1.1.0 • Published 9 months ago

@hyurl/grpc-boot v1.1.0

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9 months ago

gRPC Boot

Make it easy to create standalone and elegant gRPC based applications.

NOTE: this package uses @hyurl/grpc-async to make life with gRPC easier.

NOTE: The NPM package only contains the minimal file base, go to GitHub for this Doc and the related files. By combining these files, this project itself serves as an example of using gRPC Boot in real world.


npm i @hyurl/grpc-boot

First Impression

Take a look at the following config file (grpc-boot.json):

    "$schema": "./node_modules/@hyurl/grpc-boot/grpc-boot.schema.json",
    "package": "services",
    "protoDirs": [
    "protoOptions": {
        "longs": "String",
        "defaults": true,
        "oneofs": true
    "apps": [
            "name": "example-server",
            "uri": "grpc://localhost:4000",
            "serve": true,
            "services": [
            "stdout": "./out.log"
            "name": "user-server",
            "uri": "grpc://localhost:4001",
            "serve": false,
            "services": [
            "name": "post-server",
            "uri": "grpc://localhost:4002",
            "serve": true,
            "services": [
            "stdout": "./out.log"

Now, start the apps like this:

npx tsc && npx grpc-boot start

It's just that simple.


  • package This is the package name in the .proto files.
  • namespace This is the directory that stores the service class (.ts) files, and is the root namespace of the services. Normally, this option is omitted or set to the same value as package, but it can be set to a different value to achieve aliasing.
  • entry The entry file that is used to spawn apps. Normally, this property is not required because the CLI command will use the default entry file for us.

    If a custom entry file is provided, it's spawned with the arguments appName [config], we can use process.argv[2] to get the app's name and process.argv[3] to get the config filename (if provided). Please take a look at the example main.ts.

  • importRoot Where to begin searching for TypeScript / JavaScript files, the default is .. If given, we need to set this property the same value as the outDir compiler option in the tsconfig.json file.

  • protoDirs These directories stores the .proto files. Normally, .proto files reside with the service class (.ts) files, but they can be placed in a different place, say a proto folder, just set this option to the correct directory so the program can find and load them.
  • protoOptions These options are used when loading the .proto files.
  • apps This property configures the apps that this project serves and connects.

    • name The name of the app.
    • uri The URI of the gRPC server, supported schemes are grpc:, grpcs:, http:, https: or xds: (make sure package @grpc/grpc-js-xds is installed).
    • serve If this app is served by the gRPC Boot app server. If this property is false, that means the underlying services are served by another program. As we can see from the above example, the user-server sets this property to false, because it's served in a golang program. If we take a look at the services.UserService, we will just see a very simple TypeScript declaration file.
    • services The services served by this app. if we take a look at the services.ExampleService and the services.PostService, we will see that they're very simple TypeScript class files.
    • stdout Log file used for stdout.

      More Options

    • ca The CA filename when using TLS/SSL.

    • cert The certificate filename when using TLS/SSL.
    • key The private key filename when using TLS/SSL. NOTE: We only need a pair of certificates for both the server and the client, since they are inside one project, using different certificates makes no sense.
    • connectTimeout Connection timeout in milliseconds, the default value is 5_000 ms.
    • options Channel options, see https://www.npmjs.com/package/@grpc/grpc-js for more details.
    • stderr Log file used for stderr.
    • env The environment variables passed to the entry file.

With these simple configurations, we can write our gRPC application straightforwardly in a .proto file and a .ts file in the services directory, without any headache of how to start the server or connect to the services, all is properly handled internally by the gRPC Boot framework.

