: 'iPhone', price: 799},
  <FieldArray name="companies">
      <Col xs={2}>Company</Col>
      <Field name="name" type="text" label="Company" hiddenLabel as={Col} />
      <Col xs="auto" className="d-flex">
        <Button className="align-self-start" variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>Delete</Button>

      <Col xs={2}>Products</Col>
      <FieldArray name="products" as={Col}>
          <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" hiddenLabel placeholder="Name" as={Col}/>
          <Field name="price" type="number" label="Price" hiddenLabel placeholder="Price" as={Col}/>
          <Col xs="auto" className="d-flex">
            <Button className="align-self-start" variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>X</Button>


This section shows how the form can be rendered with different layouts by using the Bootstrap api.


A <Field>, <FieldGroup> or <FieldArray> component will behave like a Booststrap <Col>, when the as prop is set to Col. The breakpoints can be initialized by using the xs, sm, md, lg and xl props. Alternatively, the components can be wrapped inside a regular <Col> component. See the other layout sections for more detailed examples.


import { Form, Col, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';

Form grid:

  <Field name="email" type="email" label="Email" as={Col} required />
  <Field name="password" type="password" label="Password" as={Col} required />

Form row:

  <Field name="email" type="email" label="Email" as={Col} required />
  <Field name="password" type="password" label="Password" as={Col} required />

Group field:

  <FieldGroup id="property" label="Property" as={Col}>
    <Field name="property_name" type="text" label="Name" hiddenLabel />
    <Field name="property_value" type="range" label="Value" hiddenLabel />

  <FieldGroup id="user" label="User" hiddenLabel as={Col}>
    <Field name="status" type="radio" label="Status" options={[
      {value: 'online', label: 'Online'},
      {value: 'away', label: 'Away'},
      {value: 'offline', label: 'Offline'},
    ]} required defaultValue={'online'} />
    <Field name="status_message" type="text" label="Message" hiddenLabel placeholder="Message" />

Array field:

  <FieldArray name="numbers" as={Col}>
      <Field name="number" type="number" label="Number" hiddenLabel placeholder="Number" as={Col} required />
      <Col xs="auto" className="d-flex">
        <Button className="align-self-start" variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>X</Button>

  <FieldArray name="booleans" as={Col}>
      <Field name="boolean" type="checkbox" label="Boolean" as={Col} />
      <Col xs="auto" className="d-flex">
        <Button className="align-self-start" variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>X</Button>

Single Checkboxes and Switches:

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <FieldGroup key={type} id={type} label={type}>
      <Field name={`${type}_single_col_1`} type={type} label="Single 1" as={Col} single />
      <Field name={`${type}_single_col_2`} type={type} label="Single 2" as={Col} single />

Grouped Checkboxes and Switches:

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <FieldGroup key={type} id={type} label={type}>
      <FieldGroup id={`${type}_stacked_col`} label="Stacked" hiddenLabel as={Col}>
        <Field name={`${type}_stacked_col_1`} type={type} label="Stacked 1" />
        <Field name={`${type}_stacked_col_2`} type={type} label="Stacked 2" />

      <FieldGroup id={`${type}_inline_col`} label="Inline" hiddenLabel as={Col}>
        <Field name={`${type}_inline_col_1`} type={type} label="Inline 1" inline />
        <Field name={`${type}_inline_col_2`} type={type} label="Inline 2" inline />


A <Field>, <FieldGroup> or <FieldArray> component can be rendered horizontally by setting the as prop to Row. It will then behave like a Bootstrap <Row> with two <Col> components: one for the 'Label' and one for the 'Control' section. The breakpoints can be initialized by using the xsLabel, smLabel, mdLabel, lgLabel and xlLabel props and the xsControl, smControl, mdControl, lgControl and xlControl props respectively. See the other layout sections for more detailed examples.


import { Form, Col, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';


<Field name="group" label="Group" as={Row} xsLabel={2} xsControl={10} required />
<Field name="is_private" type="checkbox" label="Private" as={Row} xsLabel={2} />

Stacked Group:

<FieldGroup id="about_me" label="About Me" as={Row} xsLabel={2} xsControl={10}>
  <Field name="name" label="Name" required />
  <Field name="role" type="radio" label="Role" options={[
    {value: 'admin', label: 'Admin'},
    {value: 'user', label: 'User'},
  ]} required />

