1.0.5 • Published 9 months ago

@inyur/markdown-to-html v1.0.5

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Last release
9 months ago



npm i -S @inyur/markdown-to-html


import md2html from '@inyur/markdown-to-html';

// Variant 1
const someMdFileContent = require('fs').readFileSync('./some.md', 'utf8');
const html = await md2html(someMdFileContent);

// Variant 2
// Internaly md2html has promise resolver if promise found and 
// has object default getter.
const someMdFileContentPromised = import('./some.md')
  .then(module=> module.defult);
const html = await md2html(someMdFileContentPromised);
// Or This simplified works too
const someMdFileContentPromised = import('./some.md');
const html = await md2html(someMdFileContentPromised);
// Or This simplified works too
const html = await md2html(import('./some.md'));

In general cases markdown-to-html return html string, except this called with special parameter extended

Advanced usage:

const options = {

const html = await md2html('Md text or promise or esmodule', options);


this is object of some props (see next)


Can be Array of (Objects of Strings or Functions) Can be Array of Functions Can be Object of Strings or Functions Can be Function

const options = {
  links: [{
    alfaUrl: 'https://alfa.net',
    betaUrl: (url, node) => {
      if (url.host !== 'internal.site') {
        node.properties.target = '_blank'
      return 'https://beta.com'


Can be Object

const options = {
  variables: {
    someTextVariable: 'Some Value'
const html = await md2html('Md text ${someTextVariable}', options);


markdown-to-html return Object of:

const {
  markdown, // initial markdown source
  title, // returns if splitTitle prop is true
  template, // Handlebars template, useful for reuse template
  html, // Compiled template as === template(variables)
  data, // Returned data from frontMatter
  headings, // Returned H1-6 structure
  toString, // Function for usage as text === toString() { return  template(variables); }
} = await md2html('Md text or promise or esmodule', options);


Boolean, default false In extended version returned object with html without title and title prop.