1.0.3 • Published 9 months ago

@imran03/nextjs-boilerplate v1.0.3

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9 months ago

Awesome Next.js Boilerplate CLI

Table of Contents


Welcome to the Awesome Next.js Boilerplate CLI! 🚀 This CLI tool allows you to quickly set up a customized Next.js project with your preferred UI library and additional packages. Say goodbye to repetitive setup and focus on building amazing applications!


You can run the Awesome Next.js Boilerplate CLI directly using npx without the need for global installation. This way, you can quickly create your Next.js project without worrying about global package conflicts.

npx @imran03/nextjs-boilerplate


The CLI will guide you through the setup process, allowing you to choose your preferred UI library and additional packages to install.


  • Easy setup of a customized Next.js boilerplate
  • Choose from a variety of popular UI libraries
  • Install additional packages tailored to your project needs
  • Fun and interactive CLI prompts 🎉


The Awesome Next.js Boilerplate CLI is designed to be easily customizable. You can add more UI libraries and packages to the prompt choices by modifying the code in the index.js file. Feel free to expand and adapt the CLI to suit your specific project requirements.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have ideas for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's make this CLI even more awesome together! 🙌


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and share it with others.

Made with ❤️ by Imran Hossain