Row Group:

<FieldGroup id="about_me" label="About Me" as={Row} xsLabel={2}>
  <Field name="name" label="Name" as={Row} xsLabel={2} required />
  <Field name="role" type="radio" label="Role" options={[
    {value: 'admin', label: 'Admin'},
    {value: 'user', label: 'User'},
  ]} as={Row} xsLabel={2} inline required />

Inline Group:

<FieldGroup id="about_me" label="About Me" as={Row} xsLabel={2}>
    <Field name="name" label="Name" as={Col} required />
    <Field name="role" type="radio" label="Role" options={[
      {value: 'admin', label: 'Admin'},
      {value: 'user', label: 'User'},
    ]} as={Col} required />


<FieldArray name="members" label="Members" initialSize={1} as={Row} xsLabel={2}>
    <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" hiddenLabel placeholder="Name" as={Col} required />
    <Col xs="auto" className="d-flex">
      <Button className="align-self-start" variant="danger" type="button" array-remove>X</Button>

Single Checkboxes and Switches:

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <FieldGroup key={type} id={type} label={type} hiddenLabel>
    <Field name={`${type}_single_row_normal`} type={type} label="Single Normal" as={Row} xsLabel={2} single />

Single Checkboxes and Switches with text in 'Label' section:

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <FieldGroup key={type} id={type} label={type} hiddenLabel>
    <Form.Group as={Row}>
      <Col xs={2}>Single</Col>
      <Field name={`${type}_single_row_no_label`} type={type} label="Single No Label" hiddenLabel as={Col} single />

Stacked Checkboxes and Switches:

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <FieldGroup key={type} id={type} label={type} hiddenLabel>
    <FieldGroup id={`${type}_stacked_row`} label="Stacked" as={Row} xsLabel={2} >
      <Field name={`${type}_stacked_row_1`} type={type} label="Stacked 1" />
      <Field name={`${type}_stacked_row_2`} type={type} label="Stacked 2" />

Inline Checkboxes and Switches:

{['checkbox', 'switch'].map((type) => (
  <FieldGroup key={type} id={type} label={type} hiddenLabel>
    <FieldGroup id={`${type}_inline_row`} label="Inline" as={Row} xsLabel={2} >
      <Field name={`${type}_inline_row_1`} type={type} label="Inline 1" inline />
      <Field name={`${type}_inline_row_2`} type={type} label="Inline 2" inline />

Col Sizing

  <Field name="city" label="City" hiddenLabel placeholder="City" as={Col} xs={7} />
  <Field name="state" label="State" hiddenLabel placeholder="State" as={Col} />
  <Field name="zip" label="Zip" hiddenLabel placeholder="Zip" as={Col} />

Col Auto-sizing

<Form.Row className="align-items-center">
  <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" hiddenLabel placeholder="Jane Doe" as={Col} xs="auto" />
  <Field name="username" type="text" label="Username" hiddenLabel placeholder="Enter username" as={Col} xs="auto" />
  <Field name="is_remember" type="checkbox" label="Remember me" as={Col} xs="auto" single />

Col Ordering

  <Field name="first" label="First" hiddenLabel placeholder="1 -> 1" as={Col} xs />
  <Field name="second" label="Second" hiddenLabel placeholder="2 -> last" as={Col} xs={{order: 'last'}} />
  <Field name="third" label="Third" hiddenLabel placeholder="3 -> 2" as={Col} xs={{order: 2}} />



When a <Field> component is disabled, the component will be rendered with a greyed out input element and the user won't be able to interact with it. This prop also ensures that the value won't be added to the form data and is therefore ignored for validation.

Disabled fields:

<Field name="text_disabled" type="text" label="Text" disabled />


The size prop makes a <Field>, <FieldGroup> or <FieldArray> component bigger or smaller with 'lg' and 'sm' respectively. This doesn't apply to the input section of range, checkbox, switch, radio, select (react-select) and file <Field> components.

