1.0.3 • Published 3 months ago

@hyperoracle/zkwasm-service-helper v1.0.3

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3 months ago



This lib is to help communicate with zkwasm service

How to use it

This lib main provide a ZkWasmServiceHelper class to help user to communicate to zkwasm service backend. It mainly provide API to add tasks and get informations to zkwasm service backend.


  • async queryImage(md5: string);
  • async loadTasks(query: QueryParams);
  • async addNewWasmImage(task: WithSignature);
  • async addProvingTask(task: WithSignature);

A example to add new wasm image

This example typescript code will add the wasm image to the zkwasm service.

import {
} from "zkwasm-service-helper";

const endpoint = ""https://rpc.zkwasmhub.com:8090";
let helper = new ZkWasmServiceHelper(endpoint, "", "");
let imagePath = "/home/user/a.wasm";
let fileSelected: Buffer = fs.readFileSync(imagePath);
let md5 = ZkWasmUtil.convertToMd5(
        fileSelected as Uint8Array

let info: AddImageParams = {
        name: fileSelected.name,
        image_md5: md5,
        image: fileSelected,
        user_address: account!.address.toLowerCase(),
        description_url: "",
        avator_url: "",
        circuit_size: circuitSize,

// Optional Initial Context information

// Upload a binary file first
let contextFile = await ZkWasmUtil.loadContexFileAsBytes("<YourFilePath>");

if (contextFile) {
  let context_info: WithInitialContext = {
    initial_context: contextFile,
    initial_context_md5: ZkWasmUtil.convertToMd5(contextFile),
  info = { ...info, ...context_info };

let msg = ZkWasmUtil.createAddImageSignMessage(info);
let signature: string = await ZkWasmUtil.signMessage(msgString, priv); //Need user private key to sign the msg
let task: WithSignature<AddImageParams> = {

let response = await helper.addNewWasmImage(task);

A example to add proving tasks

This example typescript code will add proving tasks to the zkwasm service.

import {
} from "zkwasm-service-helper";

const endpoint = ""https://rpc.zkwasmhub.com:8090";
const image_md5 = "xxxx";
const public_inputs = "0x22:i64 0x21:i64";
const private_inputs = "";
const user_addr = "0xaaaaaa";

let helper = new ZkWasmServiceHelper(endpoint, "", "");
let pb_inputs: Array<string> = helper.parseProvingTaskInput(public_inputs);
let priv_inputs: Array<string> = helper.parseProvingTaskInput(private_inputs);

let info: ProvingParams = {
  user_address: user_addr.toLowerCase(),
  md5: image_md5,
  public_inputs: pb_inputs,
  private_inputs: priv_inputs,

// Context type for proof task. If none provided, will default to InputContextType.ImageCurrent in the server and use the image's current context
let selectedInputContextType = InputContextType.ImageCurrent;

// For Custom Context, upload a binary file first containing the context.
if (selectedInputContextType === InputContextType.Custom) {

  let contextFile = await ZkWasmUtil.loadContexFileAsBytes("<YourFilePath>");

  let context_info: WithCustomInputContextType = {
    input_context: contextFile,
    input_context_md5: ZkWasmUtil.convertToMd5(contextFile),
    input_context_type: selectedInputContextType,
  info = { ...info, ...context_info };
} else {
  info = { ...info, input_context_type: selectedInputContextType };
let msgString = ZkWasmUtil.createProvingSignMessage(info);

let signature: string;
try {
  signature = await ZkWasmUtil.signMessage(msgString, priv);
} catch (e: unknown) {
  console.log("error signing message", e);

let task: WithSignature<ProvingParams> = {
  signature: signature,

let response = await helper.addProvingTask(task);

A example to query task details

This example typescript code will query task details:

import {
} from "zkwasm-service-helper";
import BN from "bn.js";

const endpoint = ""https://rpc.zkwasmhub.com:8090";
const taskid = "xxxx"

let helper = new ZkWasmServiceHelper(endpoint, "", "");
    let args: QueryParams = {
        id: taskid!,
        user_address: null, // null can also be empty string "" to ignore fields in the query filter
        tasktype: null,
        taskstatus: null,
    helper.loadTasks(args).then((res) => {
        const tasks = res as PaginationResult<Task[]>;
        const task: Task = tasks.data[0];
        let aggregate_proof = ZkWasmUtil.bytesToBN(task.proof);
        let instances = ZkWasmUtil.bytesToBN(task.instances);
        let batchInstances = ZkWasmUtil.bytesToBN(task.batch_instances);
        let aux = ZkWasmUtil.bytesToBN(task.aux);
        let fee = task.task_fee && ZkWasmUtil.convertAmount(task.task_fee);

        console.log("Task details: ");
        console.log("    ", task);
        console.log("    proof:");
        aggregate_proof.map((proof: BN, index) => {
            console.log("   0x", proof.toString("hex"));
        console.log("    batch_instacne:");
        batchInstances.map((ins: BN, index) => {
            console.log("   0x", ins.toString("hex"));
        console.log("    instacne:");
        instances.map((ins: BN, index) => {
            console.log("   0x", ins.toString("hex"));
        console.log("    aux:");
        aux.map((aux: BN, index) => {
            console.log("   0x", aux.toString("hex"));
        console.log("   fee:", fee);
    }).catch((err) => {
        console.log("queryTask Error", err);
    }).finally(() =>
        console.log("Finish queryTask.")


md5 is case insensitive when communicate with our zkwasm service