0.0.4 • Published 2 years ago
@jasonlamv-t/rehype-code-title v0.0.4
I'm writing a blog project with mdx-bundler and I want to annotate code title such as filename in the top of the code block. This plugin does just that!
import rehype from 'rehype';
import rehypeCodeTitle from '@jasonlamv-t/rehype-code-title';
import rehypePrism from 'rehype-prism-plus';
.use(rehypeCodeTitle) // better choice to be before rehypePrism.
.process(/* some html */);
For some markdown files like this:
const codeType = 'js';
It will be processed as:
<pre class="language-js">
<div class="code-title">index.js</div>
<code class="language-js code-highlight">
<span class="code-line line-number" line="1">
const codeType = 'js';