17.1.0-alpha.2 • Published 4 months ago

@julianobrasil/schematics-components v17.1.0-alpha.2

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Last release
4 months ago

A tiny set of component schematics

Side note

This project was tested with Angular 17.1 only, for that reason it was added it as a peer dependency. It may or may not work with previous versions. There are plans to port this library to previous angular versions, but no timeline for it to be done.

@julianobrasil/schematics-components is an alpha-version library used in personal projects. If you have a nice idea for a componnt schematic, or a suggestion to improve the code base, api etc, don't be shy and submit a PR.

The schematics rely on @angular/material being installed, but you can use it and further remove the material dependency if you like to. However, material is a peer dependency of the library, which means you have to add the --force option to the npm install.

How to contribute

To compile the project, from the project root directory (the same as angular.json):

ng build components

Switch to components project directory and copy the template files to dist directory keeping the directories tree by running the below commands:

npm run build

Switch back to project root directory and create a link to the dist directory:

npm link dist/component

Showcasing or smoke-testing the library during development

  1. Build the project following the steps above
  2. In the package.json of the root of the library (same diretory of the Angular.json file), add a dependency like this: "@julianobrasil/schematics-components": "file:dist/components
  3. Run npm install

For every change you make in the library, rebuild it, and npm install again

Using the library in your project

Install the schematics library

npm install --save-dev @julianobrasil/schematics-components

Default Behavior

All the generated components are built with two features out-of-the-box: 1 - A component service (in the same directory of the component). The service is already injected in the component and it's scoped to the component only. This is useful to be used as a façade service (so you keep your component class cleaner). 2 - A skeleton for the ControlValueAccessor (optional) - In this case, an empty type, named after the component's name suffixed with "Data" will also be created in the same file of the component service. That type will be used to represent the data in the Angular form. - For example: if your component class is MyComponent, the type will be MyComponentData - If you want to disable the generation of the ControlValueAccessor implementation, just add --control-value-accessor false to the command line

Available Schematics

component-module/login-module schematic

Generates a module folder containing:

  • The module definition
  • A component (inside its own folder) along with its associated service
  • A routing module configured so it can be lazy loaded and can have its own routes
  • A custom module for reexporting @angular/material modules to the component
  • (Optional and added by default) the skeleton for the ControlValueAccessor implementation

For the login-module schematics only, you can also add the --standalone true option, then you'll end up with:

  • A standalone component (inside its own folder) along with its associated service
  • A routing folder with exported routes and a routing component lazy loaded and can have its own routes
  • (Optional and added by default) the skeleton for the ControlValueAccessor implementation

Example: To generate all the files for a my-file module inside a views folder under the app folder:

ng g @julianobrasil/schematics-components:component-module --name my-data --path views

This will generate:

      │  custom-material.module.ts
      │  index.ts
      │  my-data.module.ts
      │  my-data-component.service.ts
      │  my-data.component.html
      │  my-data.component.scss
      │  my-data.component.ts

To generate a login module, with a simple login screen, and named after "login":

ng g @julianobrasil/schematics-components:login-module --name login --path views

component schematic

Generates only a component folder containing:

  • A component along with its associated service
  • (Optional and added by default) the skeleton for the ControlValueAccessor implementation
  • The component will be added to a module you specify or to the main module of your application

If you add the --standalone true option, then you'll end up with a stand alone component

Example: To generate all the files for a my-file component inside a views folder under the app folder:

ng g @julianobrasil/schematics-components:component --name my-data --path views

This will generate:


Note: Notice that the component isn't declared in any module of your project, so its your responsability to do so.