1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

@kafka-mirror/kafka-mirror v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Kafka monitoring tool


For additional detail on data returned from KafkaJS Admin API, refer to: KafkaJS Admin


  • /api/schema not implemented
    • Fetches current schema from db
  • /api/topicList
    • Fetches list of topics from admin api
    • Data returned as an array of strings
  • /api/allTopicMetadata
    • Fetches metadata on all topics from admin api
    • Data returned as an object with property topics
    • TopicsMetaData Structure:
        topics: Array<TopicMetadata>,
  • TopicMetaData Structure:
        topic: String,
        partitions: Array<PartitionMetadata>,
  • PartitionMetaData Structure:
        partitionErrorCode: Number,
        partitionId: Number,
        leader: Number,
        replicas: Array<Number>,
        isr: Array<Number>,
  • /api/groupList
    • Fetches list of consumer groups from admin api
    • Data returned as an object with a property groups
        groups: [
            groupId: String,
            protocolType: String,
  • /api/describeGroups
    • Fetches metadata on all topics from admin api
    • Data returned as an object with a property groups
        groups: Array<GroupData>,
  • GroupData Structure
    errorCode: Number,
    groupId: String,
    members: [
        clientHost: String,
        clientId: String,
        memberAssignment: Buffer,
        memberId: String,
        memberMetadata: Buffer,
    protocol: String,
    protocolType: String,
    state: String,
  • /api/describeCluster
    • Fetches data on Kafka broker cluster
    • Data returned as an object with a property brokers, controller and ID
          nodeId: Number,
          host: String,
          port: Number
      controller: Number,
      clusterId: String,


  • /api/schema not implemented
    • posts current schema to db

Data Formats

Graph 1

const data = {
  brokers: [],
  clientId: String,

in kafka mirror access the kafka instance using admin get list of producers send to client