0.4.0 • Published 12 months ago

@justeat/f-feature-management-vue v0.4.0

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12 months ago

Feature Management for Vue

This service wraps f-feature-management for use with Vue 2 or 3, allowing features to be queried in a reactive way (so they refresh when new config is loaded) if required. Non-reactive querying is also possible.


The settings object is documented in the main f-feature-management module. What this module adds is that the return "Feature Management" object has a property called reactive. If you call featureManagement.reactive.getValue() from a Vue context, it will be reactive and will be re-evaluated when new config is loaded by the Feature Management SDK.

Calling getValue() from the base "Feature Management" object will not be reactive and the value will remain until you explicitly call it again.

So for example if you have:

  data: () => {
      featureManagement: createFeatureManagementForVue({/*settings*/})
  computed: {    
    myDynamicFeatureStatus: () => {
      return this.featureManagement.reactive.getValue('my-feature') ? 'Feature On' : 'Feature Off'; //dynamic
    myStaticFeatureStatus: () => {
      return this.featureManagement.getValue('my-feature') ? 'Feature On' : 'Feature Off'; //static


vue-demi provides some shims around Vue 2 / 3 to help libs be compatible with either.

For this library we are using the set() shim (only exists in Vue2). There is a shim over reactive() for Vue2, which relies on the composition-api and converts the object to a Vue2 proxy (rather than creating a new proxy object, as reactive() does in Vue3).

We are not making use of this however, and indeed have not made @vue/compositionapi a peer dependency. The use of the Feature Management instance within a Vue2 app will do this for us, and as long we use the Vue2 set() function all should be well.

Note: the tests are set up to run under Vue3. We would ideally have the ability to run the tests under Vue2 as well.


12 months ago


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3 years ago