<Field name="large_text" type="text" label="Large" placeholder="Enter large text" size={'lg'} />
<Field name="normal_text" type="text" label="Normal" placeholder="Enter normal text" />
<Field name="small_text" type="text" label="Small" placeholder="Enter small text" size={'sm'} />

Read Only and Plaintext

These props can only be applied to <Field> components that will render a regular text-based input element. The value of the component will still be added to the form data if the readOnly prop is set. Note that this is not the case for the disabled prop.

Read only:

<Field name="read_only" label="Read only" hiddenLabel readOnly defaultValue="Read only" />


<Field name="plaintext" label="Plaintext" hiddenLabel plaintext defaultValue="Plaintext" />

Read only plaintext:

<Field name="read_only_plaintext" label="Read only plaintext" hiddenLabel readOnly plaintext defaultValue="Read only plaintext" />

Disabled plaintext:

<Field name="disabled_plaintext" label="Disabled plaintext" hiddenLabel plaintext disabled defaultValue="Disabled plaintext" />

Help Text

<Field name="url" type="url" label="Website" help="Enter the url of your website, including the 'http://' part." required />

<Field name="tz" type="text" label="Timezone" help={
    Please enter a tz database name. A list of all the values can be found <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones" target="_blank">here</a>.
} />

Dynamic Field

When changing the state of the initialValues prop of the <Form> component through a onChange prop of a <Field> component, make sure to update its own value manually, since internally the state is updated asynchronously.

Render value-dependent field:

const initialValues = {
  has_quantity: false,

export default function App() {
  const [values, setValues] = useState(initialValues);
  const [hasQuantity, setHasQuantity] = useState(initialValues.has_quantity);

  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  return (
    <RBForm initialValues={values} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <Field name="has_quantity" type="checkbox" label="Has Quantity" value={hasQuantity} onChange={(value) => {setHasQuantity(value)}} />
      <Field name="quantity" type="number" label="Quantity" required hidden={!hasQuantity} />

Shared field value:

const initialValues = {

export default function App() {
  const [values, setValues] = useState(initialValues);
  const [isValueCustom, setIsValueCustom] = useState(false);
  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {
    const valuesCleaned = {...values};

    if (isValueCustom) {
      valuesCleaned.value = valuesCleaned.value_custom;
      delete valuesCleaned.value_custom;

    } else {
      delete valuesCleaned.value_custom;

    // The object is now ready to be sent to an api server.

    const isCustom = !(['5', '10', '20', '50'].includes(String(valuesCleaned.value)));

    if (isCustom) {
      valuesCleaned.value_custom = valuesCleaned.value;
      valuesCleaned.value = 'value_custom';

    // The object is now usable as initialValues (needed when initializing the form with data from an api server).


  return (
    <RBForm initialValues={values} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <Field name="value" type="select" label="Value" required onChange={(value) => setIsValueCustom(value === 'value_custom')}>
        <option disabled value="">Select...</option>
        <option value="value_custom">Custom</option>
      <Field name="value_custom" type="number" label="Custom value" hiddenLabel required hidden={!isValueCustom} />

Update initial values of the form:

const initialValues = {
  value_select: 5,

export default function App() {
  const [values, setValues] = useState(initialValues);
  const [isValueCustom, setIsValueCustom] = useState(false);
  const updateValueState = (values, type) => {

  const getIsRequired = (type) => {
    if (isValueCustom == null) {
      return true;

    return type ? isValueCustom : !isValueCustom;

  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  return (
    <RBForm initialValues={values} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <FieldGroup id="value" label="Value">
          label="Value" hiddenLabel
            {value: 5, label: '5'},
            {value: 10, label: '10'},
            {value: 20, label: ' 20'},
            {value: 50, label: ' 50'},
          onChange={(value_select) => updateValueState(
            {...values, value_select, value_custom: ''}, false
        } />
          label="Custom value" hiddenLabel
          onChange={(value_custom) => updateValueState(
            {...values, value_select: null, value_custom}, true
        } />

Server-side Form Validation

The onSubmit prop of the <Form> component can be used to send the form data to an api server. When the <Form> has been successfully submitted, the function of the onSubmit prop will be called. The first argument is the form data: an object with the value of all the active <Field> components. The second and third arguments are callback functions that should be used to let the <Form> know whenever or not the request was successful. The first callback is the success handler and accepts an optional response message. The second callback is a failure handler that accepts an optional object with two keys. The server key is a general error message. The field key is an object where each key should refer to a <Field> component through its name prop. The value of the key should be the error message of that field.

