1.2.2 • Published 5 years ago

@iiif-mec/core v1.2.2

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IIIF Manifest Editor Components

The project provides components to create editing tools for IIIF Manifests.

Demos and Implementations



This article explains the motivation behind the following implementations.

Victoria and Albert Museum - Slideshow and Annotated Zoom editor


Delft University of Technology - Exhibition Editor


Requirements and dependencies

  • nodejs > 8.15.1
  • yarn > 1.7.0
  • lerna > 2.11.0

Build the project locally

Clone the git repository:

git clone git@github.com:digirati-co-uk/iiif-manifest-editor-components.git

Install dependencies:

cd iiif-manifest-editor-components

The available build commands:

buildbuild and lerna link
build-allbuild only
build-cici servers should use this command
start-doczstarts the core documentation server
linklerna link
postinstalllerna link

To simply build the package:

yarn build

To run the documentation:

yarn docz

Configuring the property editor fields

The src/defaults folder contains manifest editor configurations for the specialized modes, namely the annotated-zoom, the slideshow and the default editor modes.

Overriding property editor field labels

The form field label overrides defined as key-value pairs under the metaOntology property of the aforementioned defaults file. The following table lists all available keys.

keythe overriden element
Properties.Annotation,Canvas,Manifestgroup title
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.Summarysummary field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.Labellabel field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.RequiredStatementrequired statement field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.RequiredStatement.Labelrequired statement label field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.RequiredStatement.Valuerequired statement value field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.Metadatametadata field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.Metadata.Labelmetadata label field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.Metadata.Valuemetadata value field label
Manifest,Canvas,Annotation.Behaviorsbehaviours field label
Manifest.NavDatemanifest navdate field label
Manifest.Rightsmanifest rights field label

The square brackets lists all possible values, so for example in the configuration you can have:

  metaOntology: {
    'Manifest.Summary': 'Slideshow Summary',
    'Canvas.Summary': 'Slide Text',
    'Annotation.Summary': 'Annotation Summary',

Note: please make sure that the field is enabled for the defaults propertyFields section as well.

Changing the field order on the property editor forms

In the defaults defaults file propertyFields defines the editable IIIF properties in order of appearance udert the resource groups:

    Manifest: [
    Canvas: [
    Annotation: [
    TextPropertiesForm: [
    ImagePropertiesForm: [

Where ... is the list of IIIF property names. If a non-standard IIIF property name entered, a simple text field will appear. The full list of iiif property names can be found at https://iiif.io/api/presentation/3.0/#appendices



