0.8.3 • Published 3 years ago

@ikomiki/nx-aws-s3 v0.8.3

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3 years ago


Angular CLI Builders for AWS SAM projects, designed for use alongside nx


nx superpowers the angular CLI, to add support for a range of backend project types.

However, what if your backend uses SAM?

This project includes builders for that!

  • @nx-aws/sam:build - builds your functions and layers
  • @nx-aws/sam:package - packages your SAM (ie. CloudFormation) template ready for deployment (including resolving AWS::Serverless::Application references to other apps in your monorepo)
  • @nx-aws/sam:deploy - deploys your CloudFormation template


Add the following to your angular.json

    "api": {
        "root": "apps/api",
        "sourceRoot": "apps/api/src",
        "projectType": "application",
        "prefix": "api",
        "schematics": {},
        "architect": {
            "build": {
                "builder": "@nx-aws/sam:build",
                "options": {
                    "outputPath": "dist/apps/api",
                    "template": "apps/api/template.yaml",
                    "tsConfig": "apps/api/tsconfig.app.json"

The builder will search through your CloudFormation template at apps/api/template.yaml and find any AWS::Serverless::Function and AWS::Serverless:LayerVersion and trigger appropriate builds.

(All the other options are the same as for nrwl's node builder.)


Given this code in your template.yaml:

        Type: 'AWS::Serverless::Function'
            # CodeUri should be the directory, relative to template.yaml, where the handler file is found
            CodeUri: src/my-function
            # This is the name of the handler file and then the name of the exported handler function
            # (standard SAM approach)
            Handler: handler-file.handlerFn

The builder will run a webpack build for src/my-function/handler-file.

Lambda Layers

If you've got this in your template.yaml:

        Type: 'AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion'
            ContentUri: ./src/my-layer
                - nodejs10.x
                - nodejs8.10
            LicenseInfo: UNLICENCED

Lambda layers are deployed as node modules, and so we need to include a ./src/my-layer/package.json

    "name": "my-layer",
    "main": "index.ts"

The builder will:

  1. Alter the output directory to include nodejs/node_modules, as required for a Lambda layer
  2. Look for a package.json at ./src/my-layer/package.json
  3. Load package.json and get the main entry point (index.ts)
  4. Run a webpack build for the main entry point
  5. Re-write the main entry point in package.json and write it out to the output directory


Add the following to your angular.json:

    "api": {
        "root": "apps/api",
        "sourceRoot": "apps/api/src",
        "projectType": "application",
        "prefix": "api",
        "schematics": {},
        "architect": {
            "package": {
                "builder": "@nx-aws/sam:package",
                "options": {
                    "templateFile": "apps/api/template.yaml",
                    "outputTemplateFile": "dist/apps/api/serverless-output.yaml",
                    "s3Prefix": "api",
                    "s3Bucket": "my-artefacts-bucket"
                "configurations": {
                    "production": {}

For the most part, this simply wraps the aws cloudformation package command, but it will also rewrite the Location property of AWS::Serverless::Application resources, if they refer to another project.


The package builder will attempt to resolve a reference to another CloudFormation stack, defined in a different project in angular.json.

If the package builder finds an AWS::Serverless::Application in template.yaml, eg:

        Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
            Location: my-sub-stack

it will attempt to:

  1. Find an project in angular.json that matches the Location property, ie. my-sub-stack.
  2. If it finds such a project, it will look for the package target.
  3. If it finds the package target, it will replace my-sub-stack with the absolute path to the outputTemplateFile from that target.


Add the following to angular.json:

    "api": {
        "root": "apps/api",
        "sourceRoot": "apps/api/src",
        "projectType": "application",
        "prefix": "api",
        "schematics": {},
        "architect": {
            "deploy": {
                "builder": "@nx-aws/sam:deploy",
                "options": {
                    "templateFile": "dist/apps/api/serverless-output.yaml",
                    "s3Prefix": "api",
                    "capabilities": ["CAPABILITY_IAM", "CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND"],
                    "s3Bucket": "my-artefacts-bucket",
                    "stackNameFormat": "api-$ENVIRONMENT"
                "configurations": {
                    "production": {}

This wraps the aws cloudformation deploy command. The one nice thing it does is pull any parameters defined in your template.yaml from environment variables, and pass them in as parameter overrides. For example, if you have in your template.yaml:

        Type: String
        Description: An example parameter

The the deploy builder will look for an environment variable MY_PARAMETER and pass it in as a parameter overrides.