Server-side validation:

const initialValues = {
  name: '',
  age: '',

export default function App() {
  const [values, setValues] = useState(initialValues);

  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

    setTimeout(() => {
      const error = {
        server: 'There are value errors. Please check the invalid input fields.',
        field: {},

      if (values.name === '') {
        error.field.name = 'Can\'t be empty.'

      if (values.age === '') {
        error.field.age = 'Can\'t be empty.'

      } else if (values.age < 0) {
        error.field.age = 'Can\'t be negative.'

      if (Object.keys(error.field).length > 0) {

      } else {
        success('The forum has been successfully submitted.');
    }, 500);

  return (
    <RBForm initialValues={values} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" />
      <Field name="age" type="number" label="Age" />

Custom Field Validation

Different validation logic for the <Field> components can be defined by initializing the validation prop with a yup validation shape as value. If the <Field> component is required to be filled in, always use the required prop instead of adding this to the validation shape. Please see the official documentation for a list of all the options to create a shape.


import * as yup from 'yup';

Custom field validation:

<Field name="password" type="password" label="Password" required validation={
  yup.string().min(8, 'Password must be at least 8 characters long')
} />
<Field name="password_confirm" type="password" label="Confirm Password" required validation={
  yup.string().oneOf([yup.ref('password')], 'Password doesn\'t match')
} />

Validation Locale

To use custom validation locale, pass the yup module with the initialized locale to the <Form> component through the validation prop. Keep in mind that the locale won't apply for the messages defined in 'Custom Field Validation'. Please see the official documentation for more details and support for multiple languages.

Custom validation locale:

import * as yup from 'yup';

  mixed: {
    required: 'Required'
  number: {
    min: 'Value must be greater than or equal to ${min}',

export default function App() {
  return (
      <Field name="name" type="text" label="Name" validation={yup} required />

      <Field name="amount" type="number" label="Amount" validation={
      } required />

      <Field name="age" type="number" label="Age" validation={
        yup.number().min(18, 'You must be at least 18 years old to continue.')
      } required />

Custom Field Component

A custom Field component can be created by initializing the customInput prop on any component. That component must have an unique name prop. To update the value of the component, the onChange prop must be called with the input value as argument. The value can be accessed through the value prop. The type prop can be defined for validation purposes. When using the validation prop, the error prop can be used to retrive information about the validation and the isValid and IsInvalid props can be used after the form has been submitted unsuccessfully for even more control. Instead of adding the 'required' rule to the validation shape, always use the required prop. Please see to the 'Custom Field Validation' section for the details about custom validation and see the 'Validation Locale' section for detail about the locale.

Basic props:

  • customInput: true
  • name: string (required)
  • type: string
  • required: boolean = false
  • disabled: boolean = false
  • hidden: boolean = false
  • defaultValue: any
  • value: any
  • validation: yup

Custom text field:

const TextField = (props) => {
  const handleChange = (e) => {

  return (
      <label htmlFor={props.name}>{props.label}</label><br />
      <input type="text" id={props.name} defaultValue={props.value} onChange={handleChange} /><br />
      {props.isInvalid && <div>{props.error}</div>}

export default function App() {
  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  return (
    <RBForm initialValues={{name: 'Alice'}} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <TextField customInput name="name" label="Name" required />
      <TextField customInput name="info" label="Info" required />
      <TextField customInput name="number_only" type="number" label="Number only" required defaultValue="Wrong value" />


Sign Up Form

export default function App() {
  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  return (
    <RBForm onSubmit={handleSubmit} customSubmit="Sign up">
      <Field name="email" type="email" label="Email address" placeholder="Enter email" help="We'll never share your email with anyone else." required />
      <Field name="password" type="password" label="Password" placeholder="Enter password" required />
      <Field name="is_accept_terms" type="checkbox" label="Accept terms" single required />

Residential Form

export default function App() {
  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  return (
    <RBForm onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <Field name="address" type="text" label="Address" placeholder="1234 Main St" required />
      <Field name="address_alt" type="text" label="Address 2" placeholder="Apartment, studio, or floor" />

