1.0.1 • Published 8 months ago
@jsnote-nemo/local-client v1.0.1
An interactive, browser-based coding environment that allows users to execute code safely, similar to well-known services like CodeSandbox and CodePen.
- Build an in-browser transpiler + bundler
- Dynamic fetching and loading of npm modules
- Caching for the imported package in IndexedDB
- Safely handling untrusted code execution, handling errors
- Manage state and handle complicated logic flows with redux
- Cumulative code execution when bundling
- Integrate formatting code editor with prettier
- Draggable resizing components
Tech Stack
- esbuild - transiple and bundle
- lerna - manage multi-package project
- Redux - manage state
- localForage - asynchronous data store
- monaco editor - code editor
- react markdown editor - markdown editor
- immer - state update
- Typescript - typescript
- Prettier - format code editor
Licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.