0.1.1 • Published 2 years ago

@janwuesten/mongostore v0.1.1

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2 years ago



The Node.js client library for the Mongostore server, a Node.js server that offers features inspired by Google Firebase environment and tries to bring features like Google Firebase Firestore, Google Firebase Functions and Google Firebase Triggers as well as Google Firebase Hosting with a similar syntax to a self-hosted environment.


Getting started

This getting started guide focuses on the client site. For server site please use the getting started guide for the server library.

To start creating a Mongostore client you need to install the client library to a Node.js project by installing the mongostore dependency. Using Typescript is not required but strongly recommended. All guides will use Typescript.

npm install @janwuesten/mongostore

When using Mongostore as a Hosting service for your project, the Mongostore client library will automatically be configured to use the right Mongostore server. If you use the Mongostore client library on a different domain than the Mongostore server or the client isn't a Website (e.g. a Electron app) you need to configure the client library to connect to the right Mongostore server like so:

import mongostore from "@janwuesten/mongostore"

    // Your Mongostore server URL
    serverUrl: "http://localhost:5000"

Add document

Adding documents will automatically create a MongoDB ID on document creation:

let addResult = await mongostore.store().collection("my_collection").add({
    stringExample: "test",
    numberExample: 20,
    booleanExample: true,
    dateExample: new Date(Date.now()).getTime(),
    arrayExample: [10, 20, 30],
    nullExample: null,
    objectExample: {
        objectEntry: true
if(addResult.exists()) {
    console.log("Document added successfully");
    console.log("Document not added");

You can also create a ID and only return a reference to the document ID to set the data later:

// Create document ID and get a document reference
let addResult = await mongostore.store().collection("countries").add()

// Do some stuff ...

// Set document data
await addResult.doc.ref.set({
    name: "Germany",
    code: "DE",
    capital: "Berlin"

Get a document

You can get a document with the document ID or with a query. To get a document with a document ID, you first need to know the document ID.

let documentID = "61c385eb0d392dae6a05d03a"
let response = await mongostore.store().collection("countries").doc(documentID).get()
if(response.exists()) {
    let name = response.doc.data().name

You have two ways to search (query) a document:

  • where() method: A easy to use method that builds queries for you
  • MongoDB query: directly create a MongoDB query in your client application
let response = await mongostore.store().collection("countries").where("code", "==", "DE").get()
if(response.exists()) {
    let name = response.doc.data().name
let response = await mongostore.store().collection("countries").query({
    code: {
        $eq: "DE"
if(response.exists()) {
    let name = response.doc.data().name

You can combine multiple wheres in order to query for multiple things. Only documents where all queries matches will be returned.

await mongostore.store().collection("countries").where("code", "==", "DE").where("capital", "==", "Berlin").get()

The where Method can be used for multiple query types:

where("field_name", "==", "field_value") // where field_name equals field_value
where("field_name", "<=", 20) // Where field_name is smaller or equals 20
where("field_name", ">=", 20) // Where field_name is bigger or equals 20
where("field_name", "<", 20) // Where field_name is smaller than 20
where("field_name", ">", 20) // Where field_name is bigger than 20
where("field_name", "!=", "field_value") // Where field_name is not equals field_value
where("field_name", "in-array", ["field_value_0", "field_value_1"]) // Where  field_name matches any value given in the array
where("field_name", "not-in-array", ["field_value_0", "field_value_1"]) // Where  field_name matches none value given in the array

Only documents that the client is allowed to read will be outputtet by a query

Set or update a document

To change a document you can either set or update it. By setting a document it will overwrite all existing data of a document. When updating a document, it will only change the value provided with the update request and keep all other values untouched.

// Set the document and overwrite all existing documetn data
await mongostore.store().collection("users").doc("DOC_ID").set({
    age: 15
// Update the document and keep current values
await mongostore.store().collection("users").doc("DOC_ID").update({
    age: 15

Like getting a document, you can use the query() or where() method to set or update documents. This will update ALL documents that matches the query. If the client don't have permissions for a document that matches the query, the document will not be updated.

await mongostore.store().collection("users").where("name", "==", "First name").where("family_name", "==", "Last name").set({
    age: 15
// Update the document and keep current values
await mongostore.store().collection("users").where("name", "==", "First name").where("family_name", "==", "Last name").update({
    age: 15

Delete a document

Deleting a document can also be done with a Document ID, the query() method and the where() method. When using query() or where(), ALL documents that matches the query will be deleted. If the client don't have permissions for a document that matches the query, the document will not be deleted.

await mongostore.store().collection("countries").doc("DOC_ID").delete()
await mongostore.store().collection("countries").where("code", "==", "DE").delete()
await mongostore.store().collection("countries").query({
    code: {
        $eq: "DE"