1.1.0 • Published 5 months ago

@kilcekru/dev-server v1.1.0

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Last release
5 months ago


Simple and fast dev-server with live-reloading.\ Serves and watches one or multiple folders, reloads html on file changes.

DO NOT use this in production, dev-server is meant only as a tool for developing your code.


npm install --save-dev @kilcekru/dev-server


import { startServer } from "@kilcekru/dev-server";

const server = await startServer({
	root: "./public", // required; directory to serve
	port: 8080, // required; server port
	host: "localhost", // address to bind to
	delay: 200, // delay in ms after file change before reload
	injectCss: true, // inject css changes instead of reloading
	reloadOnReconnect: false, // Reload html when dev-server is restarted
	chrootRefresh: false, // Refresh html only on changes in the same or a sub-directory
	hashFiles: false, // prevent reloads if file change has same content
	ignored: undefined, // Defines files/paths to be ignored for file-watching
	middleware: undefined, // Array of middleware to add custom handling for requests

// address the server is listening on

// you can manually stop the server
await server.stop();



startServer(options: DevServerOptions): Promise<DevServerResult>;


root (required)

Path of a directory that contains the files to serve.\ Non-absolute paths are interpreted relative to current working directory.

Multiple roots can be given as Record<mountPath, directoryPath>.

  • mountPath: Url the directory will be mounted on
  • directoryPath: Path to directory

Multiple roots are independent; a change in root will not reload html served from another root.

port (required)

HTTP port the dev-server listens on.\ Setting port to 0 will use a random unused port.


Type: string\ Default: localhost

Host adress to bind to.


Type: number\ Default: 100

Time in ms to wait after file change before refreshing.\ Very small values might trigger reloads before file write is finished.


Type: boolean\ Default: true

Don't reload on changes in css files, instead refresh only stylesheets.\ Only works if css files are included with <link rel="stylesheet"> in html.


Type: boolean\ Default: false

Reload html when dev-server is restarted.


Type: boolean\ Default: false

Refresh html only on changes in the same or a sub-directory.\ This is usefull to serve multiple independent webapps in folders next to each other.


Type: boolean\ Default: false

When a file changes compare the file hash to the version before.\ This prevents a refresh when a file has been written with the same content.\ e.g. esbuild will write every file on every build.

This will increase CPU load especially if a lot of files are watched.


Type: anymatch-compatible definition.\ Default: undefined

Defines files/paths to be ignored, absolute file path is tested, not just filename.\ If a function is provided, it gets called twice per path, once with a single argument (file path), second time with 2 arguments (file path, fs.Stats object).



	path?: string | string[];
	handler: (req: http.IncomingMessage, res: http.ServerResponse, next: (err?: unknown) => void) => void;

Default: undefined

Array of middleware for custom handling of requests.

Middleware take precedence over any other route of dev-server.\ Middleware functions will be called in given order if their path matches request url.

Middleware are registers using @fastify/middie.



Type: string

Address dev-server is listening on.


Type: () => Promise<void>

Function to close the dev-server.\ Returns a Promise that resolves when the server is closed.