0.1.0-alpha.1 • Published 4 years ago

@joebochill/test-auth v0.1.0-alpha.1

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4 years ago

React Native Auth UI

@etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui package in Components feed in Azure Artifacts

Dev Build Status

The React Native Authentication UI Component provides a consistant authentication and registraton experience across Eaton mobile applications.


Login iOS Home iOS Password iOS


Login Android Home Android Password Android

User Interface

The React Native Auth UI provides iOS and Android support for Login, Forgot Password, Contact Information, Self Registration, Registration by Invitation, and Change Password.

Integrating the user interface into your application is as easy as providing the API calls for the various authentication and registration actions performed by the user. The AuthNavigationContainer automatically handles the presentation of the non-secure (pre-authorization) and secure (custom application) portions of a mobile application.

1. Setup and configuration

Scenario 1 (recommended): Integration into an existing React Native project

We recommend using the PX Blue CLI or React CLI to initalize your project. Follow these instructions to integrate React Native Auth UI into an existing React Native project.

Initial setup

Follow these instructions to connect to the @etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui feed and run yarn add @etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui to install the package. (Pass @<version> to specify a particular version to install).

You will see "unmet peer dependencies" errors after you run yarn in the parent directory. You need to install all the peer dependencies required by react-native-auth-ui:

TODO: Add a copy/paste blurb with all of the peerDependencies

"@pxblue/colors": "^1.0.13",
"@pxblue/react-native-components": "^2.0.2",
"@pxblue/react-native-themes": "^4.0.0",
"@react-navigation/native": "^5.1.1",
"@react-navigation/stack": "^5.2.3",
"react": "*",
"react-i18next": "^11.3.4",
"i18next": "^19.3.4",
"react-native": "^0.61.5",
"react-native-vector-icons": "*",
"react-native-elements": "^1.2.7",
"react-native-paper": "^3.7.0",
"date-fns": "^2.11.1",
"@react-native-community/viewpager": "^3.3.0",
"@react-native-community/masked-view": "^0.1.7",
"react-native-gesture-handler": "^1.6.1",
"react-native-safe-area-context": "^0.7.3",
"react-native-screens": "^2.4.0",
"react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "0.9.1"

You may also want to use "@react-native-community/async-storage": "^1.9.0" if you copy over and use store/local-strage.ts in a later step, as it requires AsyncStorage.

Don't forget to do a pod install in your iOS folder.

Implement AuthUIActions and RegistrationUIActions

You need to implement the backend networking for all networking within react-native-auth-ui.

Your implementation will likely involve writing calls to your APIs and caching the returned data, as needed, depending on the requirements of your application.

  1. Create a folder called actions inside your root directory.
  2. Create two empty files in the actions directory called <proj>AuthUIActions.tsx and <proj>RegistrationUIActions.tsx, where <proj> is the name of your project.
  3. Fill in the implementation details for the two files you already created in the actions directory.
    • The first file you created, <proj>AuthUIActions.tsx, will handle the implementation of the authentication related actions (such as login and forgot pasword).
      • The easiest way to create this file will be to copy the example mock implementation within the react-native-auth-ui repository. This is found in examples/src/actions/MockAuthUIActions.ts. Copy and paste the file's contents into your <proj>AuthUIActions.tsx file. You will likely want to rename the occurrences of MockAuthUIActions to <proj>AuthUIActions.
    • The second file you created, <proj>RegistrationActions.tsx, will handle the implementation of the registration related actions (such as loading the EULA and registration by invitation).
      • The easiest way to create this file will be to copy the example mock implementation within the react-native-auth-ui repository. This is found in examples/src/actions/MockRegistrationUIActions. Copy and paste the file's contents into your <proj>RegistrationActions.tsx file. You will likely want to rename the occurrences of MockRegistrationUIActions to <proj>RegistrationUIActions.
  4. You may also wish to copy over the examples/src/store and examples/src/constants folders from react-native-auth-ui for the purposes of compiling with the mock MockAuthUIActions and MockRegistrationUIActions before you write your own implementation. (Note you will need some dependencies if you use this local-storage.ts. Run yarn add @react-native-community/async-storage.)
  5. Import these two actions files inside your root app file (generally App.tsx):
import <proj>AuthUIActions from './src/actions/<proj>AuthUIActions';
import <proj>RegistrationUIActions from './src/actions/<proj>RegistrationUIActions';

Root application structure

  1. In the root app file (generally App.tsx), add the following imports to the top of the file:

    import {
    } from '@etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui';
  2. Inside your default export, wrap your entire application as follows, where <your_app_xml> is your existing app structure XML:

            <your_app_xml>   <--- Your existing app

Set AuthUIContextProvider options

  1. Create a function called AuthUIConfiguration in your root app file which specifies your configuration options for the React Native Auth UI component. The function should look something like this, where <proj> refers to a prefix with your project's name:
export function AuthUIConfiguration(props: { children: JSX.Element }): JSX.Element {
    const securityContextActions = useSecurityActions();

    return (

You can skip passing the projectImage property if you don't have one yet.

Explanations of the various configuration options can be found in the generated code documentation in the docs folder.

Set up Deep Linking

Currently, your have not implemented deep linking, so the XML in your root app file is not correct for AuthNavigationContainer.

