1.0.0 • Published 11 months ago

@janiscommerce/webhook-trigger v1.0.0

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11 months ago

Webhook Trigger

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A wrapper for webhooks integration

:inbox_tray: Installation

npm install @janiscommerce/webhook-trigger

:hammer: Usage

IMPORTANT The JANIS_SERVICE_NAME environment variable is required to be set as the current service code.

Service registration

Service registration is the process where a service publishes its triggers so the user can create a Webhook subscription for them.

First of all, you need to create a triggers YAML definition file. The recommended path is ./webhooks/triggers.yml.

This file must have the following structure:

- entity: entity-name
  eventName: some-event
- entity: other-entity-name
  eventName: other-event

Every event that your service triggers must be declared here so users can subscribe to it.

To implement the subscription for your service, simply create the registration lambda with the following content:

// In src/lambda/WebhookTriggersRegistration/index.js
'use strict';

const path = require('path');
const { RegistrationLambda } = require('@janiscommerce/webhook-trigger');

module.exports.handler = RegistrationLambda(path.join(__dirname, '../../../webhooks/triggers.yml'));

IMPORTANT: Validate that the path to your triggers definition file is correct!

Then, add your lambda function serverless config file. If you are using serverless-helper here is the function definition:

["function", {
	"functionName": "WebhookTriggersRegistration",
	"handler": "src/lambda/WebhookTriggersRegistration/index.handler",
	"description": "Webhook Triggers Registration"

Then you can test your registration by executing the following:

npx sls invoke local -f WebhookTriggersRegistration

Once you have everything validated, you should include this invocation in you CI/CD pipeline:

aws lambda invoke --function-name <ServiceName>-<stage>-WebhookTriggersRegistration output --log-type Tail --query 'LogResult' --output text | base64 -d

If you want to register your triggers in a different way, the Registration class is also exported by this package.

Event triggering

Every time an event happen, you have to trigger it. For that you need to provide the clientCode, entity and eventName associated to the event. Additionally, you must provide the content of the event hook. This content must be a string of approximately less than 240Kb. In case you provide an object instead if a string, it will be JSON encoded for you. This content will be the request body that will be sent to the subscribers.

The WebhookTrigger.send signature is the following:

interface WebhookResponse {
	statusCode: number;
	body: object;

WebhookTrigger.send(clientCode: string, entity: string, eventName: string, content: string | object): Promise<WebhookResponse>;

:computer: Examples

Send a webhook when an order is created

const WebhookTrigger = require('@janiscommerce/webhook-trigger');

await WebhookTrigger.send('currentClientCode', 'order', 'created', {
	id: 'd555345345345as67a342a',
	dateCreated: new Date(),
	amount: 10.40