4.3.18 • Published 4 years ago

@inloco/old-supernova v4.3.18

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Last release
4 years ago

Supernova - DEPRECATED

This is an OLD COMPONENT LIBRARY that SHOULD NOT be used on new projects.

The only reason it still exists is because some existing In Loco projects still use it.

New projects should use Orion instead.


git clone git@github.com:inloco/old-supernova.git
cd old-supernova
npm install

Learn more seeing the Docs

See the docs!

How to update this project

If you want to update the Supernova project, you have to follow this steps:

  1. Clone the supernova doc
  2. Do your changes
  3. Test and update the Supernova-doc(Repository) with your changes in the supernova project
  • Go to the supernova project

  • npm install

  • npm run build

  • npm link

  • Go to the supernova-doc project

  • npm link supernova-inloco

  • Go to the supernova project

  • npm run build -- --watch

Now you have the supernova linked to the supernova-doc. If you change something in the supernova project you just have to refresh the page and your change will appear in the supernova-doc screen

  1. Update the /Versions page with your changes
  2. Create the Pull Request to the supernova and supernova-doc
  3. Review your code if necessary
  4. Merge the supernova pull request
  5. Create the new tag in the supernova project
  • git checkout master

  • git pull origin master

  • git pull origin --tags

  • git tag -a v2.4.2 -m "The message you put in the /Versions page" (Here you will use the same version you used in the /Versions page)

  • git push origin --tags

  1. Merge the supernova-doc pull request
  2. Send a alert to #guild_product_alerts