@i-cell/data-table v4.0.2
npm i @i-cell/data-table
The table supports Angular v13.1.3
In order to use the table, you need to install these dependencies:
Package | Command to install | Current version |
Angular material * | npm i @angular/material | 13.1.3 |
Angular CDK | npm i @angular/cdk | 13.1.3 |
ngx-translate | npm i ngx-translate | 14.0.0 |
ngx-webstorage | npm i ngx-webstorage | 9.0.0 |
*if you need to add Angular Material to an existing project, make sure
to load the required material palettes in your styles.scss
for the
Material theme as well. For example:
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@include mat-core();
$candy-app-primary: mat-palette($mat-deep-purple);
$candy-app-accent: mat-palette($mat-pink, A200, A100, A400);
$candy-app-warn: mat-palette($mat-red);
$candy-app-theme: mat-light-theme(
@include angular-material-theme($candy-app-theme);
The table uses
svg icon, you will need to download the latestmdi.svg
from here. Place the downloaded svg inside theassets/
folder of your application.Note
If you structure your
folder in a specific way, you have the option to set the path of the svg, while you import the module.
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { DataTableModule } from '@icell/widget-data-table';
import { MatTableModule } from '@angular/material/table';
import { TranslateModule } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { NgxWebstorageModule } from 'ngx-webstorage';
const pathToSvg: string = 'assets/path-to-svg/mdi.svg';
imports: [
export class Module {
Column settings
field can have the following values:
this.columnSettings: DataTableColumnDefinition[] = [
field: 'atomicNumber',
label: 'position',
sortable: true,
hideable: true,
visible: true,
columnClass: 'table__atomic-numbers_bold',
field: 'type',
label: 'Item type',
valueFormatter: (type) => ('ITEM_TYPES.' + type)
sortable: true,
hideable: true,
visible: true,
label: 'name',
sortable: true,
template: 'labelBoldTemplate',
hideable: true,
visible: true,
identifier: true,
label: 'weight',
valueGetter: (item) => (item.type === 'NET' ? item.netWeight : item.grossWeight)
template: 'numericTemplate',
sortable: true,
hideable: true,
visible: true,
field: 'symbol',
label: 'symbol',
sortable: true,
hideable: true,
visible: true,
field: 'actions',
label: 'actions',
sortable: false,
hideable: false,
visible: true,
stickyEnd: true,
template: 'componentTemplate',
component: RowActionComponent,
componentOptions: {
inputs: {
// In RowActionComponent: `@Input() icon: string;`
icon: 'details'
outputs: {
// In RowActionComponent: `@Output() clicked = new EventEmitter<RowDataType>();`
clicked: (rowData: RowDataType) => {
// Do something
Table settings
Attribute | Binding | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
name | @Input | string | ✔️ | '' | Name of the table. |
caption | @Input | string | ✔️ | '' | Caption of the table. |
dataSource | @Input | any[] \| ServerSideDataSource \| MatTableDataSource | ❌ | [] | DataSource. |
columnSettings | @Input | DataTableColumnDefinition[] | ❌ | Column settings. | |
detailTemplate | @Input | ngTemplateRef | ✔️ | #defaultTemplate | Custom user defined detail view |
showDetails | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | false | Flag indicating to render with detail rows. |
hasNoRowsToShowOverlayNoBelow | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | false | Flag indicating to render no data row in the table or below the table. |
useSelection | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | false | Flag to render with checkboxes for multiselect rows. |
hideSelectParameter | @Input | string | ✔️ | Parameter name, a row[hideSelectParameter] value will hide / enable the select checkbox on the given row, if used with useSelection. | |
color | @Input | ThemePalette | ✔️ | primary | Use this palette for mat elements. |
showColumnMenu | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | false | Flag to render column menu. |
hasSorting | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | false | Flag to enable sorting. |
fixedHeader | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | false | Flag to have sticky header. |
hasExtColMenu | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | false | Flag to use external column menu. |
detailClosedIcon | @Input | string | ✔️ | chevron-right | Icon to use for closed details. |
detailOpenIcon | @Input | string | ✔️ | chevron-down | Icon to use for opened details. |
sortingNoSort | @Input | string | ✔️ | sort | Icon to use for no sort active. |
sortingAsc | @Input | string | ✔️ | sort-ascending | Icon to use for sort ascending. |
sortingDesc | @Input | string | ✔️ | sort-descending | Icon to use for sort descending. |
rowClass | @Input | function | ✔️ | () ⇒ '' | Dynamically set per-row CSS class. |
evenRowClass | @Input | string | ✔️ | Dynamically set even row CSS class. | |
oddRowClass | @Input | string | ✔️ | Dynamically set odd row CSS class. | |
headerClass | @Input | srting | ✔️ | Defines the class used by thead > tr . | |
detailStickyColumns | @Input | boolean | ✔️ | If set true the detail row will reflect the same sticky column structure. | |
rowClick | @Output | RowClickEvent | ✔️ | Emitted row click event. | |
cellClick | @Output | CellClickEvent | ✔️ | Emitted cell click event. | |
rowKeyDown | @Output | RowKeyDownEvent | ✔️ | Emitted row onkeydown event. | |
columnSelectionChange | @Output | ColumnSelectionEvent | ✔️ | Emitted column selection event. |
Important: since Ivy, the order of the properties matter. Try to set up
flags first, and more complex parameters later. (e.g. showDetails
before dataSource
Table functions
You can call the following functions directly after selecting the table
with @ViewChild(DataTableComponent, { static: true })
: Opens up all details, if providedcollapseAll()
: Closes every opened detail view
Custom Sorting
The table contains a built-in, custom, MatSort-based sorting for client-
and serverside as well. It’s plugged in onto the datasource
of the
table (which you can provide). If you wish to overwrite it (for
instance, use your own DataSource
and a query-based sorting), you can
use the following code to modify or remove the default sorting
this.yourCustomDatasource.sortData = (data: any[], sort: MatSort) => {
console.log("sort information: ", sort);
// implement your sort logic here
DataSource configuration
this.data = new ServerSideDataSource(
this.data = new MatTableDataSource([]);
For translation we utilize @ngx-translate
used for localizinguses 2 input properties:
represents the columns locale_keydirection
used if no sort is setICELL_DATA_TABLE.SORT_ASC
used if sort is ascendingICELL_DATA_TABLE.SORT_DESC
used if sort is descending
"SORT_BUTTON_LABEL": "Change sorting for {{id}}, {{direction}}.",
"SORT_NONE": "no sorting",
"SORT_ASC": "sorting ascending",
"SORT_DESC": "sorting descending",
"NOROWSTOSHOW": "No data present.",
Live StackBlitz example
StackBlitz reference implementation can be found here.
Run example project
Delete the one line (//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}
from .npmrc
file in your project, if you want to build on a local
# Build and pack a local version
npm run pack
# Switch directories
cd ./examples/icell-data-table-example/
# Edit the package.json to have the proper path to the tgz
# "@i-cell/data-table": "file:../../i-cell-data-table-<version>.tgz",
# Install dependencies
npm i
# Start up the example
npm start
If no issues emerge the application should up and running, so you can start to experiment.
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