1.0.0 • Published 12 months ago

@iiiristram/ts-type-utils v1.0.0

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12 months ago


All types could be used with any value of strictNullChecks option of tsconfig.

TryOmit<T, K>

Omits keys if they exists, otherwise does nothing

type X = TryOmit<{ a: 1; b: 2 }, 'c'>; // { a: 1; b: 2 }
type X = TryOmit<{ a: 1; b: 2; c: 3 }, 'c'>; // { a: 1; b: 2 }


Returns instance type if constructor provided, otherwise returns never

class Test {}

type X = InstanceOf<typeof Test>; // Test
type X = InstanceOf<{}>; // never


Alias for Record<string, T>


Returns true if T is any and false otherwise

type X = IsAny<null>; // false
type X = IsAny<undefined>; // false
type X = IsAny<any[]>; // false
type X = IsAny<never>; // false
type X = IsAny<unknown>; // false
type X = IsAny<number>; // false

type X = IsAny<any>; // true


Returns true if T describes an object and false otherwise

type X = IsObject<number>; // false
type X = IsObject<any[]>; // false
type X = IsObject<Function>; // false
type X = IsObject<never>; // false
type X = IsObject<unknown>; // false
type X = IsObject<any>; // false
type X = IsObject<null>; // false
type X = IsObject<undefined>; // false

type X = IsObject<object>; // true
type X = IsObject<{}>; // true
type X = IsObject<Indexed>; // true
type X = IsObject<Indexed | Object | {}>; // true
type X = IsObject<Indexed & Object & {}>; // true


Returns true if T is tuple and false otherwise

type X = IsTuple<[any]>; // true
type X = IsTuple<any[]>; // false

Exact<T1, T2>

Returns true if T1 and T2 are the same and false otherwise

type X = Exact<{ x: 1 }, { x: 2 }>; // false
type X = Exact<{ x: 1 }, { x: 1 }>; // true

Known issues:

  • type is not designed to handle function-types
  • type compares optional properties only if they represented in both parameters
type X = Exact<{ x: { y?: string }, { x: { y?: number } }>; // false
type X = Exact<{ x: { y?: string }, { x: {} }>; // true - only T1 has "y" key and it's optional

ExtractByType<T, S>

Picks properties of particular type from the source type

type X = ExtractByType<
        a: any;
        b: number;
        c: unknown;
        d: never;
        e: null;
        f: undefined;
        g?: number;
>; /* {
    b: number;
    g?: number;
} */


Returns args type if function type provided, otherwise returns never

type X = ExtractArgs<(a: number, b: string) => void>; // [number, string]

ReplaceReturn<TFunc, TRet>

Replaces return type for provided function type

type X = ReplaceReturn<(a: number, b: string) => void, string>; // (a: number, b: string) => string


Infers return type, and in case a promise returned, infers promise resolution type

type X = ExtractAsyncReturn<(a: number, b: string) => void>; // void
type X = ExtractAsyncReturn<(a: number, b: string) => Promise<void>>; // void


If T consists of indexed declaration and particular keys, this keys will be returned, if no such keys unknown returned

type X = KnownKeys<{
    [str: string]: any;
    [num: number]: unknown;
    x: number;
    y: string;
}>; // 'x' | 'y'


Creates new type from T by picking known keys

type X = PickKnown<{
    [str: string]: any;
    [num: number]: unknown;
    x: number;
    y: string;
}>; /* {
    x: number;
    y: string;
} */


Returns keys marked as optional

type X = GetOptionalKeys<{ a: number; b?: undefined; c?: {} }>; // 'b' | 'c'


Creates new type from T by picking optional keys

type X = GetOptional<{ a: undefined; b?: string; c?: undefined }>; // { b?: string; c?: undefined }


Creates new type from T by picking required keys

type X = GetRequired<{ a: null; b?: string; c?: {} }>; // { a: null }


Recursively makes all keys optional

type X = DeepPartial<{
    s: {
        b: {
            c: number;
}>; /*
    s?: {
        b?: {
            c?: number;
} */

Merge<T1, T2>

Recursively merge two types

type X = Merge<
        a: string;
        b: { c: Array<{ d: number; d2: boolean }> };
        [x: number]: { e?: any };
        b: { c: Array<{ d?: string }>; c2: number };
        [x: number]: { e: boolean };
        f: null;
>; /* {
    a: string;
    b: { c: Array<{ d?: string; d2: boolean }>; c2: number };
    [x: number]: { e: boolean };
    f: null;
} */