0.1.3 • Published 2 years ago

@janwuesten/mongostore-server v0.1.3

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Last release
2 years ago



Mongostore server is a Node.js server for "serverless" communication between a Client (e.g. a Website) and a MongoDB. While it isn't real serverless, because you will need to run the Mongostore-Server, it features some aspects of a serverless environment like accessing your MongoDB without writing APIs for each request type.

It is heavily inspired by the Google Firebase environment and tries to bring features like Google Firebase Firestore, Google Firebase Functions and Google Firebase Triggers as well as Google Firebase Hosting with a similar syntax to a self-hosted environment.

Server features

  • Access your MongoDB from your Client without the need of serversite API. You can limit whitch documents a client can access through Mongostore Rules.
  • Easily create serversite functions that can easily be run from your client.
  • Create Triggers for your MongoDB collections
  • Hosting static Websites like Vue.js projects.

Client Libraries

Getting started

This getting started guide focuses on the server site. For client site please use the getting started guide for the client library.

To start creating a Mongostore Server you need to create a Node.js project (recommended) or use a existing one. Using Typescript is not required but strongly recommended. All guides will use Typescript.

REM Create new project
mkdir my-mongostore-server
cd my-mongostore-server
npm init

REM Install typescript as a dev dependency
npm install -D typescript
mkdir src
tsc --init

REM Install @janwuesten/mongostore-server
npm install @janwuesten/mongostore-server

Edit the tsconfig.json and enter the following configuration:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "commonjs",
        "target": "es2020",
        "declaration": true,
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "outDir": "./dist",
        "stripInternal": true
    "include": [

Edit your package.json and add the following information:

    "main": "dist/index.js",
    "types": "dist/index.d.ts",
    "files": [
    "scripts": {
        "build": "tsc",
        "start": "node dist/index.js"

Create a index.ts in the src/ directory with the following content:

import { MongoStoreServer } from "@janwuesten/mongostore-server"

const server = new MongoStoreServer()
    port: 80,
    verbose: true,
    mongodb: {
        database: "mongostore_database",
        url: "mongodb://localhost:27017/"
server.store().setRules(async (req, res, {admin}) => {

You can now build your server with npm run build.

Configuration examples

Server configuration examples

The server is configurable through the setConfig method:

    port: 80,
    verbose: true,
    mongodb: {
        database: "mongostore_database",
        url: "mongodb://localhost:27017/"

Rule configuration examples

With store rules you can choose which documents can be read, updated, deleted and listed depending on the user that request the document.

server.store().setRules(async (req, res, {admin}) => {
    if(req.doc.collection.collectionID == "test") {
        // All documents from collection "test"
        // Allow read and write
    }else if(req.doc.data().allowRead === true) {
        // All documents with a field "allowRead" that is true
        // Allow getting (through document id)
        res.get = true
        // Deny finding through query search
        res.find = false