1.2.0 • Published 2 months ago

@iota/identity-wasm v1.2.0

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2 months ago

IOTA Identity WASM

This is the 1.0 version of the official WASM bindings for IOTA Identity.

API Reference


Install the library:

Latest Release: this version matches the main branch of this repository.

npm install @iota/identity-wasm


Alternatively, you can build the bindings yourself if you have Rust installed. If not, refer to rustup.rs for the installation.

Install wasm-bindgen-cli. A manual installation is required because we use the Weak References feature, which wasm-pack does not expose.

cargo install --force wasm-bindgen-cli

Then, install the necessary dependencies using:

npm install

and build the bindings for node.js with

npm run build:nodejs

or for the web with

npm run build:web

Minimum Requirements

The minimum supported version for node is: v16

NodeJS Usage

The following code creates a new IOTA DID Document suitable for publishing to a locally running private network. See the instructions on running your own private network.

const {
} = require('@iota/identity-wasm/node');
const { Client } = require('@iota/sdk-wasm/node');

const EXAMPLE_JWK = new Jwk({
  kty: JwkType.Okp,
  crv: EdCurve.Ed25519,
  x: "11qYAYKxCrfVS_7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo",

// The endpoint of the IOTA node to use.
const API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost";

/** Demonstrate how to create a DID Document. */
async function main() {
  // Create a new client with the given network endpoint.
  const client = new Client({
    primaryNode: API_ENDPOINT,
    localPow: true,

  const didClient = new IotaIdentityClient(client);

  // Get the Bech32 human-readable part (HRP) of the network.
  const networkHrp = await didClient.getNetworkHrp();

  // Create a new DID document with a placeholder DID.
  // The DID will be derived from the Alias Id of the Alias Output after publishing.
  const document = new IotaDocument(networkHrp);

  // Insert a new Ed25519 verification method in the DID document.
  const method = VerificationMethod.newFromJwk(
  document.insertMethod(method, MethodScope.VerificationMethod());

  // Attach a new method relationship to the existing method.

  // Add a new Service.
  const service = new Service({
    id: document.id().join("#linked-domain"),
    type: "LinkedDomains",
    serviceEndpoint: "https://iota.org/",

  console.log(`Created document `, JSON.stringify(document.toJSON(), null, 2));


which prints

Created document  {
  "id": "did:iota:tst:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "verificationMethod": [
      "id": "did:iota:tst:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000#key-1",
      "controller": "did:iota:tst:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "type": "JsonWebKey",
      "publicKeyJwk": {
        "kty": "OKP",
        "crv": "Ed25519",
        "x": "11qYAYKxCrfVS_7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo"
  "authentication": [
  "service": [
      "id": "did:iota:tst:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000#linked-domain",
      "type": "LinkedDomains",
      "serviceEndpoint": "https://iota.org/"

NOTE: see the examples for how to publish an IOTA DID Document.

Web Setup

The library loads the WASM file with an HTTP GET request, so the .wasm file must be copied to the root of the dist folder.


  • Install rollup-plugin-copy:
$ npm install rollup-plugin-copy --save-dev
  • Add the copy plugin usage to the plugins array under rollup.config.js:
// Include the copy plugin
import copy from "rollup-plugin-copy";

// Add the copy plugin to the `plugins` array of your rollup config:
  targets: [
      src: "node_modules/@iota/sdk-wasm/web/wasm/iota_sdk_wasm_bg.wasm",
      dest: "public",
      rename: "iota_sdk_wasm_bg.wasm",
      src: "node_modules/@iota/identity-wasm/web/identity_wasm_bg.wasm",
      dest: "public",
      rename: "identity_wasm_bg.wasm",


  • Install copy-webpack-plugin:
$ npm install copy-webpack-plugin --save-dev
// Include the copy plugin
const CopyWebPlugin= require('copy-webpack-plugin');

// Add the copy plugin to the `plugins` array of your webpack config:

new CopyWebPlugin({
  patterns: [
      from: 'node_modules/@iota/sdk-wasm/web/wasm/iota_sdk_wasm_bg.wasm',
      to: 'iota_sdk_wasm_bg.wasm'
      from: 'node_modules/@iota/identity-wasm/web/identity_wasm_bg.wasm',
      to: 'identity_wasm_bg.wasm'

Web Usage

import init, { Client } from "@iota/sdk-wasm/web";
import * as identity from "@iota/identity-wasm/web";

// The endpoint of the IOTA node to use.
const API_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost";

const EXAMPLE_JWK = new identity.Jwk({
  kty: identity.JwkType.Okp,
  crv: identity.EdCurve.Ed25519,
  x: "11qYAYKxCrfVS_7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo",

/** Demonstrate how to create a DID Document. */
async function createDocument() {
  // Create a new client with the given network endpoint.
  const iotaClient = new Client({
    primaryNode: API_ENDPOINT,
    localPow: true,

  const didClient = new identity.IotaIdentityClient(iotaClient);

  // Get the Bech32 human-readable part (HRP) of the network.
  const networkHrp = await didClient.getNetworkHrp();

  // Create a new DID document with a placeholder DID.
  // The DID will be derived from the Alias Id of the Alias Output after publishing.
  const document = new identity.IotaDocument(networkHrp);

  // Insert a new Ed25519 verification method in the DID document.
  let method = identity.VerificationMethod.newFromJwk(
  document.insertMethod(method, identity.MethodScope.VerificationMethod());

  // Attach a new method relationship to the existing method.

  // Add a new Service.
  const service = new identity.Service({
    id: document.id().join("#linked-domain"),
    type: "LinkedDomains",
    serviceEndpoint: "https://iota.org/",

  console.log(`Created document `, JSON.stringify(document.toJSON(), null, 2));

  .then(() => identity.init())
  .then(() => {
    await createDocument();

// or

(async () => {
  await init();
  await identity.init();

  await createDocument();

// Default path is "identity_wasm_bg.wasm", but you can override it like this
await identity.init("./static/identity_wasm_bg.wasm");

Calling identity.init().then(<callback>) or await identity.init() is required to load the Wasm file from the server if not available, because of that it will only be slow for the first time.

NOTE: see the examples for how to publish an IOTA DID Document.

Examples in the Wild

You may find it useful to see how the WASM bindings are being used in existing applications: