0.2.1 • Published 2 years ago

@jetvil/cm-api v0.2.1

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2 years ago


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📚 Content management API for integrating with NodeJS Express(backend) and Prisma(ORM)


  • 🚀 Easy to use: Easy to install in your project.
  • ES6+ && TS: TypeScript and ES6+ support(JS).
  • 📦 Required dependencies: You don't need what you won't use: express and prisma.
  • 💵 Free: It's free and always will be, the beauty of open source.

Getting Started


To use this package, install using npm, yarn or pnpm📥:

# npm
npm install @jetvil/cm-api
# yarn
yarn add @jetvil/cm-api
# pnpm
pnpm install @jetvil/cm-api


const express = require("express");
const { PrismaClient } = require("@prisma/client");
const jetvil = require("@jetvil/cm-api");

// prisma with eg. postgresql and schemas: "user" and "post"
const prisma = new PrismaClient(); // Prisma ORM, you must have it installed and generated.
const app = express();
const jetvil = jetvil();

app.use(express.json()); // for parsing application/json.

jetvil.setClient(prisma); // Set prisma client here or pass it in the router() method.
const router = jetvil.router(); // Empty by default, you can configure it by passing an object.

app.use("/api", router);

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Server is running on port 3000");
// Routes such as /user and /post will be available at /api/user and /api/post


You can configure the router by passing an object to the router() method.

By doing so you can adjust the routes to your needs.

const jetvil = require("@jetvil/cm-api");

const jetvil = jetvil();

const router = jetvil.router({
  client: prisma, // Prisma ORM, you must have it installed and generated.
  global: {
    schemas: ["user", "post", "profile"], // if specified, only these schemas will be available.
    methods: ["get", "post", "put", "delete", "fake"], // if specified, only these methods will be available, 'fake' will not be used.
    middleware: [
        methods: ["get"], // Method to which the middleware will be applied.
        schemas: ["user"], // Schema to which the middleware will be applied.
        handler: (req, res, next) => {
          // Middleware function.
  config: {
    // note how the schema is the key and the value is an object with the schema config.
    // these are overrides for the global config on a per schema basis.
    user: {
      methods: ["get", "post", "put"], // note how the delete method is not included.
      actions: ["read", "create", "update", "delete"], // these actions determine what the user can do with the schema.
      // for example, if the user has the 'read' action, he can only read the schema.
      // when the 'filter' action is included, the user can filter the schema on the schema.

      middleware: [
        // this middleware will override the global middleware for the user schema.
          handler: (_req, _res, next) => {
            console.log("Middleware applied to user schema!");
  verbose: true, // If true, the router will log the routes it generates.


For more information, please check out the documentation📖.


Found a bug🦟? or want to suggest a new feature🆕? or just want to help🆘?

Feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

Contributions are always welcome!🎉

  • Fork the project here.
  • Create a new branch like this: git checkout -b feature/featureName.
  • Commit your changes to your branch: git commit -m 'Create AwesomeFeature'⚙️.
  • Push your branch: git push origin feature/featureName.
  • Open a pull request on the dev branch here🔃.

📒Note: Make sure to add tests for your changes ✅.