1.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

@kkboxorg/kkbox-javascript-developer-sdk v1.0.1

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Last release
7 years ago

KKBOX Open API Developer SDK for JavaScript

The SDK for accessing various metadata of KKBOX tracks, albums, artists, playlists and stations.

npm install

npm install @kkboxorg/kkbox-javascript-developer-sdk

Source Install

npm install

Build SDK

npm run build


For testing, you should first browse https://developer.kkbox.com/ and create an developer account, then create an app to get client id and client secret for that account.

Then, create a file name client_secrets.json, put it in the test directory and write the client id and client secret in it. The content will be like:

    "kkbox_sdk": {
        "client_id": "YOUR CLIENT ID",
        "client_secret": "YOUR CLIENT SECRET"

And then we can run the tests.

npm run test

How to use the SDK

There are two classes Auth and Api and you should initialize an Auth object by client id and secret.

import {Auth} from 'kkbox-javascript-developer-sdk'

const auth = new Auth(client_id, client_secret)

Then use the auth object to get access token.

auth.clientCredentialsFlow.fetchAccessToken().then(response => {
    const access_token = response.data.access_token

After getting access token, use it to initialize Api object.

import {Api} from 'kkbox-javascript-developer-sdk'

const api = new Api(access_token)

Now you can use various fetcher object to fetch data.

api.searchFetcher.setSearchCriteria('五月天 派對動物', 'track').fetchSearchResult().then(response => {

Most methods return paged result and we can use the fetchNextPage method to get the next page of result.

api.searchFetcher.setSearchCriteria('五月天 派對動物', 'track').fetchSearchResult().then(response => {
	api.searchFetcher.fetchNextPage(response).then(response => {

All the code.

import {Auth} from 'kkbox-javascript-developer-sdk'
import {Api} from 'kkbox-javascript-developer-sdk'

const auth = new Auth(client_id, client_secret)
auth.clientCredentialsFlow.fetchAccessToken().then(response => {
    const access_token = response.data.access_token
    const api = new Api(access_token)    
    api.searchFetcher.setSearchCriteria('五月天 派對動物', 'track').fetchSearchResult().then(response => {
        api.searchFetcher.fetchNextPage(response).then(response => {

API Documentation