  1. Copy the examples/src/navigation folder into your project for an example implementation of the deep linking options and the resolveInitialState method.
  2. Make sure to install your peer dependencies (e.g. yarn add @react-navigation/native to add react navigation to your project).
  3. Set up state for deep link handling in your App.tsx file before the XML return:
import { useLinking } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { authLinkMapping, resolveInitialState } from './src/navigation/DeepLinking';


const ref = React.useRef();

// Setup deep links. Check DeepLinking file for path to screen mapping
const { getInitialState } = useLinking(ref, authLinkMapping);
const [initialState, setInitialState] = React.useState();
React.useEffect(() => {
    resolveInitialState(getInitialState, setInitialState);
}, [getInitialState]);

Now you should be able to run your app with react-native-auth-ui integrated.

Scenario 2: From the example project

If you don't have an existing React Native project and would like an example as a springboard, consider using the provided example project in the examples folder.

Copy the examples folder

Clone or download this repo and then copy out the examples folder. Navigate into this folder and run yarn to install the required dependencies. The .npmrc file allows you to download the react-native-auth-ui dependency from the Azure DevOps feed. Follow these instructions to connect to the @etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui feed.

Rename the example project

Now you can rename your copied examples folder to whatever you'd like to call your project. You can update the relevant project-related configuration options in the package.json file. It is recommended you use something like react-native-rename to rename the project as there are numerous iOS and Android project files that must be updated.

Set AuthUIContextProvider options

You should also open the root app file (App.tsx) and adjust the configuration options of the AuthUIContextProvider as necessary for the React Native Auth UI component. Explanations of the various configuration options can be found in the generated code documentation for AuthUiContextProviderProps in the docs folder. For example, you will probably want to create a brand logo image (projectImage) for your app.

Implement the actions

In the example project, all network calls are mocked with sleeps. The EULA is also a static sample file.

Provide real implementation details within the examples/src/actions/MockAuthUIActions.tsx and examples/src/actions/MockRegistrationUIActions.tsx files, which are currently mocking network behaviour. Most likely, your implementation will involve making calls to an API and using local storage to retain information as needed by your application (such as the user's name and email).

You may also want to take this time to rename those two files, prefixing "AuthUIActions" and "RegistrationUIActions" with the name of your project. Make sure you update your imports if so.

2. Security state

After setup, you are now able to access various security actions and state from within your application. Importing useSecurityActions and useSecurityState allows you use these hooks as follows:

import {useSecurityActions, useSecurityState } from '@etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui';

const securityActions = useSecurityActions();
const securityState = useSecurityState();

The securityActions allows you to access actions related to user authentication and deauthentication. You can call securityActions.onUserNotAuthenticated(); to unauthenticate from the application.

The securityState allows you to access state related to security, such as the currently authenticated user's email (securityState.email).

More information about React Native Auth UI's exported objects can found in the generated code documentation in the docs folder.

3. Deep Linking


There are certain screens in the React Native Auth UI that are only accessible from an email link. For these screens, deep linking is required. Follow the React Navigation v5 Deep Link guide to configure your project for deep-link integration. (The example project is already properly configured in src/navigation/DeepLinking.ts).

See the file at examples/src/navigation/DeepLinking.ts for an example on how to set up deep linking in your project.

Handled screens and parameters

The following is a list of the screens and their parameters which a deep link may launch to:

  • login: the login screen.
  • PasswordResetInitiation: the first screen of the Password Reset flow.
  • PasswordResetCompletion: the later half of the Password Reset flow, takes parameter verifyCode.
  • RegistrationInvite: the Registration via Invitation flow, takes parameter validationCode.
  • Registration: the later half of the Self Registration flow, takes parameter: verificationCode.
  • SupportContact: the Contact Support screen.

Testing Deep Links

  • Test iOS simulator with xcrun simctl openurl booted authui://invite/8k27jshInvite234Code
  • Test Android with adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "authui://invite/8k27jshInvite234Code" com.shiverware.eaton.authui
  • Test on device from browser authui://invite/8k27jshInvite234Code

Note that the authui:// prefix is set by your application, as in the file at examples/src/navigation/DeepLinking.ts.

4. Building

Note: Building is NOT required for using module since this is an NPM package. However, if you are contributing, please follow this section on how to build the module.


Run yarn boostrap in the top level directory to install dependencies. This will install dependencies for this project, as well as for the example projects.


iOS: yarn ios in the top-level directory (this also install pods)

Android: yarn android in the top-level directory

Both these commands choose a default simulator or emulator.

Running on a Specific Simulator

  • Run yarn ios --simulator="DEVICE_NAME" (Replace DEVICE_NAME with the exact name of the simulator or device as you see it in Xcode, e.g. "iPhone 11 Pro").
  • Make sure your desired emulator is already running. Then run adb devices to get a list of the identifiers for the available emulators. Next, run yarn react-native run-android --deviceId=DEVICE_ID (Replace DEVICE_ID with the exact ID of the device, e.g. "emulator-5554").

For additional information (like how to run on a real device), read the React Native documentation.

5. Updating React Native Auth UI

You can update the @etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui dependency by running yarn upgrade @etn-sst/react-native-auth-ui.

6. Developing

If you want to continue development of this package, you can generate development documentation by running yarn docs (which uses TypeDoc to generate a code documentation suite in /docs). You can run yarn docs:open to then open the generated documentation to learn more about this project.

Prior to commiting, make sure to run yarn precommit. This will run the various validation scripts and generate new documentation and licenses.

7. Publishing

Update the version numbers and then run npm publish. Afterward, create a commit and a tag with your version number prefixed by "v", e.g. v0.1.0.

8. More Information

For more information about the specifics of the React Native Auth UI package, please refer to the generated code documentation in the docs folder.


4 years ago


4 years ago