1.0.5 • Published 4 years ago

@jupiterone/bitbucket-pr-detector v1.0.5

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4 years ago

Bitbucket PullRequest Detector

Pull Requests increasingly dominate our technical workflows, yet ensuring that the right people review them, or that we have a centralized place to configure automation side-effects in response to new Pull Requests, can be challenging.

This module, intended to be run periodically, checks to see if new pull requests have been opened in one or more target bitbucket repositories.

If those PRs contain changes matching a certain pattern, this script will perform actions, e.g. sending a slack message to a configured channel.

Configuration and Usage

Import and execute the module via:

import { processPullRequestsAsync, PRDetectorConfig } from '@jupiterone/bitbucket-pr-detector';

const config: PRDetectorConfig = {

await processPullRequestsAsync(config);

Where config satisfies the interface:

export interface PRDetectorConfig {
    bitbucketOrg: string       // required, organization name
    bitbucketRepo: string      // required, repository name
    bitbucketUsername: string  // required, bitbucket user name
    bitbucketPassword: string  // required, bitbucket password
    bitbucketPRQuery?: string  // if given, will override bitbucket API filter
    slackWebhookUrl?: string   // if given, will alert to Slack
    slackAuthor?: string       // alert author
    slackAlertTitle?: string   // alert title
    detectPath?: string        // required if using default detectionFilter(), which
                               // returns true if any PR modified paths match string
    detectionFilter?: (config: PRDetectorConfig, diffStats: any[]) => boolean
    checkPRSeenAsync?: (config: PRDetectorConfig, input: PRSeenInput) => Promise<boolean>
    savePRSeenAsync?: (config: PRDetectorConfig, input: PRSaveInput) => Promise<void>
    processPRAsync?: (config: PRDetectorConfig, pr: any) => Promise<void>
    logger?: any

Detection filtering

Unless detectionFilter() is overridden, the module will search for Pull Requests which contain changed files whose path includes a substring specified by the detectPath config attribute. For instance, if you have a wiki repository, and it contains RFCs organized under a docs/RFCs folder, then specifying detectPath: 'docs/RFCs' will detect new Pull Requests that contain RFC documentation.

The detectionFilter function receives the config object, the Pull Request Object, and an array of Bitbucket API DiffStat objects for that PR.


The function should return true if that PR is considered novel or worth alerting on.

Alerting to Slack

If you'd like the module to alert to a Slack channel whenever a novel Pull Request is detected, configure the slackWebhookUrl with the custom integration webhook URL for a channel of your choice. You'll also want to configure slackAuthor and slackAlertTitle appropriately.

For instance, continuing the example above, we might specify:

  slackWebhookUrl: process.env.SLACK_WEBHOOK_RFCS_CHANNEL,
  slackAuthor: 'new-rfc-notifier',
  slackAlertTitle: 'New RFC Pull Request found in wiki repository'

If you'd rather not alert to Slack, omit the slackWebhookUrl attribute.

Persistence / Alert Deduping

Since this is intended to run periodically, a persistence store should be made available to cache previously seen Pull Requests, to prevent duplicate alerts/actions for the same triggering Pull Request. A key-value store like Redis or DynamoDB is ideal, but any persistence mechanism which satisfies the checkPRSeenAsync()/savePRSeenAsync() function interfaces will work. The module will complain if you have not overridden the default persistence functions.

Additional Processing

If you'd like to take other actions on new Pull Requests which satisfy the detectionFilter(), override the processPRAsync() attribute with a custom function.