2.0.9 • Published 8 months ago

@katalyst-interactive/kpop v2.0.9

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Last release
8 months ago


Modals driven by @hotwire/turbo frame navigation.

kpop requires @hotwire/turbo and @hotwire/stimulus to be installed and configured correctly to be used.


Install gem

# Gemfile

$ bundle add "katalyst-kpop"

kpop supports installation of javascript dependencies with either import maps or yarn.

Stimulus controllers

If you are using asset pipeline and import maps then the stimulus controllers for modals and scrim will be automatically available without configuration.


Import stylesheets through using SASS using asset pipeline:

// app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss

@use "katalyst/kpop";

You can also load a precompiled version from the gem directly:

<%# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb #>

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "katalyst/kpop" %>


If you are not using import maps, you can add the yarn package to your project:

$ yarn add "@katalyst-interactive/kpop"

Import kpop styles

/* application.scss */

@import "~@katalyst-interactive/kpop";

Import kpop stimulus controllers

/* application.js */
import kpop from "@katalyst-interactive/kpop"


kpop provides helpers to add a basic scrim and modal target frame. These should be placed inside the body:

    <%= scrim_tag %>
    <%= kpop_frame_tag do %>
        <%= yield :kpop %>
    <% end %>

Show a modal

To show a modal you need to add content to the kpop turbo frame. You can do this in several ways: 1. Use content_for :kpop in an HTML response to inject content into the kpop frame (see yield :kpop above) 2. Use layout "kpop" in your controller to wrap your turbo response in a kpop frame

You can generate a link that will cause a modal to show using the kpop_link_to helper.

kpop_link_to's are similar to a link_to in rails, but it will navigate to the given URL within the modal turbo frame. The targeted action will need to generate content in a kpop_frame_tag, e.g. using layout "kpop".

<!-- app/views/homepage/index.html.erb -->
<%= modal_link_to "click to open modal", modal_path("example") %>
<!-- app/views/modals/show.html.erb -->
<%= render_kpop(title: "Modal title") do %>
 Modal content
<% end %>

Note that, because kpop modals render in a turbo frame, if you want to navigate the parent frame you will need to use target: "_top" on your links and forms, or add target: "_top" to the kpop_frame_tag call in your body.


Releases need to be distributed to rubygems.org and npmjs.org. To do this, you need to have accounts with both providers and be added as a collaborator to the kpop gem and npm packages.

  1. Update the version in package.json and lib/katalyst/kpop/version.rb
  2. Ensure that rake passes (format and tests)
  3. Tag a release and push to rubygems.org by running rake release
  4. Push the new version to npmjs.org by running yarn publish


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


10 months ago


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8 months ago


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1 year ago