1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@jcmagoo/react-env v1.0.0

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3 years ago


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Create-React-App (CRA) allows the use of environment variables to configure the application for separate environments, for example allowing different API keys in development, staging and production environments. However, unlike in a traditional server-side environment, these environment variables are 'baked into' the resulting app when it is built.

If you are running a separate build for each environment this solution can work well, however in the world of container-based deployments we often want to build a single container, and then use that in multiple environments. At this point, the CRA approach of baking in the environment variables at build time isn't ideal; we want to apply the environment variables in the browser based on the environment that the user has browsed to.

This context-based hook aims to provide a simple solution to runtime configuration by allowing the React app to download a configuration from a provided URL. If you're backend is running in a container you can then mount the environment specific configuration into the app's container. For example in K8s this could be mounted from a secret.


Using npm

npm install @jcmagoo/react-env

Using yarn

yarn add @jcmagoo/react-env

Getting Started

Wrap your app in the EnvProvider, and speify where to get the environment config from, and a default configuration if the load fails for any reason.

// src/index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {EnvProvider} from 'react-env';
import App from './App';

const defaultEnv = {
    environmentName: 'dev'

        defaultEnv={ defaultEnv }
        <App />

Now use the useEnv hook to access the configuration once it's been loaded

import React from 'react';
import { useEnv } from 'react-env';

function App() {
    const {
    } = useEnv();

    if (state === 'LOADING') {
        return (<div>Config is loading...</div>)

    const hasExtraText = hasFeature('extra_text')
    const theValue = getValue('example_value')

    return (<div>
        <div>Welcome to the {env.environmentName} environment.</div>
            state==='ERRORED' && <div>Environment failed to load, using defaults</div>

export default App;