1.0.5 • Published 2 years ago

@jasonkochel/react-cognito-auth v1.0.5

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2 years ago


This component provides a UI for the authentication flow powered by AWS Amplify. It is an alternative to using Amplify's own pre-built UI components (the Authenticator component and withAuthenticator HOC), or to creating your own UI.

It implements the following screens and manages the transitions between them:

  • Sign In
  • Sign Up
  • Verification (after a new sign-up)
  • Forgot Password

It also supports social sign-in (Google only for now).


Your own project must already be handling the configuration for AWS Amplify and making the call to Amplify.configure().

The component requires that you are using email-as-username semantics. It also has a hard-coded validation that the password be at least 8 characters.


The Authenticator component expects the following props:

  • onSignIn - callback function which will receive the AWS Cognito payload once a user successfully authenticates
  • signupFields (optional) - array of field definitions to prompt for when a user signs up for an account

    • Do not include the "email" (username) or "password" fields in this array. They are hard-coded to be rendered as the first and last fields in the signup form.
    • Typical standard Cognito field names are "name" and "phone_number"
      • If this prop is not provided, the default is just the "name" field
    • Other fields that may be defined in your Cognito schema must be prefixed with "custom:"
  • socialProviders (optional) - array of strings of social login providers to offer; currently only supports Google Auth (['Google'])

Rendering the authentication screens

In the component which should wrap the authentication screens, conditionally render either this Authenticator component or your own root component for logged-in users:

const [authState, setAuthState] = useState();

/* event handlers and your own code here */

// render:

if (!authState) return null;

return (
  {authState.authenticated ? (
    <MyPrivateApp user={userInfo} />
  ) : (
      signupFields={signupFields}   // if omitted, default is {email, name, password}
      socialProviders={['Google']}  // omit if not using

Handling the authentication response

The onSignIn prop is a callback which will receive the authentication payload from AWS Cognito. From this, you can extract the JWT and claims and store them in your local state. For example, your implementation of onSignIn might look like:

const onSignIn = cognitoUser => {
  const idToken = cognitoUser?.signInUserSession?.idToken;

  if (!idToken) return;

  const user = {
    jwt: idToken.jwtToken,
    sub: idToken.payload.sub,
    name: idToken.payload.name,
    email: idToken.payload.email,

  setAuthState({ authenticated: true, userInfo: user });

Detecting initial authentication state

If your app supports persisting sign-in between sessions, detect the initial authentication state like so:

useEffect(() => {
    .then(user => onSignIn(user))
    .catch(() => setAuthState({ authenticated: false }));
}, [onSignIn]);

This calls the Amplify Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() function to detect if the user is already logged in. If so, your onSignIn() function will be invoked with the Cognito payload.

Sign Out

This component does not handle signing out. Your own UI should own the Sign Out button. Trigger a sign out in Cognito like so:

const onSignOut = () => {
  Auth.signOut().then(() => setAuthState({ authenticated: false }));

Internals and Dependencies

Peer dependencies are React and aws-amplify/amplify-js.

The only internal dependencies are:

  • react-hook-form to control the forms of the authentication screens
  • clsx to compose classNames
  • crypto-browserify and stream-browserify to provide the browser polyfills required by Amplify, since Webpack no longer bundles the Node.js polyfills (see here)

It does not rely on nor utilize a UI framework like Bootstrap or Material-UI. Styling is done via Tailwind CSS and already transformed into pure (minified, tree-shaken) CSS.


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