0.4.0 • Published 3 years ago

@josephuspaye/match-common-formats v0.4.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago


Match a piece of text to common formats like URLs, email addresses, colors, and more.

Due to the large number of formats to match, this project is completed in parts:

  • Part 1: URIs (URIs + URNs + URLs) and IP Addresses (IPv4 + IPv6): Published in v0.1.0.
  • Part 2: Colors - RGB hexadecimal (8, 6, 4, and 3-character codes); rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), and hsla() (with comma and space separators): Published in v0.2.0.
  • Part 3: Email addresses and social tokens (@mentions and #hashtags): Published in v0.3.0.
  • Part 4: Currency (e.g. 2,000AUD or LRD2,000,000.75): Published in v0.4.0.

This project is part of #CreateWeekly, my attempt to create something new publicly every week in 2020.



npm install -g @josephuspaye/match-common-formats


Match with all matchers

The following example shows how to match a piece of text with all matchers:

import { match } from '@josephuspaye/match-common-formats';

const first = match('example.com'); // matches a URL
const second = match(''); // matches an IP address
const third = match('hello@example.com'); // matches an email address and a URL

console.log({ first, second, third });
  "first": [
      "type": "url",
      "label": "Web URL",
      "input": "example.com",
      "url": "http://example.com",
      "scheme": "http"
  "second": [
      "type": "ip-address",
      "label": "IPv4 Address",
      "input": "",
      "version": "ipv4",
      "address": ""
  "third": [
      "type": "email-address",
      "label": "Email Address",
      "input": "hello@example.com",
      "address": "hello@example.com"
      "type": "url",
      "label": "Web URL",
      "input": "hello@example.com",
      "url": "http://hello@example.com",
      "scheme": "http"

Stop matching after first match

The following example shows how to match a piece of text with all matchers, stopping after the first match:

import { match } from '@josephuspaye/match-common-formats';

// Would normally match a hex color code and a hashtag, but specifying `matchOne`
// stops after the first match, returning only the color match
const matches = match('#bad', { matchOne: true });

console.log({ matches });
  "matches": [
      "input": "#bad",
      "expected": [
          "type": "color",
          "label": "Hexadecimal Color Code",
          "input": "#bad",
          "format": "hex",
          "color": "#bad"

Match with select matchers

The following example shows how to match a piece of text with select matchers:

import {
} from '@josephuspaye/match-common-formats';

const first = match('example.com', { matchers: [matchUri] });
const second = match('example.com', { matchers: [matchIpAddress] }); // matches will be empty

console.log({ first, second });
  "first": [
      "type": "url",
      "label": "Web URL",
      "input": "example.com",
      "url": "http://example.com",
      "scheme": "http"
  "second": []

Match with a specific matcher

The following example shows how to match a piece of text with a specific matcher:

import { match, matchIpAddress } from '@josephuspaye/match-common-formats';

const first = matchIpAddress('');
const second = matchIpAddress('example.com'); // no match

console.log({ first, second });
  "first": {
    "type": "ip-address",
    "label": "IPv4 Address",
    "input": "",
    "version": "ipv4",
    "address": ""
  "second": null

Available formats

FormatTypeInput example
URIuri (data)data:image/png;base64,...
URNurn (isbn)urn:isbn:0451450523
URLurl (http)get.pizza
URLurl (https)https://example.com
URLurl (http)localhost:3000
IP Addressip-address (ipv4)
IP Addressip-address (ipv6)::1
RGB Color (Hex)color (hex)#bad, #bada55, #abcd, #aabbccdd
RGB Colorcolor (rgb)rgb(22, 22, 22)
RGB Alpha Colorcolor (rgba)rgba(22, 22, 22, 0.5)
HSL Colorcolor (hsl)hsl(22deg, 50%, 20%)
HSL Alpha Colorcolor (hsla)hsla(22deg, 50%, 20%, 80%)
Email address*email-addressjohn.doe+newsletters@example.com
Social token (mention)mention@JosephusPaye
Social token (hashtag)hashtag#CreateWeekly


  • The email address matcher is not technically "complete", as it doesn't match addresses with unknown TLDs, IP addresses, or special characters in the local part that are not +, -, _, or .. It is designed to match only a subset of technically valid email address, ones that are more "common".


interface MatchCommon {
  type: string;
  label: string;
  input: string;

interface Url extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'url';
  url: string;
  scheme: string;

interface Uri extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'uri';
  uri: string;
  scheme: string;

interface Urn extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'urn';
  urn: string;
  namespaceId: string;
  namespaceString: string;

interface IpAddress extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'ip-address';
  version: 'ipv4' | 'ipv6';
  address: string;

interface Color extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'color';
  format: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'rgba' | 'hsl' | 'hsla';
  color: string;

interface EmailAddress extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'email-address';
  address: string;

interface SocialToken extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'mention' | 'hashtag';

   * The mention or hashtag, with the @ or # prefix
  token: string;

interface KnownCurrency {
  code: string;
  name: string;
  symbol: string;
  otherSymbols?: string[];

interface Currency extends MatchCommon {
  type: 'currency';
  currency: KnownCurrency;
  amount: number;

type Match =
  | Uri
  | Url
  | Urn
  | IpAddress
  | Color
  | EmailAddress
  | SocialToken
  | Currency;

type Matcher = (string: string) => Match | null;

interface MatchOptions {
   * A list of matchers to apply, defaults to all matchers
  matchers?: Matcher[];

   * Stop matching after the first match
   * @default false
  matchOne?: boolean;

 * The default matchers
const defaultMatchers: Matcher[];

 * Match the given string to a URN, URL, or URI
function matchUri(string: string): Url | Uri | Urn | null;

 * Match the given string to an IPv4 or IPv6 address
function matchIpAddress(string: string): IpAddress | null;

 * Match the given string to a hex (RGB), rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), or hsla() color code
function matchColor(string: string): Color | null;

 * Match the given string to an email address
function matchEmailAddress(string: string): EmailAddress | null;

 * Match the given string to a social token (@mention or #hashtag)
function matchSocialToken(string: string): SocialToken | null;

 * Match the given string to a currency value
function matchCurrency(
  string: string,
  options?: {
    matchSymbol?: boolean;
    decimalSymbol?: ',' | '.';
    thousandSeparator?: ',' | '.' | ' ';
): Currency | null;

 * Compare the given string to known formats, optionally only those
 * matched by the given matchers, and get the matches
function match(string: string, options?: MatchOptions): Match[];




3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago