1.4.0 • Published 1 year ago

@kbridenhaag/kbridh-form-wizard-controllers v1.4.0

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Form Wizard Controllers


A set of helpers for the creation of dynamic, multi-step forms using hmpo-form-wizard


You can use the mixins to extend the default controller exported by hmpo-form-wizard:

const BaseController = require('hmpo-form-wizard').Controller;
const PostcodeLookupMixin = require('form-wizard-controllers).PostcodeLookupMixin;

const PostcodeLookupController = PostcodeLookupMixin(BaseController);

You can then use this controller in the wizard's step definitions:

'/address': {
  fields: ['address'],
  controller: PostcodeLookupController,
  next: 'confirm-address'

Currently these mixins are available:


This mixin uses the PostcodeLookupModel. You must provide an API key and a base URL when instantiating the wizard:

const { Router } = require('express');
const wizard = require('hmpo-form-wizard');
const steps = require('./steps');
const fields = require('./fields');

const app = Router();

app.use(wizard(steps, fields, {
    name: 'my-form',
    postcodeLookup: {
      apiKey: 'myApiKey',
      url: 'https://sandbox.postcodeapi.nu/v3/lookup'

module.exports = app;


This mixin uses busboy-body-parser to parse multipart/form-data and put it into req.body. However, you should extend this mixin to do something with the uploaded data. It stores the following in your req.form.values:

fieldName: {
  data: Buffer("raw file data"),
  name: "upload.txt",
  encoding: "utf8",
  mimetype: "text/plain",
  truncated: false


This mixin uses nodemailer to send an email at the saveValues step of a controller.

const { Router } = require('express');
const wizard = require('hmpo-form-wizard');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
const steps = require('./steps');
const fields = require('./fields');

const app = Router();

const nunjucksEnv = nunjucks.configure(['./views'], {
  express: app,

app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.set('nunjucksEnv', nunjucksEnv);

app.use(wizard(steps, fields, {
    name: 'my-form'

module.exports = app;

And in steps.js you can provide sendOptions to a step definition

const emailerConfig = {
  from: 'sender',
  to: 'recipient',
  subject: 'subject',
  renderer: 'nunjucksEnv',
  template: 'some-template.html',
  context: {
    foo: 'bar',

// context can also be grabbed from the request object

emailerConfig.context = (req) => ({
  sessionID: req.sessionID,


You can also use pre-defined models for other custom controllers instead. These are extensions of the remote model found in hmpo-model.

Currently these models are available:


This model is designed to work with the Postcode API, which validates and finds Dutch addresses.


This package also includes some validators that come in useful when using our mixins, for example in your fields definition:

const { mimetype, fileSize } = require('kbridh-form-wizard-controllers').validators;

  logo: {
    type: 'file',
    invalidates: ['check-logo'],
    validate: [
        fn: mimetype,
        arguments: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg']
        fn: fileSize,
        arguments: 5248800