0.0.4 • Published 10 years ago
@jasonfill/lambda-cloud-watch-log-parser v0.0.4
Lambda CloudWatch Log Parser
Snags the event data from AWS CloudWatch and returns it as an easy to use JSON object.
getLogData(opts, function(err, result))
Will call out to Cloudwatch and get the log data based on the parameters specified.
Opts Parameter:
All keys are required.
log_group_name (string) - The name of the log group in CW ex. /aws/lambda/webhooks-io
log_stream_name (string) - The name of the string in CW ex. 2015/04/06/97811a2c85f54bd285916e1b1d75d6ff
invoke_id - The actual ID of the invoke that should be returned.
Callback Function:
A string containing the error information.
usage: {
time: (number) - The UNIX timestamp that was associated to the usage log entry.
billed_duration (number) - The number of milliseconds the function ran for.
memory_size (number) - The size of Lambda instance that was used for the execution.
max_memory_size (number) - The total number of mb that was used during execution.
exec_status: {},
logs: [{
invoke_id (string) - The actual invoke_id of the execution.
type (string) - Defaults to 'log'. Reserved for future use.
time (number) - The UNIX timestamp that was associated to the specific log entry.
data (string) - Data that was actually written to the log.
var aws = {
accessKeyId : "",
secretAccessKey: "",
region: "us-east-1",
maxRetries: 2,
sslEnabled: true,
convertResponseTypes: true
var config = {aws : aws};
var Parser = require('@jasonfill/lambda-cloud-watch-log-parser')(config);
var opts = {
log_group_name: '/aws/lambda/webhooks-io',
log_stream_name: '2015/04/06/97811a2c85f54bd285916e1b1d75d6ff',
invoke_id : '5434c6a5-dc40-11e4-9497-9f7835f8ec01'
Parser.getLogData(opts, function(err, result){