0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

@jrx2-dev/use-responsive-class v0.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago


Motivation: Proof of concept

The idea behind this hook is to apply at component level the same mechanics provided by the media queries but in this case taking as a reference the space occupied by the component itself.

A use case would be the need to create components that are represented differently depending on the space they are going to have. For example, for a responsive component library published in npm.

The hook receives a reference to the component to be controlled and optionally breakpoints to be used. In case of not receiving breakpoints, predefined ones will be used.

  interface breakpointsInput {
      readonly [key: string]: number;

Example (defaults breakpoints):

  const MEDIA_BREAKPOINTS: breakpointsInput = {
      small: 420,
      big: 768,

Size ranges will be created according to the breakpoints used with their respective classes.

  interface mediaBreakpoints {
    class: string;
    from: number;
    toUnder: number;

  const mediaBreakpoints = createMediaBreakpoints(MEDIA_BREAKPOINTS);

Sample response:

          class: "to-small",
          from: 0,
          toUnder: 420,
          class: "from-small-to-under-big",
          from: 420,
          toUnder: 768,
          class: "from-big",
          from: 768,
          toUnder: Infinity,

Each time a change is made to the size of the component, the class corresponding to that size range will be returned.

  getCurrentSizeClass(elementWidth, mediaBreakpoints) : "to-small" | "from-small-to-under-big" | "from-big"

How to use the hook:

    const elRef = createRef<HTMLElement>();
    const [responsiveClass] = useResponsiveClass(elRef);
    return (<div ref={elRef}>{responsiveClass}</div>);

The styles should be something like this:

  .root {
      &.to-small {
          background-color: green;
      &.from-small-to-under-big {
          background-color: yellow;
      &.from-big {
          background-color: red;

The package was generated following these guidelines: https://reactgraphql.academy/react/a-typescript-tale-how-to-publish-a-custom-hook-on-npm-with-typescript

A third party hook was used for ResizeObserver: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@react-hook/resize-observer