CLI Commands

  • init [options] [package] initiate a new gRPC project

    • options
      • -c, --config <filename> create a custom config file
    • package The package name / root namespace of the services, default 'services'
  • start [options] [app] start an app or all apps (exclude non-served ones)

    • options
      • -c, --config <filename> use a custom config file
    • app the app name in the config file
  • restart [options] [app] restart an app or all apps (exclude non-served ones)

    • options
      • -c, --config <filename> use a custom config file
    • app the app name in the config file
  • reload [options] [app] reload an app or all apps

    • options
      • -c, --config <filename> use a custom config file
    • app the app name in the config file
  • stop [options] [app] stop an app or all apps

    • options
      • -c, --config <filename> use a custom config file
    • app the app name in the config file
  • list [options] list all apps (exclude non-served ones)

    • options
      • -c, --config <filename> use a custom config file


After we've modified our source code (or recompiled), the .proto files, or the config file, we can use the reload command to hot-reload our apps without restarting the process.

When the command is issued, the application will scan the imported service files and their dependencies (exclude the ones in node_modules), and reload them all at once. Since this procedure doesn't restart the process, all context stores in the global scope are still available. Hot-reloading is much faster than restarting the whole program, the clients will experience 0-downtime of our services.

It's important to point out, though, that the hot-reloading model this package uses only supports services and their dependencies, any other code, for example, the change of the entry file, will not join the reloading process and cannot be hot-reloaded, if such changes are made, a full restart is needed for the new code to run.

Why not auto-reload when the file is changed?

gRPC uses the .proto file for definition and the .ts file for implementation, it's hard to keep track on both files at the same time. If reload immediately after a file is changed, there may be inconsistency between the two files and causing program failure. So this package provides the reload command that allows us to manually reload the app when we're done with our changes.

About Process Management

A server app may be automatically respawned if it is crashed, but this behavior requires at least one app is still running. If our project only have one app, this feature will not function.

On the other hand, the CLI tool only works for the app instance, if the process contain other objects that prevent the process to exit, the stop command won't be able to terminate the process.

It's recommended to use external process management tool such as PM2 in production, which gives us more control of our program and provides more features such as monitoring. And while using PM2 (or others), we can still use the reload command to hot-reload our app after deployed new updates.

Programmatic API

App.boot(app?: string, config?: string): Promise<void>

Starts the app programmatically.

  • app The app's name that should be started as a server. If not provided, the app only connects to other servers but not serves as one.
  • config Use a custom config file.


import App from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

(async () => {
    // This app starts a gRPC server named 'example-server' and connects to all services.
    const serverApp1 = await App.boot("example-server");

    // This app starts a gRPC server with a custom config file.
    const serverApp2 = await App.boot("example-server", "my.config.json");

(async () => {
    // This app won't start a gRPC server, but connects to all services.
    const clientApp1 = await App.boot();

    // This app connects to all services with a custom config file.
    const clientApp2 = await App.boot(null, "my.config.json");

app.stop(): Promise<void>

Stops the app programmatically.


import App from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

App.boot("example-server").then(app => {
    process.on("exit", (code) => {
        // Stop the app when the program is issued to exit.
        app.stop().then(() => {

app.reload(): Promise<void>

Reloads the app programmatically.

This function is rarely used explicitly, prefer to use the CLI reload command or App.sendCommand("reload") instead.

app.onReload(callback: () => void): void

Registers a callback to run after the app is reloaded.


import App from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

App.boot("example-server").then(app => {
    app.onReload(() => {
        // Log the reload event.
        console.info("The app has been reloaded");

app.onStop(callback: () => void): void

Registers a callback to run after the app is stopped.


import App from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

App.boot("example-server").then(app => {
    app.onStop(() => {
        // Terminate the process when the app is stopped.

App.loadConfig(config?: string): Promise<Config>

Loads the configurations.

  • config Use a custom config file.

App.loadConfigForPM2(config?: string): Promise<{ apps: any[] }>

Loads the configurations and reorganize them so that the same configuration can be used in PM2's configuration file.

  • config Use a custom config file.

App.sendCommand(cmd: "reload" | "stop" | "list", app?: string, config?: string): Promise<void>

Sends control command to the apps. This function is mainly used in the CLI tool.

  • cmd
  • app The app's name that should received the command. If not provided, the command is sent to all apps.
  • config Use a custom config file.

App.runSnippet(fn: () => void | Promise<void>, config?: string): Promise<void>

Runs a snippet inside the apps context.

