1.1.0-preview-20201001-1 • Published 4 years ago

@k2oss/k2-broker-core v1.1.0-preview-20201001-1

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4 years ago

K2 TypeScript Intellisense for SmartObjects

Use this package to get intellisense for K2 SmartObject services when developing your K2 Cloud broker code in JavaScript.


  • Full object model intellisense for making development easier

Setting up a NodeJS Project

Install the package with either NPM:

npm install --save-development @k2oss/k2-broker-core

or Yarn:

yarn add --dev @k2oss/k2-broker-core

You should then set up your tsconfig.json so that unsupported browser typings are not available:

    "extends": "@k2oss/k2-broker-core/shared/tsconfig.json"

Remember that K2 brokers must be a single bundled file, you can use a bundler of your choice to do this, but we strongly recommend Rollup.

Create a Broker

Every broker must have a hard-coded metadata section:

import '@k2oss/k2-broker-core';

metadata = {
    "systemName": "MyServiceBroker",
    "displayName": "My Service Broker",
    "description": "My JavaScript service broker."

Optionally, you may add configuration settings in your metadata section:

import '@k2oss/k2-broker-core';

metadata = {
    "systemName": "MyServiceBroker",
    "displayName": "My Service Broker",
    "description": "My JavaScript service broker.",
    "configuration": {
        "MyServiceKey1": {
            "displayName": "My Service Key 1",
            "type": "string"
        "MyServiceKey2": {
            "displayName": "My Service Key 2",
            "type": "number",
            "required": "true"

The remainder of the functionality is governed by methods, ondescribe and onexecute and onmessage. These return value of these methods is ignored, so you can freely return whatever you need for testing purposes (we recommend using Promise). At runtime, the broker will only consider a method completed once it has no JavaScript running and no outstanding network/IO requests.

The ondescribe method is called when K2 needs the schema (objects, properties and methods) of the service broker.

function ondescribe(configuration) {
        data: "top level data",
        objects: {
            "MyObject": {
                displayName: "My Object",
                description: "The description for my object",
                properties: {
                    "Value1": {
                        displayName: "Value1",
                        description: "The first value",
                        type: "number",
                        data: {complexData, "Some Data"}
                    "Value2": {
                        displayName: "Value2",
                        description: "The second value",
                        type: "number"
                    "Result": {
                        displayName: "Result",
                        description: "The result value",
                        type: "number"
                methods: {
                    "Add": {
                        displayName: "Add",
                        description: "Adds two numbers",
                        type: "read",
                        inputs: ["Value1", "Value2"],
                        requiredInputs: ["Value1", "Value2"],
                        parameters: {
                            "Param1": { displayName: "Param1", description: "Description Of Param 1", type: "number" },
                            "Param2": { displayName: "Param2", description: "Description Of Param 2", type: "number" }
                        requiredParameters: ["Param1"],
                        outputs: ["Result"]
                events: {
                    "MyEvent": {
                        displayName: "My Event",
                        description: "The description of my event",
                        properties: ["Value1"],
                        associatedMethod: "Add"
                displayName: "My Inbox",
                description: "The description of my inbox",

Additionally, you can add private data fields to the postSchema call. These are accessable in the onexecute method via the schema parameter. This schema paramenter is identical to what you passed in in the postSchema. Two examples of accessing this in your onexecute are shown below.

var data = schema.data //This will be "top level data"
var data2 = schema.objects.MyObject.properties.Value1.data //This will be the object {complexData, "Some Data"}

It is also worth noting that anything in the schema can be accessed in onexecute and onmessage in the same way, not just the data fields.


The onexecute method is called when K2 needs to execute a method that was described by your service.

function onexecute({objectName, methodName, parameters, properties, configuration, schema}) {
    switch (objectName) {
        case "MyObject":
            switch (methodName) {
                case "Add":
                        Result: properties["Value1"] + properties["Value2"] + parameters["Param1"] + parameters["Param2"];
                default: throw new Error(`${objectName}.${methodName} is not a supported method.`);
        default: throw new Error(`${objectName} is not a supported object.`);


The onmessage method is called when K2 needs to handle the message coming from external webhooks before posting (raising) an event to trigger an action in K2 described by your service.

async function onmessage({inboxName, message, configuration, schema}) {
    let contentType = message.headers['content-type'];
    let messageId = message.parameters['id']; 
    let content = await message.content.text();
    //Get information from the content string if required
    switch (inboxName) {
        case "MyInbox":                
                await postEvent("MyObject", "MyEvent", {
                    Result: "Id: " + messageId + "raise event";

When using types sometimes you need to cast properties and parameters for type specific operations. In the example below, you have a date parameter called “dateParameter” and a file property called “fileProperty”. Note that fileProperty is of type 'Attachment'. In order to access the Blob you must get the content property of the attachment.

function onSomeExecute(properties: SingleRecord, parameters: SingleRecord){
    let date = parameters["dateParameter"];
    if(!(date instanceof Date)) throw new Error();
    //date is now of type Date, and can be used as such

    let file = properties["fileProperty"];
    if(!(file instanceof Attachment)) throw new Error();
    let content: Blob = file.content;
    //content can now be used as a Blob, while file can be used as an Attachment

    // ...

List of available types:

  • Date
  • Attachment
  • number
  • boolean
  • string
  • null


If you need to access to the configuration setttings from the metadata reference the configuration parameter of the ondescribe and onexecute methods:

var myConfigValue = configuration["MyServiceKey1"];