0.1.7-alpha.7 • Published 8 months ago

@infinitylist/ipm v0.1.7-alpha.7

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8 months ago

Infinity Package Manager

npm-shrinkwrap based npm package manager for installing modules while offline or experiencing issues with npm.


@infinitylist/installer uses npm-shrinkwrap and points your package-lock.json at npm tarballs checked into your project's source control, so you can install while offline, during a registry outage, or during the next left-pad incident.


  1. Read package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json.
  2. Download the exact same .tgz files that npm install fetches from registry.npmjs.org.
  3. Decompress the .tgz files into .tar files. This avoids storing binary files in Git and removes the cost of decompression during npm install.
  4. Store the .tar files in your project at node_modules/*.tar.
  5. Rewrite package-lock.json to point at those instead of the registry.

Now your project can be installed while completely offline:

- npm install
+ npm ci --offline

The rest of the npm installation process is exactly the same. The only difference is that no network activity is necessary when installing and building your project. The node_modules directory can be ignored in your editor (much like is done with the node_modules directory), but is instead checked into source control.


Requires npm@7 or higher.

Install Base Module

npm install --global @infinitylist/installer

Generate npm-shrinkwrap.json

npm shrinkwrap


Run ipm every time you have modified and installed your dependencies to produce a new package-lock.json.

Usage: ipm [options] [directory]

  -V, --version  output the version number
  -h, --help     display help for command