1.1.4 • Published 3 years ago

@ikoabo/core v1.1.4

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3 years ago

IKOA Business Opportunity Core API

Utility functions for basic development. This library is part of IKOA Business Opportunity Microservices Infraestructure.

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Predefined constants

Package include a set of predefined constants to be used inside backend/frontend development. It includes constants to prefeined object status, prefined general errors, logs level, and HTTP status responses.

import { LOG_LEVEL, SERVER_STATUS, SERVER_ERRORS, HTTP_STATUS } from "@ikoabo/core";

Using Logger

Logger is an small wrapper of winston logger. It only hande logs to the console output and must be configured on server initialization. Logger support the same log levels of winston.

import { Logger, LOG_LEVEL } from "@ikoabo/core";

/* Set the global log level */

/* Initialize the logger for multiple components */
const _logger1 = new Logger("MiComponent");
const _logger2 = new Logger("OtherComponent");

/* Log an error from one logger */
_logger1.error("Error from one component", {
  code: 2,
  msg: "Invalid call"

/* Log a debug message from the other logger */
_logger2.debug("Debug from another component", {
  field: "social",
  value: 10

Using Arrays utilities functions

Arrays implements functions to improve array data manipulation. it implements functions to ensure array initialization with include/exclude values, array sort, binary search and multiple arrays intersection.

import { Arrays } from "@ikoabo/core";
let arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
let arrInclude = [3, 15, 6];
let arrExclude = [2, 5];

/* Get new array [1, 3, 7, 15, 6] */
let newArr = Arrays.initialize < number > (arr1, arrInclude, arrExclude);

/* Sort the array and search a value inside the array */
Arrays.sort < number > newArr;
console.log(Arrays.search(newArr, 7)); // Prints 3

/* Intersect multiple arrays, gets [3] */
let intArr = Arrays.intersect < number > (newArr, arr1, arrInclude);

Using Objects utilities functions

Objects utilities functions allow to fetch object properties and set a default value if any path don't exists.

import { Objects } from "@ikoabo/core";

let obj = {
  alfa: {
    profiles: [
        name: "Jhon",
        age: 25

/* Print Jhon */
console.log(Objects.get(obj, "alfa.profiles.0.name", "no-name"));

/* Try to get non existent property */
if (!Objects.get(obj, "alfa.profiles.0.social.facebook")) {
  console.log("Facebook not configured");

Also functions allow to set an object value following the geiven path. If any elements inside path don't exists then it's created.

import { Objects } from "@ikoabo/core";

let obj = {
  alfa: {
    profiles: [
        name: "Jhon",
        age: 25

/* Update property */
Objects.set(obj, "alfa.profiles.0.name", "Jhon Doe");
console.log(Objects.get(obj, "alfa.profiles.0.name"));

/* Set non existent property */
Objects.set(obj, "alfa.profiles.0.social.facebook.profile", "facebookid");
console.log(Objects.get(obj, "alfa.profiles.0.social.facebook.profile"));

Using Tokens utilities functions

Tokens its a set of function to generate pseudorandoms tokens. There are functions to generate short, medium and long tokens. Short and medium token are generated with uniqid and long tokens are generated with sha.js.

import { Tokens } from "@ikoabo/core";

/* Generate short token (8 byte) */
const shortToken = Tokens.short;

/* Generate medium token */
const mediumToken1 = Tokens.medium1; // 12 bytes
const mediumToken2 = Tokens.medium2; // 18 bytes

/* Generate long token with sha256 */
const longToken = Tokens.long;

Using Streams

Stream class allow to pipe streamed data to the express response. User can use a filter function to prepare the object data to be sent into the response. Filter function its an optional parameter.

import { Streams } from "@ikoabo/core";


  (req: Request, res: Response, _next: NextFunction) => {
    MongoModel.find({ ... }).cursor().pipe(Streams.stringify((data: any)=>{
      return {
        id: data.id,
        name: data.name