0.0.1-development • Published 2 years ago

@jakerambo/react-multi-select v0.0.1-development

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2 years ago

Multi select

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Kenshoo multi select component

react-multi-select demo

Multi select is a straight forward component that helps a user select multiple items in a clear and filterable way.


Installation using npm:

 npm install @jakerambo/react-multi-select --save

Installation using Yarn:

 yarn add @jakerambo/react-multi-select

Import styles

Include the component's css on your app

import "@jakerambo/react-multi-select/dist/style.css"

How to use

import React, { Component } from "react";
import MultiSelect from "@jakerambo/react-multi-select";

class Example extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    this.state = {
      items: [
        { id: 0, label: "item 1" },
        { id: 2, label: "item 2", disabled: true },
        { id: 3, label: "item 3", disabled: false },
        { id: 4, label: "item 4" }
      selectedItems: []

  handleChange(selectedItems) {
    this.setState({ selectedItems });
  render() {
    const { items, selectedItems } = this.state;
    return (


itemsList[]list of items.
selectedItemsArray[]selected list to start with (subgroup of items).
onChangefunction()=>{}callback for changed event.
loadingbooleanfalsetoggle to show loading indication.
messagesObject{}custom messages. Please see below for the availabale messages.
showSearchbooleantruetoggle to show search option.
showSelectAllbooleantruetoggle to show select all option in list.
showSelectedItemsbooleantruetoggle to show selected items right pane.
wrapperClassNameString''wrapper class name - Used for customizing the style.
heightnumber400available items list height.
itemHeightnumber40the height of an item in the list.
selectedItemHeightnumberitemHeightthe height of the selected item in the list.
selectAllHeightnumberitemHeightthe height of the selectAll component, by default will use the value of the itemHeight.
maxSelectedItemsnumberdefines the maximum items that can be selected, overrides showSelectAll.
filterFunctionfunctionbased on labelThe function used to filter items based on the search query.
searchRendererComponentComponent to replace the default Search component.
selectedItemRendererComponentComponent to replace the default selected item component in the destination list.
loaderRendererComponentComponent to replace the default loader component.
selectAllRendererComponentComponent to replace the default select all component.
itemRendererComponentComponent to replace the default item component in the source list.
selectionStatusRendererComponentComponent to replace the default selection status component.
noItemsRendererComponentComponent to replace the default no items component.
searchValuestringThe value of the search field.
searchValueChangedfunctionFunction to handle the change of search field. Accepts value as a single argument.
responsiveHeightstring400pxResponsive height of the wrapping component, can send percent for example: 70%
withGroupingbooleanfalseYour items will be grouped by the group prop values - see "item grouping" section below
showSelectedItemsSearchbooleanfalsetoggle to show search option in detination list.
searchSelectedItemsValuestringThe value of the search field for destination list.
searchSelectedItemsChangedfunctionFunction to handle the change of search field for destination list. Accepts value as a single argument.
selectedItemsFilterFunctionfunctionbased on labelIs the same as filterFunction by default to filter items based on the search query in destination list.
isLockedfunctionitem => item.disabledFunction to be used to define whether item is locked or not



You can replace the renderers of the following components:


Use the itemRenderer to replace the default component.

Each item receives the following props:

item - holds your item data

height - receives the height defined by the list

onClick - the event to toggle selection on the component

checked - indicates if the item is selected

indeterminate - used by the select all component to display indeterminate mode

disabled - defines if item should be disabled. Item won't be clickable for selection and will be ignored when clicking "Select All".

group - group item - no checkbox, not clickable, black colored

Select All

Use the selectAllRenderer to replace the default component.

The SelectAll component receives the following props:

height - receives the height defined by the parent

onClick - Triggers the select all/clear all event on click

isAllSelected - Indicates that all items are selected

selectAllMessage - Defines the message for the SelectAll component

selectedIds - holds a list of ids of all the selected items

Selected Item

Use the selectAllRenderer to replace the default component.

The SelectedItem component receives the following props:

item - holds your item data

height - receives the height defined by the list

You can disable specific selected items by passing item.disabled: true or pass isLocked function which will be used to define whether the item is disabled.

Example (selected & disabled):

function Exemple(){
  const items = [{id:0,label: 'item 0'}, {id:1,label: 'item 1'}];
  return (
          isLocked={item => item.label === 'item 0'}


Use the searchRenderer to replace the default component.

The Search component receives the following props:

searchPlaceholder - defines the message to display in the search placeholder

onChange - triggers the action of changing the search value

Selection Status

Use the selectionStatusRenderer to replace the default component.

The SelectionStatus component receives the following props:

selected - an array of all the selected ids

clearAll - callback to clear all selected items

clearAllMessage - text to display in the clear all text

noneSelectedMessage - text to display when no items are selected

selectedMessage - text to display when there are items selected


Use the loaderRenderer to replace the default component.

Does not receive any props.

No Items

Use the noItemsRenderer to replace the default component.

Does not receive any props.

Search Function

In order to accommodate complex item filters, you can provide your own filter method in the filterFunction prop.

Example (default):

value => item =>

Performs search on server side

value => {
    callServer(value).then(items => this.setState({items}));
    // At the end return the expected method
    return item => true;


You can use your own messages. Here is the default messages object:

 messages: {
    searchPlaceholder: "Search...",
    noItemsMessage: "No Items...",
    noneSelectedMessage: "None Selected",
    selectedMessage: "selected",
    selectAllMessage: "Select All",
    clearAllMessage: "Clear All",
    disabledItemsTooltip: "You can only select 1 file"

Item grouping

You can add also grouping to your items - add a group prop with the group name as a value to each of your items and add withGrouping prop as well.

    items={[{id: 1, label: "item1", group: "group1"},
            {id: 2, label: "item2", group: "group1"}
            {id: 3, label: "item3", group: "group2"}]}

How to Contribute

Setting up development environment

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from master.
  2. Install the project: yarn install
  3. Run tests: yarn test or yarn test:watch
  4. Run dev environment: yarn storybook and head to https://localhost:6006

Issuing a change

  1. Push to github.
  2. If you’ve fixed a bug or added code that should be tested, add tests.
  3. Open a Pull Request with the following guidelines:
    • Set title prefix to feature/bug and supply a descriptive PR title.
    • Add description to your Pull Request describing your change.
  4. Once your Pull Request is issued, the test suite and build processes will run and your change will be reviewed.


  • React 16 or newer