0.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

@jacob.viamo/flow-builder v0.1.0

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Last release
4 years ago


flow-builder provides an open source frontend for authoring flow interoperability project specification compliant flows. It enables the importing, editing and exporting of flow json, as well as authoring from scratch. Such flows can then be run using a compatible flow runner such as FLOIP/flow-runner.

What are flows

Flows are a modern paradign for describing the logic of digital information systems that interact with individuals, often for the purpose of (a) collecting data or (b) providing information through interactive requests. Some common examples of this are in mobile services using voice-based or SMS-based conversations over basic mobile phones. Flows follow the "flowchart" paradigm, consisting of actions (nodes) and connections between actions, which can incorporate decision-making logic.

Project setup

git clone git@github.com:FLOIP/flow-builder.git

cd flow-builder

yarn install

yarn serve

And visit localhost:8080/trees/create to create a new flow or localhost:8080/trees/1/edit to edit an example flow.

Note, yarn serve will also hot reload for development.

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint


Create new flow

To begin, you can create a new flow by visiting localhost:8080/trees/create. From there, you can start with a blank flow (a flow without blocks) and get editing:

Flow without blocks

Import existing flow

Or you can use the Import/Export panel and text field to copy in an existing flow:

Imported flow

Edits using the builder will then be reflected in the flow JSON in this panel and vice versa.

Export flow

To export, simply copy the json in this panel to a file.

An explanation of app.config.json vs builder.config.json

app.config.json is intended to support the configuration needed when integrating this flow building ui into a larger platform or application while builder.config.json is intended to configure those features which are core to the flow builder - the blocks enabled, languages or content types supported etc.

More detail to follow.

Future extensions and improvements

  • Documentation on integration of this UI into another app including configuration of routes used for server side persistence
  • Validations and human readable validation error messages for the full flow spec - compulsory fields, string formats etc.
  • Documentation on extending this library - adding support for new block types or extending existing block types
  • More fully featured resource editing including audio upload
  • A way to add to the supportable languages
  • Guidance for integration into a permissions system for flow editing/viewing
  • Fix and reenable storybook examples
  • Add regression testing pipeline for storyshots