0.0.5 • Published 3 years ago

@icalialabs/run-aws-ecs-task v0.0.5

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3 years ago

Run AWS ECS Task

Runs a Task in AWS ECS

Github Action Usage

      - name: Run AWS ECS Task
        uses: icalia-actions/run-aws-ecs-task@v0.0.2
          cluster: my-cluster
          # The name of the task to run - it will also be used as the name of
          # the task definition:
          name: my-cool-task

          # You may optionally wait until the task finishes (defaults to false)
          wait-to-completion: true
          # The template for the task - i.e. the json/yaml used when running
          # `aws ecs run-task --cli-input-yaml file://templates/ecs/my-task.yml`
          template: templates/ecs/my-task.yml

          # You can optionally set the task definition template:
          definition-template: templates/ecs/my-task-definition.yml

          # You can override the image used on any container - the most common
          # use case is to deploy an image built & pushed on a previous step:
          container-images: '{"my-container":"my-built-image"}'

          # You can optionally override any environment variable in the task 
          # container definitions, given that the overridden environment variable
          # already exists in the container definition:
          environment-vars: '{"FOO":"BAR"}'

          # You can also override secrets already defined in the "secrets" key
          # inside the container definition by using a map consisting of the
          # "name" as key, and the "valueFrom" as the value - the secret name
          # *must* be present in the definition, otherwise it will be ignored.
          secrets: '{"MY_SECRET":"some-secret-name"}'

Library Usage

yarn add --dev @icalialabs/run-aws-ecs-task