This function is for temporary scripting usage, it starts a temporary pure-clients app so we can use the services as we normally do in our program, and after the main fn function is run, the app is automatically stopped.

  • fn The function to be run.
  • config Use a custom config file.


import App from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

App.runSnippet(async () => {
    const post = await services.PostService.getPost({ id: 1 });

Good Practices

  1. The package name of the .proto file for services is the same namespace in the .ts service class files.

    For example:

// the .proto file
syntax = "proto3";

package services;
// the .ts file
declare global {
    namespace services {


NOTE: this rule doesn't apply to the situation when multiple projects are sharing the same .proto files.

  1. The package name / namespace is the directory name that store the .proto files and .ts files. For example, package name services uses ./services directory, and services.sub uses ./services/sub. This is required for discovering and importing files.

  2. The base name of the .proto file (without extension) should have a correspondent .ts file (or .d.ts file). For example, ExampleService.proto maps to the ExampleService.ts file.

  3. The .proto file should contain only one service and its name is the same name as the file, respectively, the correspondent .ts file export the default class with the same name.

    For example

// the ExampleService.proto file
syntax = "proto3";

package services;

service ExampleService {
    // ...
// the ExampleService.ts file
import { ServiceClient } from "@hyurl/grpc-boot"

declare global {
    namespace services {
        const ExampleService: ServiceClient<ExampleService>;

export default class ExampleService {


Lifecycle Support

The service class served by gRPC Boot application supports lifecycle functions, to use this feature, simply implement the LifecycleSupportInterface for the service class, for example:

import { LifecycleSupportInterface } from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

export default class ExampleService implements LifecycleSupportInterface {
    async init(): Promise<void> {
        // When the service is loaded (or reloaded), the `init()` method will be automatically
        // called, we can add some async logic inside it, for example, establishing database
        // connection, which is normally not possible in the default `constructor()` method
        // since it doesn't support asynchronous codes.

    async destroy(): Promise<void> {
        // When the app is about to stop, or the service is about to be reloaded, the `destroy()`
        // method will be called, which gives the ability to clean up and release resource.

Routing According to the Message

If a service is served in multiple apps, gRPC Boot uses a client-side load balancer to connect to it, the load balancer is configured with a custom routing resolver which allows us redirect traffic according to the message we sent when calling RPC functions.

To use this feature, define the request message that extends / augments the interface RoutableMessageStruct, it contains a route key that can be used in the internal client load balancer. When the client sending a request which implements this interface, the program will automatically route the traffic to a certain server evaluated by the route key, which can be set in the following forms:

  • a URI or address that corresponds to the ones that set in the config file;
  • an app's name that corresponds to the ones that set in the config file;
  • if none of the above matches, use the hash algorithm on the route value;
  • if route value is not set, then the default round-robin algorithm is used for routing.

For Example:

// the .proto file

message RequestMessage = {
    string route = 1;
    // other fields
// the .ts file
import { RoutableMessageStruct } from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

export interface RequestMessage extends RoutableMessageStruct {
    // other fields

Running the Program in TS-Node

The CLI tools starts the program either with node or ts-node according to the entry file. If the entry file's extension is .js, it spawn the process via node, which means the source code (in TypeScript) needs to be transpiled into JavaScript first in order to be run (the default behavior). If the filename ends with .ts, it load the program via ts-node, which allow TypeScript code run directly in the program.

By default, gRPC Boot app uses a default entry file compiled in JavaScript, which means our code needs to be transpiled as well. To use ts-node running TypeScript, we need to provide a custom entry file, just like this.

    "package": "services",
    "entry": "./main.ts",
    // ...

Moreover, instead of giving the extension name, we can omit it (for example ./main) and allow the CLI tool to determine whether to use node or ts-node according the file presented. If main.js is presented, node is used, otherwise, ts-node is used.

Multi-Config Project

It's possible to define a project with multiple gRPC Boot configurations, just pass the custom config filename everywhere we need. This suits the scenario that the gRPC servers from other projects uses other package names that is different from ours (commonly services).