        <Field name="city" type="text" label="City" placeholder="Enter city" as={Col} required />
        <Field name="State" type="select" label="State" as={Col} options={[
          {value: 'AL', label: 'Alabama'},
          {value: 'CA', label: 'California'},
          {value: 'DE', label: 'Delaware'},
        ]} isClearable required />
        <Field name="zip" type="text" label="Zip" placeholder="Enter zip" as={Col} required />

Horizontal Login Form

export default function App() {
  const handleSubmit = (values, success, failure) => {

  return (
    <RBForm onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <Field name="email" type="email" label="Email" placeholder="Enter email" as={Row} xsLabel={2} required />
      <Field name="password" type="password" label="Password" placeholder="Enter password" as={Row} xsLabel={2} required />

      <Field name="status" type="radio" label="Status" as={Row} xsLabel={2} options={[
        {value: 0, label: 'Online'},
        {value: 1, label: 'Away'},
        {value: 2, label: 'Offline'},
      ]} required value={0} />

      <Field name="is_remember" type="checkbox" label="Remember me" as={Row} xsLabel={2} single />



initialValuesobjectThe values of the Fields that will be used at first render. Every key should matches the name prop of a <Field> or <FieldArray>. If the key is associated with an <FieldArray>, the value must be a array of objects, where every key should match a <Field> or another <FieldArray>. If the value of a key shouldn’t be changed by the <Field>, set the type prop to hidden.
validationErrorTextstring'Error'The text that will be shown when there is a validation error after submit.
onSubmit(values, success, failure) => {}Called when the <Form> has been submitted and validated successfully. Mainly used for server-side validation. The function callback passes three arguments: the values of the form data, a success handler and a failure handler. The success handler accepts a string and the failure handler accepts an object with two keys: server and field. The server key should have a string as value, while the field key should have an object. This object follows the same logic as the initialValues prop, but the value will be used to show <Field> specific errors.
customSubmit(isWaiting, success, error) => (JSX)Overrides the default submit button, loading indicator and status messages with a custom submit section. The isWaiting arguments is a boolean and the success and error arguments are strings. To hook an element with the submit function, use the type prop with 'submit' as value.


idstring (required)The identifier of the <FieldGroup>. Must be unique.
labelstring (required)The text that will be shown.
hiddenLabelbooleanfalseHides the label.
asCol | Row
xssmmdlgxlboolean | number | 'auto' | {span: boolean \| number \| 'auto', offset: number, order: number \| 'first' \| 'last'}


