1.4.0 • Published 2 years ago

@jeswr/css-auth-utils v1.4.0

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2 years ago

CSS Auth Utils

This is a temporary library for logging into the Community Solid Server using client credentials.

import { getAuthenticatedFetch } from '@jeswr/css-auth-utils';

const fetch = getAuthenticatedFetch({
  podName: 'example',
  email: 'hello@example.com',
  password: 'abc123',
  url: 'http://localhost:3002/'

Logging in using the browser flow

In some testing use cases we wish to follow the browser login flow, but mock the user interaction with the browser. This can be achieved using the cssRedirectFactory which fills in the email and password and completes the user flow with the CSS using puppeteer.

Generally this should only be used when testing browser login flows in e2e tests.

import { cssRedirectFactory } from '@jeswr/css-auth-utils';

await session.login({
  oidcIssuer: 'http://localhost:3000/',
  redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:3001/',
  handleRedirect: cssRedirectFactory('hello@example.com', 'abc123')

If you just wish to get the session, and don't need to control the server for redirect URLs then you can do:

import { getSessionFromBrowserLogin } from '@jeswr/css-auth-utils';

const session = await getSessionFromBrowserLogin({
  email: 'hello@example.com',
  password: 'abc123',
  oidcIssuer: 'http://localhost:3000/',

ESS Logging in using the browser flow

import { essRedirectFactory } from '@jeswr/css-auth-utils';

await session.login({
  oidcIssuer: 'https://login.inrupt.com/',
  redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:3001/',
  handleRedirect: cssRedirectFactory('myUsername', 'abc123')
import { getSessionFromBrowserLogin, essRedirectFactory } from '@jeswr/css-auth-utils';

const session = await getSessionFromBrowserLogin({
  oidcIssuer: 'https://login.inrupt.com/',
  email: 'myUsername',
  password: 'abc123',
  redirectFactory: essRedirectFactory


©2023–present Jesse Wright, MIT License.