For example, another project uses the package name helloworld, and we use the GreeterService from it. To do this, we can create a custom config file helloworld.grpc-boot.json like this:

    "package": "helloworld",
    "protoDirs": ["helloworld"],
    "protoOptions": {
        "longs": "String",
        "defaults": true,
        "oneofs": true
    "apps": [
            "name": "greeter-server",
            "uri": "grpc://greeter-server:4000",
            "services": [

Then create a folder named helloworld, inside it, we create a TypeScript declaration file GreeterService.d.ts:

import { ServiceClient } from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";

declare global {
    namespace helloworld {
        const GreeterService: ServiceClient<GreeterService>;

// declare message types ...

export default class GreeterService {
    // declare methods ...

Then in our entry file, add the following code:

await App.boot(null, "helloworld.grpc-boot.json");

Sharing .proto Files Across Projects

Multiple projects can use each other's services to form a bigger architecture. To do this, one project needs to download and import the .proto files from the other project. During the process, we need to prevent naming conflict. For example, both project A and project B uses services as their namespaces and the folder to place service class files, and they both have their own services.UserService. It's impossible for us to store two .proto files with the same name in one place, and impossible to have two UserService under the same namespace.

In order to prevent this and have a better coding experience, we need a better practice, to name our packages in the .proto files, as well as the service namespaces in the .ts files. We can do this by settings different names for the package option and the namespace option in the config file (and the corresponding .proto and .ts files). For Example, in project A:

// grpc-boot.json
    "package": "hyurl.grpcBoot.services",
    "namespace": "services",
    // ...
    "apps": [
            // ...
            "services": [

This tells that our .proto files uses the package name hyurl.grpcBoot.services, while the .ts files uses namespace services.

When project B uses the .proto files from this project, in its config file (a custom one), we set this:

// extra-grpc-boot.json
    "package": "hyurl.grpcBoot.services",
    "namespace": "projectA",
    // ...
    "apps": [
            // ...
            "services": [

Then in project A we are comfortably using services.UserService while in project B we use projectA.UserService to refer to the same service.

Naming the package with prefixed domains gives a clear indication of where the services and messages are coming from. The namespace, on the other hand, creates an alias of the package in the .ts files and for auto-loading. It practically just gives a shorter name of the package (as well as a shallower path of the directory structure). However this is optional, if we'd prefer, we can create all the subfolders for the package name and leave namespace unset (and reference the services respectively).

0-Services App

An app can be configured with serve: true but no services, such an app does not actually start the gRPC server neither consume the port. But such an app can be used, say, to start a web server, which connects to the gRPC services and uses the facility this package provides, such as the CLI tool and the reloading hook.

For example:

// grpc-boot.json
    // ...
    "entry": "main", // need a custom entry file
    "apps": [
            "name": "web-server",
            "uri": "http://localhost:4000",
            "serve": true,
            "services": [] // leave this blank
        // ...
// main.ts
import App from "@hyurl/grpc-boot";
import * as http from "http";
import * as https from "https";
import * as fs from "fs/promises";

if (require.main?.filename === __filename) {
    (async () => {
        const appName = process.argv[2];
        const config = process.argv[3];

        const app = await App.boot(appName, config);
        let httpServer: http.Server;
        let httpsServer: https.Server;
        if (appName === "web-server") {
            const conf = await App.loadConfig(config);
            const _app = conf.apps.find(app => app.name === appName);
            let { protocol, port } = new URL(_app.uri);

            if (protocol === "https:") {
                port ||= "443";
                httpsServer = https.createServer({
                    cert: await fs.readFile(_app.cert),
                    key: await fs.readFile(_app.key),
                }, (req, res) => {
                    // ...
            } else if (protocol === "http:") {
                port ||= "80";
                httpServer = http.createServer((req, res) => {
                    // ...

        app.onReload(() => {
            // do some logic to reload the HTTP(S) server
        app.onStop(() => {

    })().catch(err => {