1.0.4 • Published 3 years ago

@iotflows/iotflows-remote-access-client v1.0.4

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3 years ago

JavaScript IoTFlows Remote Access Client


IoTFlow node.js client for remote SSL SFTP.

This application allows your webapp to securely transfer and manage files on your device behind NATs and firewalls.

Prerequisites: You need to have: 1) An account in IoTFlows Console 2) IoTFlows Remote Access installed on your device 3) Enabled the SSL SSH tunnel in IoTFlows Console

Install IoTFlow Remote Access Client

Install the IoTFlows Remote Access Client via: npm install @iotflows/iotflows-remote-access-client

Basic Usage

Configure the client:

IoTFlowsRemoteAccessClient = require('@iotflows/iotflows-remote-access-client');

let client = new IoTFlowsRemoteAccessClient({
  host: 'sX.devices.iotflows.com', //server name provided by IoTFlows Console when enabling SSH e.g. s2.devices.iotflows.com
  device_uuid: 'dev_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // device_uuid of your device in IoTFlows Console
  device_username: 'username', // username of your device
  device_password: 'password' // password of your device

Use a sftp command e.g. list the /etc/ folder:

.then(sftp => {
  sftp.list('/etc/').then(data => {
  .catch(err => console.log(err))
.catch(err => console.log(err))

List of Commands

This package uses the ssh2-sftp-client commands:

list(remoteFilePath: string, pattern?: string | RegExp): Promise<sftp.FileInfo[]>;

exists(remotePath: string): Promise<false | FileInfoType>;

stat(remotePath: string): Promise<sftp.FileStats>;

realPath(remotePath: string): Promise<string>;

    path: string,
    dst?: string | NodeJS.WritableStream,
    options?: sftp.GetTransferOptions,
): Promise<string | NodeJS.WritableStream | Buffer>;

fastGet(remoteFilePath: string, localPath: string, options?: sftp.FastGetTransferOptions): Promise<string>;

    input: string | Buffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream,
    remoteFilePath: string,
    options?: sftp.TransferOptions,
): Promise<string>;

fastPut(localPath: string, remoteFilePath: string, options?: sftp.FastPutTransferOptions): Promise<string>;

cwd(): Promise<string>;

mkdir(remoteFilePath: string, recursive?: boolean): Promise<string>;

rmdir(remoteFilePath: string, recursive?: boolean): Promise<string>;

delete(remoteFilePath: string): Promise<string>;

rename(remoteSourcePath: string, remoteDestPath: string): Promise<string>;

chmod(remotePath: string, mode: number | string): Promise<string>;

append(input: Buffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream, remotePath: string, options?: sftp.TransferOptions): Promise<string>;

uploadDir(srcDir: string, destDir: string): Promise<string>;

downloadDir(srcDir: string, destDir: string): Promise<string>;

end(): Promise<void>;

on(event: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): void;

removeListener(event: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): void;

posixRename(fromPath: string, toPath: string): Promise<string>;