namestring (required)The identifier of the <Field> that is needed to keep track of its value and states internally. Must be unique.
type'input' | 'text' | 'search' | 'password' | 'email' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'color' | 'textarea' | 'number' | 'range' | 'checkbox' | 'switch' | 'radio' | 'select' | 'date' | 'month' | 'week' | 'datetime-local' | 'time' | 'datetime' | 'file' | 'hidden''input'The value type of the input. The value will determine what kind of <Field> should be built. If select is used, the component expects option elements as it’s direct children. If hidden is used, the component won’t be rendered, but the given value will still be used when submitting. Use this type if the user should never change the value of the component. Using select in combination with the options prop will build a react-select <Field> and using datetime will build a react-datetime <Field>. It is required that the necessary dependencies are installed to use these types. The options prop is required if the type is radio or select (react-select).
labelstring (required)The text that will be shown in the label.
hiddenLabelboolean'false'Hides the label.
placeholderstring'Select...' (select (react-select))The placeholder text in the input.
helpJSXRenders a muted description.
asCol | RowReact Bootstrap element types for custom component rendering.
xssmmdlgxlboolean | number | 'auto' | {span: boolean \| number \| 'auto', offset: number, order: number \| 'first' \| 'last'}If Col is used for rendering, sets the number of columns that the component will span on the given breakpoint. If an object is used as value, the ordering and the left-side offset can be defined.
xsLabelsmLabelmdLabellgLabelxlLabelnumberIf Row is used for rendering, sets the number of columns that the label will span on the given breakpoint.
xsControlsmControlmdControllgControlxlControlnumberIf Row is used for rendering, sets the number of columns that the input will span on the given breakpoint.
optionsarray | (inputValue) => (Promise)Required for radio or select (react-select). Must be an array of objects where each object has a value and label key. For async select, a callback function must be provided where the array will be promised. The first argument of the function is the value that the user filled in.
size'sm' | 'lg'Changes the render size of the label and input elements. Doesn’t apply to the input of range, checkbox, switch, radio, select (react-select) and file.
readOnlyboolean'false'Renders the input greyish and prevents the user from editing the value. Doesn’t apply to range, checkbox, switch, radio, select (HTML), select (react-select) and file. When the props is used in combination with the required prop and no value is set beforehand, the <Form> can't validate successfully.
plaintextboolean'false'Renders the input as plaintext. Doesn’t apply to range, checkbox, switch, radio, select (react-select) and file. This props is generally used in combination with the readOnly prop. This prop will override the effects of the size prop.
rowsnumberChanges the initial amount of rows for textarea.
maxnumber | stringThe maximum value that the input allows through its interface. Applies only to number, range, 'date', 'month', 'week', 'datetime-local' and 'time'.
minnumber | stringThe minimum value that the input allows through its interface. Applies only to number, range, 'date', 'month', 'week', 'datetime-local' and 'time'.
stepnumber | 'any'Changes the increment and decrement step of the input. Applies only to number, range, 'date', 'month', 'week', 'datetime-local' and 'time'.
singleboolean'false'Encapsulates a checkbox or switch for extra margin.
inlineboolean'false'Renders a checkbox, switch or radio inline.
multipleboolean'false'Allows the user to select multiple value for select and files. For select, this prop will change the validation type from string to array.
htmlSizenumberChanges the amount of visible rows for select. This prop will automatically set the component to multiple.
isSearchableboolean'true'If select (react-select), whenever or not the user is allowed to input custom values.
isClearableboolean'false'If select (react-select), renders a button to clear the value.
isCreatableboolean'false'If select (react-select), allows the user to create custom values. Sets the component to isSearchable automatically. When a custom value is created, the object will contain a __isNew__ key with its value set to true.
isMultiboolean'false'If select (react-select), allows the user to select multiple values.
noOptionsMessage({inputValue}) => (JSX)({inputValue}) => ('No options')If select (react-select), the text that will show if no values are found.
asyncboolean'false'If select (react-select), makes the component asynchronous.
defaultOptions[{value: string, label: string}] | booleanIf async, the initial values before making the first query.
cacheOptionsboolean'false'If async, whenever or not the results of every individual query should be stored.
dateFormatstring | booleanIf datetime, the format of the date.
timeFormatstring | booleanIf datetime, the format of the time.
localestring'en'If datetime, sets the moment locale of a dateitme.
data-browsestring'Browse'The text that indicates that a file must be selected on the user's device.
acceptstringAllows the user to only submit the given file types.
disabledboolean'false'Whenever or not the input must prevent user interaction. This prop will also prevent the value from being validated and submitted.
requiredboolean'false'Determines if the input must be filled in to pass the validation. Makes it required to check the input when using checkbox or switch. If the value is range and no valid initial value is found, the input must be touched at least once before the form can be submitted.
hiddenboolean'false'Makes the component invisible for the user and prevents the value from being validated and submitted. Use this prop instead of setting the type to hidden, if there is a possibility that the user could change the value of the component, eg a dynamic <Field>.
defaultValueanyThe initial value of the input if no other value is provided.
valueanyThe initial value of the input with the highest priority.
onChangefunctionThis function will be called after the value of the input has been changed. That value will be passed as the argument.
validationyup shapeOverrides the default validation logic. Whenever or not a value is required, must be handled through the required prop to prevent unexpected behaviour.


namestring (required)The identifier of the <FieldArray> that is needed to keep track of its value and states internally. Must be unique.
labelstringThe text that will be shown.
initialSizenumber1The amount of rows to generate at first render.
addButtonboolean | (addFunction) => (JSX)trueWhenever or not to show a button to add a new row. A custom section can be implemented by setting a callback function. The first argument is the function for adding a new row and can be attached to the onClick handler of a component.
noRowsMessageJSXThe message that will be rendered when there are no rows to show.
asCol | Row
xssmmdlgxlboolean | number | 'auto' | {span: boolean \| number \| 'auto', offset: number, order: number \| 'first' \| 'last'}


Feel free to open issues for bugs and feature requests. Pull request are also much appreciated.


React Bootstrap Form is MIT licensed.